Sunday, December 29, 2024

Just one more thing before you leave for vacation President Biden

 Al Ritter

America has a problem, and that problem stems from incentives given by law in taxes and welfare. The problem is not unique to America, most of the EU has the same situation. People are not reproducing fast enough to sustain an existing population.

Long gone are the times merely one generation ago that “a good Catholic family” consisted of 4 or more children. Not only did the parents replace themselves but offered additional children into the equation.

Sadly Margaret Sanger voiced her opinion about the world was soon to be massively over populated and her idea of birth control and eugenics began to take hold. 1973 was the year that Roe v. Wade became law and the slaughter of human babies started. Most disproportionally affected were the Black Communities.

From 1983 to 1997 abortions were occurring at over 1 million per year. Thankfully those figures are hovering at around 600,000 per year now, and will most likely drop even more after Roe v Wade was rescinded and handed back to the states.

What remains as a result is a country that has been decimated by a population of over 63 million children. At the same time adoption rights of the birth parents became more powerful making adoptions far more difficult in the United States forcing some parents wishing to adopt venture overseas for children.

The Biden Administration surely saw this self-inflicted wound and sought a solution. Rather than changing law by limiting welfare and tax incentives to single parent homes, Biden saw an open border policy as the solution.

The Open Border policy has caused more problems than it has cured. The subsequent invasion on the Southern Border has allowed many un-vetted military age men from MANY countries. Mostly uneducated people who bring their own cultures into America. They don’t see America as an opportunity to improve themselves and assimilate into American Society but to change America into basically the same thing they just left in their home country.

This not only dilutes our culture, but if up to Biden and Obama would give them voting power even as non-citizens. The census is another problem because when counted it would give these non-citizen areas additional legislative voting power.

If you were paying attention to where these illegals were being sent, you would see they were mostly being sent to Republican strongholds around the country in an effort to turn red areas blue.

So my question to you Mr. President, “Why did you open the border to America when your party was the one that started the invented population explosion crisis?”

Margaret Sanger’s racist eugenics experiment:

The sad statistics of abortion:

Thursday, December 26, 2024

End of an Era and the beginning of a new one

Al Ritter

First off I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the beginning of a Happy Hanukkah celebration. I want to thank my loyal readers for their continued participation in our journey.

The New Year is bound to bring us improvement on all the situations that the last Administration has forced upon us. The stock market is already anticipating a boost as futures are showing confidence in the President elect.

Retroactive pardons are showing the fearful mindset of the Whitehouse for not only past but future felonies of law breakers on both sides of the aisle in the past 4 years.

As I have said before...”Unless there are consequences for lawless actions, the violations will not only continue but multiply.”

The left cries RETRIBUTION, but quite frankly, I don’t care what they wish to call it, but I call it justice. Hopefully in this next administrations Trump will pick better people to run specific parts of the government.

Woke will be banished from the military, peace will be on the agenda and the open border crisis will end on day one.

I doubt Biden is making many last minute decisions and I think we all question whether he ever truly was for the last 4 years. What is evident however is the vindictive nature and viciousness of his handlers in the Whitehouse. Trying to remove the construction materials to build the wall and auction them off for pennies on the dollar is vindictive to say the least and criminal at the worst.

I have a suggestion for the New Year, let’s let our new Attorney General address the past and let President Trump address the future through not only cabinet picks but also Federal Judge Appointments.

Happy New Year my friends!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

What is Project 65?

 Al Ritter

What is Project 65 and what does it mean to you? Project 65 is run by far leftist NGO’s (Non- Governmental Organizations.) Recently the Biden Administration is attempting a Hail Mary pass within the few remaining days to transfer Taxpayer money into these far left NGO’s.

In much the same way it is extremely difficult to track random off shore accounts and shell LLC’s, it’s tough to track donations to these shell groups.

Jay Valentine is a computer expert that designed the EBay fraud detection system along with the TSA no fly list and multiple insurance fraud detection systems. He has now designed a system to track these NGO’s and where their funding comes from.

These NGO’s have a non-tax status usually in the 501c category.

In an attempt to be untraceable it appears as though the Tides Foundation (the left’s largest contributor) is doling out funds to most of these groups through multiple channels. But Valentine is using advanced quantum AI to root out their funding.

Project 65 has been conceived to attempt to disbar many prominent attorneys that have right leaning tendencies including many States Attorney’s General but also including such notables as Sen. Ted Cruz and probably the most notable attorney Alan Dershowitz.

Project 65 is aimed at destroying the right, and Biden is now funding them with taxpayer money!

Read the article here and watch the attached Rumble video:

Friday, December 13, 2024

Does an Empty Suit Possess a Moral Compass?

 Al Ritter

This is an interesting question for sure. I would contend that if that empty suit originates from Narcissism the answer would clearly be no.

Let me set this story into motion.

David Garrow is a fairly famous biographer and historian, he has studied some very interesting people including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When he starts his investigations and research, he has no idea where this will lead him, nor does he harbor any preconceived ideas on the outcome.

Unlike most journalists, Gallow doesn’t let his liberal bias dictate the analysis of his biographies.

He studies the person, corroborates facts from multiple sources then forms them into a concise biography and lets the reader make their own conclusion on the merits of that person he writes about.

In David Gallow’s book Rising Star he does a biography on Barrack Hussein Obama. Details were sketchy at best on his early life but Gallow did have one place to start, the autobiography supposedly written by Obama entitled Dreams from my Father.

Gallow questions if the book was actually written by a ghost writer, which has also been questioned by others, because the writing style doesn’t seem to match Obama’s. Be that as it may, after extensive research of the people, places and incidents mentioned in the book, Gallow has come to the conclusion that Dreams from my Father is merely a work of fiction rather than fact.

Gallow in an interview by David Samuels explains at length Obama’s previous girlfriends throughout college, his friends and even to his organizational days after college.

His conclusion was blindingly brutal, that this book was nothing more than projection from a Narcissist to create a false image of himself before his ascension into the political scene.

Obama was merely planting seeds of a false narrative to begin his career that led him to the Whitehouse.

Read a rather lengthy interview in The Tablet here:

David Gallows book:                                                                                       -

Monday, December 9, 2024

Slavery is Alive and doing well in the Democratic Party

Al Ritter

Remember when Biden uttered the words “They’re gonna put you back in chains!” Those words couldn’t have been more prophetic. What he should have said was, “We’re gonna put you back in chains!”

The Democrats have always treated slavery as if they were the great moralistic saviors, when in fact they were the very ones that voted against abolishing slavery. The KKK was their own invention as were the lynchings of the time.

Let’s not forget that not so long ago Joe Biden was best friends with Sen Byrd, a then high ranking Grand Cyclops leader in the KKK. The Democrats of today try desperately to distance themselves from their horrible past, but a new slavery of sorts is on the rise.

The Biden Harris Administration has virtually eliminated the Middle class in 4 short years. This leaves the Upper Class elitists and the lower class. The haves and the have nots is all that’s left. The ones with expanding incomes and the ones who survive on government handouts, because that is the way they want it.

Like it or not America, we have ushered in a caste system in the US that only serves the elite.

What do you mean Al?

The Democrats are fighting furiously to keep open borders, and they don’t even attempt to hide their racist reasons….Nancy Pelosi claimed “Who will clean our houses?” Debbie Wasserman Shultz recently said “Who will pick our crops?” Those are just about the most racist questions I have ever heard, and yet nobody ever calls them out on it.

So the newest members to the caste system in America are the illegals, and they rank below the lower class, this new group is the modern version of slavery and the Democrats have welcomed them with open arms.

Let me explain, this group of slaves has been ushered into our country by the cartels and yes even include unaccompanied minors. The Biden Administration has lost track of some 350,000 of these children claiming they are with sponsors but offer no proof. Those children have been sex trafficked with the knowledge of our government.

In my state of Maryland minimum wage laws don’t apply to “agricultural workers.” Nor does overtime pay, and they aren’t limited to 60 hour work weeks either.

We have a term for that it’s SLAVERY, and the Democrats pushed it on our country.

So the next time you hear a Black Democrat stand up demanding reparations for something that happened over 200 years ago, let’s ask them about the new groups of slaves their party just allowed into the country.

Illegal alien crisis:

Read more about the Maryland Law here:

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Divider-in-Chief is back in the Limelight

 Al Ritter

Not wanting to fade into history, Biden’s head puppeteer once again jumps into the public eye. Not content in merely licking their wounds and doing some research into why they lost the election, they have chosen instead to act like petulant children.

In true narcissistic fashion Barack Obama has thinly accused MAGA of election fixing and turning the DOJ into a political arm of the Office of the Presidency.

As explained in the past the term projection is what a typical narcissist does when he blames the victim of doing the very thing they are doing. Gas lighting is also very popular among these people. What they are saying is “Don’t believe your lying eyes.”

It was Obama’s regime that started to weaponize the DOJ and throughout his 3rd term as Biden’s handler he was able to further push that agenda with the help of Soros funded prosecutors.

The arrogance is strong with the Democrats labeling anyone who doesn’t think the same was as they as ignorant and uneducated. The election was certainly a referendum signed and sealed by the American people as to the idea…..The Country is headed in the wrong direction and we want it back the way it was.

MAGA is a threat to democracy!

How many times did we here that during the campaign? The Democrats performed a political coup and installed a person who has never garnered a single delegate on the national stage. They stole all the money raised by Joe Biden for his reelection and they claim that MAGA is a threat to democracy? Everything the Democratic Party has done in the last 4 years is a threat to the very existence of our country.

Just last week I visited my cousin who is a staunch Democrat. It’s amazing to me how the Democratic cult parrots everything said on MSNBC, CNN, and the View. She claimed falsely that Trump is a convicted rapist, and that two of his appointees are child molesters. This now seems like the modus operandi of the left, if the appointee is male he’s a child molester or a rapist. It should be funny to see what kind of dirty tricks they use against Pam Bondi Trump’s appointee for Attorney General.

The Democrats along with the RINO brigade are going to fight tooth and nail to deny any or all of Trump’s appointees. I hope he starts right off the bat installing them under the recess appointment process, temporary as it is 2 years should get the Administration in the right direction.

Read Obama’s remarks here:

Monday, December 2, 2024

Lies, Lies, and damned Lies!

 Al Ritter

Everyone knows that Joe Biden is a liar, facts, video and history has backed that assumption up. Not just for the last 4 years but his entire public life he has been a habitual liar. His supporters can’t just sign it off to his recent dementia, he has a 40 year history of lying.

So even though he and JKP repeatedly claimed he would NOT pardon his son when in fact he now has, we shouldn’t be surprised, should we?

He knows his legacy is trashed and this is the last ditch effort to keep his son, the felon out of federal prison for an extended period of time.

This is a first on many levels, it is the first time a President has pardoned a family member. It is also the first time a President has pardoned someone for not only crimes that he has been found guilty of, but also future crimes covering a decade period.

Notice that Biden has not offered the same blanket pardon to any other of his family members.

So to James Biden and anyone else who benefited from the money laundering scheme, just remember Joe threw you under the bus to save his loser son!

“No one should be above the law”……..Joe Biden May 31, 2024

Watch more here:

Read about Presidential Pardons:

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Poor losers usually want to take their ball and go home, but go home where?

Al Ritter

The party that used to be against war, and was all about free speech certainly switched teams in 2024. Now with talk about restoring free speech, stopping the never ending wars and taking law fare off the table the Democrats are acting like spoiled children stomping their feet.

The elitists are upset and rightfully so, they watched $1.3 billion dollars spent in three short months on a milquetoast candidate that never won an election on her own outside California.

The party elites also picked a fruitcake Governor as VP rather than the one who would have actually helped her win Pennsylvania, but alas he was Jewish and therefore inappropriate for the position because of anti-Semitism within the Democratic Party.

Yes Virginia, the party of claimed tolerance and inclusivity was now Big Brother as far as misinformation and religious hatred is concerned. They had the power and now they have lost it and they are all involved in temper tantrums.

Ellen DeGeneres and her wife Portia have left the country for England never to return, but what are they really escaping to? England doesn’t have freedom of speech anymore, and the taxes are going to be astronomical for that couple.

Other members of the elite claim they are moving to Canada which is almost as bad as England as far as free speech is concerned, and taxes are certainly higher than the US.

Other foot stompers are claiming they want to secede from the US and be part of Canada. The sword rattlers from California and New England are making noises to that effect.

Sharon Stone claims that over half the voters are “f---ing morons.” High School dropout Robert DeNiro is at loss for words how stupid America is, and Rob Reiner checked himself into a “rest place” after promising to set himself on fire if Trump won. What exactly is wrong with Democrats? The Republicans came out in droves this time to vote on a referendum to oust the current regime in the name of returning us closer to what our framers had designed. What don’t they understand about the idea that we can’t be ridden rough shod over anymore?

There’s a new sheriff in town and it isn’t the one elected by Democrats!

I’ve tried to rack my brain to remember ANY high profile true Republican that left the country when dementia Joe was sworn into office.

But are these idle threats or are they escaping because of possible prosecution in the United States? Who knows but if the Epstein files or P-Diddy’s lists are revealed and prosecution looms England and Canada won’t save them, they both have extradition agreements with the US.

One thing that might have us all sleeping better because of the election, Whoopie Goldberg age 69 has claimed no sex for her during the Trump Administration as she supports the TikTok “4B” movement.

I don’t know about you but I feel a little safer with her off the market.

Read More here:


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Retribution or merely enforcing the law?

 Al Ritter

The Democrats have been doing a lot of finger pointing lately, they want to place blame on their massive loss in the 2024 election. Sadly they never view the loss as their policy failures in the last 4 years.

They want to blame the legacy media, and the “stupid uneducated voters.”

Alienating half of America is what they do best even though they try to project an air of tolerance and respect, but that is just the hypocrisy we have come to expect from them.

Now we delve into the realm of legality. The Biden Administration has picked what laws to uphold and which ones to dismiss in the last 4 years. Because Biden’s Administration only lasted 4 years the statute of limitations isn’t even close at this present time.

I can’t even imagine the daunting task Pam Bondi has ahead of her come Jan 20th. I’m sure she is assembling a list of the figure heads she will hand down indictments on. The list will hopefully be extensive and include charges of treason.

Laws without any accountability mean nothing but hopefully this new Administration can restore the faith in the American Judicial system. The Judicial‘s job is to enforce the law not merely pick and choose which ones to prosecute.

There needs to be some semblance of impartiality of political stances when handing down decisions.

So it begs the question, “Where is the line between lawful prosecution and retribution crossed?”

Read here for more:

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

WTH is Biden thinking?

 Al Ritter

Biden has recklessly escalated tensions between the US and Russia, starting last week when he authorized ballistic missile strikes along with the UK deep inside Russia territories.

As a result Putin quickly revamped his nuclear protocol through Russian legislature

Even the Pentagon is questioning this intentional escalation by the Biden Administration.

But today it has come to light that Biden has taken another step in escalation, playing chicken with Putin by joining the Finnish Air Force flying two B-52 Stratofortress bombers in a NATO exercise precariously close to the Finland/ Russian border in simulated “air-to- ground drop” exercises.

As my dear departed Mother used to say, “If you keep picking that scab it’s going to bleed.”

Is Biden just doing this escalation in pure spite of his party’s loss earlier this month or is he trying to start WWIII to invoke martial law to stop the inauguration in January?

These reckless actions are going to be horrific for the American citizens.

Either way nobody is going to win this game of chicken and I pray that cooler heads will prevail.

Read More from Reuters here:



Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Tick Tock Fauci, Pam Bondi is coming for you!

Al Ritter

In a recent Elon Musk tweet on X Musk said his pronouns were “Prosecute Fauci.”

Later Fauci was seen on a CNN interview proclaiming “Prosecute me for what?” Time is running out for Fauci to be protected by not only Biden’s Administration, but by the Secret Service.

Even though Fauci is retired he still enjoys Secret Service protection to the tune of $15 million since his retirement in December 2022! There is no precedence for past employees of any agency to receive protection.

First I hope that Sen. Rand Paul leads the charge to eventually have Fauci prosecuted for lying to Congress about the origin of Covid, lying to Congress about the funding of Gain of Function research, lying to Congress about the efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine, lying to Congress about the safety of Remdesivir, and lying about masks and lockdowns.

Let’s revoke his security detail and let the chips fall where they may. He certainly has the money to hire his own team!

The arrogance of this little man only fuels the public’s need to prosecute him!

Read more here:

Monday, November 18, 2024

Inflation Reduction Act? Let’s take a closer look!

 Al Ritter

The Democrats are constantly claiming the Republicans want to take away your Social Security checks, while the whole time they have been raiding that cookie jar for decades.

But a new theft has been occurring under our noses without much exposure. Medicare has been raided by the Biden/Harris Administration since the inception of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Funds are being stolen from Medicare to fund such projects as, solar, Electric Vehicles, offering free health care to illegals, and many other pet projects all under the guise of “reducing inflation.”

How much you ask? In just 2 years the government has stolen $260 billion from the Medicare savings, and left unchecked could balloon to $330 billion.

Seniors will see spiking Medicare increases shortly unless something is done soon.

This whole situation has put the Federal Treasury on the hook for the Whitehouse Political gain.

Read More here:

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Donor's Remorse is running strong!

 Al Ritter

Well after a few days to calm America’s nerves after Trump’s landslide victory the anger is setting in on the Democratic Party. $1 Billion dollars were spent on a 108 day failed campaign and now the donors want to know why.

Not only was $1 Billion spent on the campaign, but now we find out that the Harris campaign had even overspent the $1 Billion! Her campaign is now in debt to the tune of $20 million.

How is that even possible you ask?

The star studded extravaganzas were not donations to her campaign. We were led to believe that stars such as Taylor Swift, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Lizzo, Eminem, and numerous others had donated their time to her campaign rallies. This where the anger is right now with her donors.

None of those hypocritical performers did this for the right reason, to support her campaign, they did it for money!

In essence people who went to her rallies, where there for a concert and it just so happened that a rally broke out after the entertainment stopped.

She was actually paying people to appear on her behalf to come to her rallies by way of a free concert.

Her donors are now pretty pissed off and want to know where their donations went, and rightly so.

Read more here:

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

AMERICA has SPOKEN! The Jets are fueling up!

 Al Ritter

It now appears as though the Main Stream Media and MANY polling outlets owe America a massive apology. They had become too big, they tried to form the opinion of the electorate around a false narrative.

By 4:30 am Nov 6, 2024 it was clear that Harris had no path to the Whitehouse. Of course with just 3 electoral votes away from the Whitehouse the Trump camp stands at 267 and Harris at 224.

Mysteriously (added sarcasm) The Main Stream Media and the Harris campaign is quiet not willing to admit defeat, but in fact it is inevitable. This has been the biggest Presidential comeback in history.

This comeback was possible by the massive failure of the Biden/Harris Administration’s radical leftist agenda. America has now spoken on so many topics.

Open borders will now be closed, oil and gas production will resume, as a result of low gas prices, transportation prices will drop and the American economy will recover, and people will no longer have to choose between food on the table or mortgage payments.

No longer will FEMA funds be reassigned to never ending wars and welfare for illegals. Instead they will be used for National Disaster relief like it was originally designed to do.

Hopefully now Obama and Hillary will disappear back into the holes of hatred from which they crawled to stump for an empty suit who didn’t win one single vote in the Democratic primary.

Democrats certainly earned the black eye they got from Biden’s coup just months before the election. They were pushed into a corner with Joe’s cognitive decline and could only reap the campaign funds by moving the second place into the lead position. Call it what they may it was still a coup, under the threat of the 25th Amendment.

We are about to see the most massive deportation in history, hopefully it will be self -deportation, and here is my solution.

1.      Enforce the law already on the books that fines ANY employer that hired an illegal alien $10,000 per employee. Cut off any and all welfare programs to any non-citizens.

2.      Deny any person citizenship who entered this country illegally twice.

3.      Deny citizenship to any person found guilty of a felony in their country of origin.

4.      Deport anyone found guilty of a felony in our country.

5.      Tax any remittance money sent back to Latin American Countries from non-citizens at the rate of 50%.

This would be insurmountable to any illegal in the country, if there are no jobs they wouldn’t be able to stay here.

Sadly Nancy Pelosi would have to clean her own toilet and Debbie Wasserman Schultz would have to pick her own crops.

Eating crow in the coming hours is going to be fun to watch as the MSM has to admit defeat along with the Administration they work for!

UPDATE: as of 5:45 AM Trump has now won the Presidency with 277 electoral votes!

Monday, November 4, 2024

I’ve never had to say this before but……

 Al Ritter

Depending on the outcome of this election I may have to make a monumental decision. I hope and pray for a decisive outcome…aka..(too big for a cheat) but I’ve never been much one to wear rose colored glasses.

Sadly I’ve seen the massive decline in not only our country but other Western Democracies also. I’ve seen the moral decay that is cursing most of the world right now. A few of my friends feel the same way as I do and we hold a common thought.

“I’m thankful that I’m on my way out of this world rather than just coming in.”

We all share the same thoughts too about how mortified our parents would be if they could see what has become of a once great country.

I’ll try to be optimistic over the next few days but I can see the future and what it holds for us and it isn’t a pretty picture. Even if we succeed in this election there are certain irrevocable changes that will be with us forever. Even if we win it will only serve to hold off the inevitable for a few more years unless an equally powerful Republican can take the reins in 2028 and guide our country from darkness.

If we lose this election there will be no place for us to go unless we leave this country, but escape to where? Our country even being the shining beacon of freedom and prosperity that it seems people from all nations want to flock to has been tarnished.

Our Constitution has become a joke to the present administration.

So this is my resolve……If Harris wins this election I will be throwing in the towel on this blog. It’s been a glorious 22 years and I want to thank all my faithful readers from countries all over the world.

The reason seems obvious to me, at my age I don’t want to be arrested and jailed because of my opinion, and that IS exactly where we are headed right now.

I’ll make my decision by the weekend, and I’ll let you know.


Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Posers

Al Ritter

I’m sure everyone knows one….the one who claims to be an independent voter. One who tries to make you think they are an unbiased voter that researches all sides before making a judgment.

Sadly later on you discover the exact opposite. This is what happened to me today when a self-proclaimed independent voter sent me an article about Lancaster, PA voting inconsistencies. In the article Trump said he accused the Nuns in Lancaster County about the abuse of the system.

The truth actually lies in voter registration where 2500 people have already been shown to be fraudulent in nature, signatures not matching registrations etc. There is so much to talk about this at this point, let’s dissect it. Even though the WSJ is considered a neutral publication, the same doesn’t hold true for individual writers, and such is that the case of a writer named Scott Calvert.

One only has to take a look at his past articles to see he surely has TDS.

The entire incidence was in the national spotlight because of long line in Lancaster County which is a predominantly Republican stronghold. Democratic poll watchers had told the people that if they wished to have a shorter line to go to another polling place with shorter lines. At this point I’d be more worried about the Amish vote being suppressed as they are turning out in record numbers to vote for Trump.

This amounted to two other voting places, one had closed down two hours early and another had supposedly run out of paper for their printer? So as you can see this had NOTHING to do with Nuns!

Maybe we need to delve into this a little further. Kamala did not attend the Al Davis Dinner which is a dinner for Whitehouse correspondents and political figures. Donald Trump attended but she did not which was seen as a snub to Catholics because they fund the dinner.

Now suddenly a claim surfaces that Trump is blaming Nuns for something underhanded? I only needed to research for 5 mins to see this article by Scott Calvert had no merit whatsoever, and this fraudulent claim has not been supported by any other new agency.

The fact that my “Independent” voter friend has shown me that he’s anything but independent but rather a liberal in drag to hide his true intensions of trying to convert me into his “joy” and feelings society that lies about everything.

The truly sad part of all this is that he probably believes the liberal propaganda that they push down his throat. He has admitted to me in the past that I do far more research than he does about politics and yet he tries to push this BS on me?

Scott Calvert’s article in the WSJ:


Friday, October 25, 2024

Adam and Eve May Be in Deep Schiff!

Al Ritter

The Heritage Foundation has uncovered some interesting stuff about the liar congressman from California. One of the most hated Congressmen and his wife might be facing some serious charges.

Falsely claiming a domicile state, ineligible voting, and mortgage fraud might be included in the list of charges brought against the Schiff Family.

In April of last year a complaint was filed by a concerned citizen that the Schiffs had sold their California house and purchased a house in Potomac Maryland and claimed it as their prime residence. At that same time both husband and wife had voted continually in California until they purchased a small condo back in California.

The Schiffs received favorable mortgage rates on the residence in Maryland because they claimed it as their primary residence hence the claim of mortgage fraud.

Schiff claimed that the Maryland thing was just a mistake and paid any back income tax to the state of Maryland. That certainly doesn’t address the fact that you can’t be a Congressman in California if your primary residence is in Maryland.

In essence he should be disqualified to run for congress this very election period!

Why wasn’t he removed from the ballot earlier this year?

Read the story here:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

We are at a Crossroads America

 Al Ritter

In 15 days and for some even closer to make a decision that will not only affect us for the rest of our lives, but will affect our children and grandchildren. To many this decision is a clear choice but to others that dislike one person and would risk their personal freedoms to keep that person out of office.

We have been lied to and gas lighted constantly by our own government under the guise of mis/disinformation. To them nobody is entitled to an opinion other than the one they hold. It doesn't matter to them that their own view is the very misinformation they claim to be fighting.

One very dangerous person in history whom I won’t name said…”Tell a lie and make it big enough and tell it often enough, and eventually people will believe it.” Yet another dangerous quote from the same person said… “ When an opponent declares I will not come to your side, I calmly say, your child belongs to us already, what are you? You will pass on, your descendants will stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community.”

Propaganda and indoctrination is nothing new our government has been overthrowing governments and starting coups all over the world. If you think that they aren’t doing the very same thing in our own country you are naïve.

The ruling elites (not those duly elected) have been massively altering not only the views in the USA, but all over the world in the last 8 years. Western Nations democratic rule IS in jeopardy, but not by who you think. Think about the last 4 years and who actually imprisoned you in lockdowns, who made you take an experimental drug just to keep your job or to go to a restaurant. Who made you wear a face diaper and stand 6 feet away from everyone based on NO scientific data.

Who encouraged you to vote absentee ballot because of a disease that they funded from gain of function (bio-weapons) research. Who held the patents on not only the disease but also the so called vaccine?

Who installed a puppet regime in Ukraine so the warmongering neocon party could start a proxy war against Russia?

Who opened the USA borders to anyone seeking to enter whose only end goal was dilute the vote of the actual citizens that have lived here their entire life? Who holds the same view as the UN, WHO, and the WEF and seeks to end sovereignty in individual countries?

Who has effectively turned their back on hurricane victims in predominately Republican areas of Appalachia? Who claims that they have 1400 FEMA workers on the ground in NC, but none of the civilian first responders have seen them in recovery searches?

They say that this election is the closest in American History, and to be honest I can’t understand how. We have two candidates that have history in politics, they both have a track record, one for 4 years as President and the other almost 4 years now as Vice President.

The one who served as President had an amazing track record of prosperity and peace and security of our country. The one who served as Vice President has parroted every single policy of the President she served under. She was the deciding vote in the house on 33 bills forcing the agenda of Joe Biden on the American people. She has been asked multiple times how her administration would be different than Biden’s. Sadly each time she was asked she had no real answer.

I truly fear for our country at this crossroad, if our Constitutional Republic dies at this election our situation will almost be the same plight as the people of Gaza who duly elected Hamas as their ruling party.

How’s that for an analogy folks?

Are we better off now than just 4 short years ago?

Watch Video about how Zelensky was installed as our puppet:

Watch video from the ground in North Carolina:


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

DOD just changed the rules instituting “shoot to kill” orders for all military assisting local law enforcement during civil unrest.

 Al Ritter

A recent update to DoD directive 5240.01 on September 27, 2024 has given the military the power to use lethal force when accompanying local and state law enforcement on domestic soil in violent situations.

Now who actually authorized such a controversial change? The directive had gone unchanged since 2016, but now with the election closing in rapidly we have now given the military the ability to kill its own citizens?

Is this a precursor to martial law being enacted, or at least the expectation of such an event?

In actual war zones the military has “rules of engagement.” Which sadly has taken many lives of our brave soldiers because they couldn’t react to a threat in a timely manner. There is no such wording in this new directive.

This is very eerie, not only the timing (so close to the election) but nobody seems to be claiming responsibility for the change.

Watch Video here:

Read article here:

First DoD directive in 2016:

Updated DoD directive 2024:


Monday, October 14, 2024

Can the Biden Administration get any dumber?

 Al Ritter

I truly have to stop asking that question because they are starting to see this as a challenge!

Last week I saw a YouTube video about a Chinook helicopter landing at an Inn in a little remote town of Little Switzerland, NC. They were one of the many towns cut off from the rest of the world after Hurricane Helene in the Appalachian area of North Carolina.

This town stands at an elevation of 3500 feet making deliveries of rations that much more difficult. The Chinook pilots were excellent and were VERY careful about their landing zone.

I must admit I was starting to think that maybe the government was actually doing something in this horrible situation after 10 days of basically doing nothing other than denying applications for the $750 per family.

I watched as the residents helped the military staff unload multiple pallets from the aircraft.

What I wasn’t paying attention to however was what those supplies were. I mean I did see water in bottles and the typical food stuffs, but didn’t look much past that.

What I have found out since is jaw dropping!!!!

Three pallets of battery powered chainsaws were delivered to a town with no electricity! Electric restoration may take months and yet some idiot government bureaucrat decided it would be smart to deliver battery powered chain saws.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Read the articles here: