Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Conservative Governors Find Clever Ways to Fight Vax Mandates


Conservative Governors Find Clever Ways to Fight Vax Mandates

Al Ritter

In a previous article I wrote about the Oklahoma National Guard and how the new General of that guard had informed the DOD that they would not be enforcing the vax mandate on any National Guardsmen in their state.

The legal rangling on this subject has to do with the idea that while the Oklahoma Guard is operating in their state they become in fact employees of Oklahoma as their salaries are paid for by the state. If the Feds activate the Oklahoma National Guard for any reason then are then paid by the Federal Government and therefore become their employees.

I stated back then that I thought this was only a temporary fix. The General is still awaiting a reply from the feds on the mandate.

Now Oklahoma Legislature has stepped into the fray with a much deeper reaching bill that will come up for a vote in the new legislative session this coming year. Because nobody can sue the Big 3 Pharma’s for damages done by adverse effects due to the Covid-19 vaccines, the Governor wants to attack from a different angle.

Gov. Kevin Stitt wants to make ANY entity that forces the Covid-19 vaccination on its employees as terms for employment be responsible for adverse effects up to $1 million dollars in damages. Let me say that again in other words, if your employer threatens your job unless you get vaccinated and you do in fact take the vaccination and suffer damages because of it….you can sue that company for up to $1 million dollars.

Now that certainly won’t make you whole again, but it is one step closer to holding at least SOMEONE responsible for the adverse effects.

It’s an interesting approach for sure and I hope it gains traction in the legislature early.

It would sure address some of the National Guard’s situation in that state too, but certainly not all of it.

Read my past article on National Guards here:


Read more about the Oklahoma Bill here:


Update in Stitt's actions pertaining to the National Guard:


Monday, December 27, 2021

Laws are Useless Unless They are Enforced


Laws are Useless Unless They are Enforced

Al Ritter

Barack Obama signed into law the Stock Act in April 2012 specifically forbidding Congress and Government officials from benefitting financially from inside tips while serving the people.

It is unclear if anyone in Congress has actually been charged criminally from this law.

What is clear however is the comments that Obama made while signing this bill.

“It’s the notion that the powerful shouldn’t get to create one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for everyone else”

While insider trading is against the law to everyone this law made it abundantly clear that the Congress should be held to a higher standard. Notice Pelosi in the background as Obama signs the bill.

What Martha Stewart was convicted of has so far eluded Nancy Pelosi and her husband. Pelosi has repeatedly said that she has no control over what investments her husband makes and that America is a free open market and she is also free to invest in what she wishes.

However in 2008 she got not only insider trading tips on an IPO of the financial giant VISA but her legislative actions enabled her to turn a $220,000 investment into a 9 figure windfall.

Nobody seems to bat an eye as she thumbs her nose at the very clear and concise Stock Act of 2012 HR 1148.

Some people however are starting to talk about her huge amassed wealth since she came into the Congress, even those in her same party.

Do I think anything will be done about this? I seriously doubt it, it’s painfully clear to me that there are in fact certain rules for us and they don’t have to abide by them!

Obama’s Stock Act:


Pelosi’s flagrant violation of law:



Saturday, December 25, 2021

NY’s Intention to Place Unvaccinated in Detention Camps


NY’s Intention to Place Unvaccinated in Detention Camps

Al Ritter

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any crazier in Covid Mandates the new Gov. of NY state Kathy Hochul has elevated things way past Gov. Cuomo’s insanity level.

Imagine if you will that possessing a fraudulent social security card isn’t necessarily against the law (as many illegal aliens do) but yet possessing a fraudulent Covid-19 Vaccination card is now considered in NY State as a class D felony punishable by up to 7 years in prison!

Gov Hochul has signed this one into law under the guise of public health violation that endangers others, presumably the vaccinated? The law is called “Truth in Vaccination Law.”

Just when you thought this was crazy enough out comes a piece of legislation to be debated in the NY State upcoming legislative session in January called bill A-416 which would give the Governor the ability to place anyone in indefinite detention that he or she deems to be a health hazard to the general population. Yes you read that correctly INDEFINITE! No chance of legal judicial intervention. This power would be granted to the Governor or any designee chosen by said Governor. Basically bureaucrats! Imagine being detained indefinitely for only exercising your right to make free and informed health decisions.

A band of Restaurants in NY has now gone one step farther requiring that employees and customers alike must show proof of not only vaccination but also booster shots! Whatever happened to the HIPPA laws signed by Barack Obama? Why should ANY business or restaurant for that matter demand access to your medical records? Do they demand the same for other diseases such as TB or Polio vaccinations? Of course they don’t, nor should they!

These power hungry politicians need to be reined in and stopped before there isn’t a constitutional line that they won’t cross!

Read about detention camps here:


Read about the restaurant overreach here:


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Mandates Without a Shred of Scientific Proof


Mandates Without a Shred of  Scientific Proof

Al Ritter

Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago says eating a muffin in a store requires Covid vaccination proof, but merely walking into that same store to pick-up a carry out order doesn’t?

She also claims just like the Biden Administration does that somehow the unvaccinated are the unclean virus carriers! Funny how she thinks that somehow the vaccinated don’t carry the virus and are somehow safer to be around. We are ALL carriers Lori, your claim has no merit or scientific support!

The mandates are even more ridiculous knowing that the vaccinated or unvaccinated can carry and spread the virus. When these dictatorial tyrants claim that the severity of the variant lessens because of a booster, there is NO proof of that claim only an unscientific guess.

Pfizer has said in an internal planning memo that they intend to produce 14 shots per person to every person in the USA. Think about that for a minute, that two dose vaccination is added to a predicted 12 boosters! Even Albert Einstein said that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different result. Perhaps had a premonition about Covid-19?

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Covid will run its course much the same way that the Spanish Flu did in 1918 regardless of what vaccine (and I use that term very loosely) comes into the market, The Spanish flu was actually H1N1, and as we now know never fully vanished even after many failed attempts. In much the same way many people will obtain some sort of natural immunity with Covid although now the CDC, NIH, and FDA are ignoring the natural immunity process even though it has been a scientific fact for centuries.

Not one thing our government says lately makes any sense and is heavily laden in “gas lighting.”

Biden is playing chicken, little claiming that a dark virus winter of death is ahead of us, and will cause many more deaths due to (the variant Omicron,) of whose name he normally can’t even remember.

While we are on the subject of Biden, he claimed in an interview on ABC this week that if he’s in the good health he’s in right now he will run for President in 2024! Good health he’s in now? Maybe this was a sneak preview into how he will bow out in 2024, under the guise of poor health or as usual he’s just in personal denial! He replied to a Trump rematch as, “You are tempting me now!”

He laughed at the possibility of running against Trump as if that would be a minor feat, again which shows how disconnected he is with reality.

All these so called leaders are crazy with power and refuse to relinquish it, from the President right down to the little Mussolini Governors and Mayors that run this rapidly degrading country we call America.

Watch the video here:


Pfizer and boosters:



Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Viciousness of the Left Has No Bounds


The Viciousness of the Left Has No Bounds

Al Ritter

So much to talk about this week, and none of it makes much sense. Joe Biden ran on the idea of uniting this country but he hasn’t done that any more than his last boss Barack Obama did.

More people have died either from Covid-19, the vaccine or the supposed cure under Joe Biden than under Donald Trump. Biden promised he would eradicate this virus, but his attempt has been an utter failure.

Biden thinks that the vaccine mandate for the military makes them a safer fighting force, but at the same time he has seen tens of thousands abandon the military because of those mandates. The worst part is that they were the most elite forces. The Seals and active duty fighter pilots were all casualties of Biden’s draconian mandates.

Two cases were won on the legal front to deny Biden’s initial mandate through OSHA to rule through edict rather than by the proper channel, legislation. Now another appeal was heard and this one favors Biden’s plan so the left is back on the warpath to force the businesses with over 100 employees to be vaccinated. This case represents 27 states suing the feds over the mandate and will most certainly get to the Supreme Court level and hopefully will be ruled unconstitutional.

These ridiculous mandates are not only dividing America farther, but the results are not accomplishing the very lies our President constantly spews. Biden tells us that vaccines and boosters make us safe when just the opposite is true, those vaccinated can still get Covid-19 and they also can spread it. But instead Biden has chosen to vilify the unvaccinated, basically claiming they are somehow “unclean,” and a danger to his vaccinated society.

Where have we heard that sort of vitriol before? Germany 1939.

Now we see the left actually eating each other in their own battlefield of centrist vs. progressives. Sen. Joe Manchin has NEVER been on board with Biden’s Build Back Better bill. The progressives claim that he is now the next worst thing since Benedict Arnold.

What a few politicians don’t seem to understand is that they were hired by their constituents to represent the people from their home state, not to act like a united gang that does nothing more than fight the other side.

Sen Manchin made his decision based on his constituency not on his loyalty to his party, and for that he deserves praise not condemnation.

Maybe a few politicians need to learn civility and respect for each other.

Watch Video here for more info:


And the craziness has no bounds:


Whitehouse on Joe Manchin's decision:


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Segregation Returns to America Under Biden’s Watch


Segregation Returns to America Under Biden’s Watch

Al Ritter

Draconian and unscientific mandates have caused widespread panic during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has happened to the point of companies that error on the side of caution and as a result they create equally stupid decisions.

Imagine if you will, a company so paranoid that they seek to segregate vaccinated and unvaccinated employees from each other regardless of actual science. It’s true that masks don’t actually work….never have. It’s true that the Covid virus can be transmitted by either vaccinated or unvaccinated employees. It’s true that social distancing is merely a theory and there has never been any randomly controlled trials done on the subject.

And yet here is a large corporation that has chosen to isolate and stigmatize a group of employees based solely on their vaccination status. This corporation is Bank of America. They are a corporation that has been known for bad decisions in the past, but this one takes the cake!

It’s not just Bank of America that’s making segregation policies based on Covid-19. One company has chosen to charge employees more for their health insurance if they aren’t vaccinated, or to submit to useless weekly testing for Covid.

Colleges refuse to admit students if they aren’t vaccinated regardless if their education is done in person or remotely.

It’s not just America, the whole world has gone crazy over Covid, and there isn’t one day in our lives now that isn’t affected by one Covid mandate or another. There has not been one shred of scientific evidence to back up these asinine mandates, and yet they not only go on but they get worse daily by the hand of government bureaucrats.

For a President who talked non-stop about Republicans wanting a return to the Jim Crow Laws, he sure is creating his own segregation by edict.

It will NEVER end until we as a people say that enough is enough

Listen to the video about Bank of America:


Segregation in Colorado:


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

U.S. / Russian Tensions Increase as U.S. Sub Sinks Russian Sub


U.S. / Russian Tensions Increase as U.S. Sub Sinks Russian Sub

Al Ritter

Tensions escalate as a Russian Submarine was rammed by an American sub yesterday flying under a NATO flag. Neither sub have been identified but the sinking has been confirmed by both sides off the coast of Norway.

The tensions increase as Russia has had increased the number of air flights over Alaska recently by their heavy range bombers.

Also Russia has nearly 100,000 troops amassed on the Ukrainian border supposedly awaiting an invasion in the coming year.

China and Russia have joined forces in combined war games in the Pacific raising a warning flag about the China /Taiwan situation.

As tensions escalate Americans worry even more about Joe Biden’s mental status and if he will lead us into a combined war with Russia and China.

Putin has definitely been the aggressor in this latest conflict but that offers no consolation to the America people already devastated by poor decisions from the Biden Administration including massive firings in the military due to Covid vax mandates.

Let’s pray that a de-escalation can happen before all side come to father blows.

Watch video here:


Russia ratchets up the tensions in new demands:


Monday, December 13, 2021

Meteorologist: “Biden’s Claim Linking Climate Change to Tornado in Kentucky Utter Bullsh*t!”


Meteorologist: “Biden’s Claim Linking Climate Change to Tornado in Kentucky Utter Bullsh*t!”

Al Ritter

What is the old adage? He lied and then the media complimented him on his lie.

Sure seems to be true with a lot of things coming from the mouths of government and the media today. The speech the other day from Biden only further shows that the man doesn’t even have a clue about science, specifically tornadoes, in fact it’s unclear if he even knows the difference between a tornado and a hurricane.

He somehow tried to link “rare winter tornadoes” to climate change. What he doesn’t know however is that #1 winter season tornadoes aren’t “rare” and #2 that winter tornadoes have in fact diminished to the lowest point in 100 years!

Meteorologist Chris Martz has stated that Biden’s comments are directly opposite to observational evidence. Tornadoes E-3 and above have actually decreased in frequency by 50% since the 1950’s.

Even the UN IPCC disagrees with Biden on the very basic ideas of tornadoes saying  “Attribution of certain classes of extreme weather (i.e. tornadoes) is beyond modelling and theoretical capabilities. How tornadoes will change is an open question.

Idiotic statements from Joe Biden however have become the norm recently. If it wasn’t so sad to watch his degradation it might be funny to listen to his hypocritical statements that don’t EVER come close to “following the science” as he usually boasts.

Why should we expect anything different from his Climate Change agenda? He and his Branch Covidians such as Lord Anthony Fauci have led us down a dark road of economic destruction on false science.

I said it once and I’ll say it again, the media and our own government are the leading purveyors of misinformation


Watch the video here:


Read More Here:


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sad Realization of a Once Proud American

 Sad Realization of a Once Proud American

Al Ritter


I don’t often repost the words of another, but I was touched by this eloquent assessment of our country today, I don’t know who wrote it but it certainly was well written.



I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all my life.  I have never wished to live anywhere else.  This is my home, and I was privileged to be born here.      


 But today I woke up and as I had my morning coffee, I realized that everything is changing for the worse.  No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, no matter how much I pray, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same.  I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends.  I look at people I have known all my life--so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own.  I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone.  We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind! 


You can't justify this insanity:


• If a guy pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.


• Somehow it's un-American for the census to count how many Americans are American Citizens.


• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.


• It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine.


• Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.


• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.


• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.


• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.


• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang member or terrorist who jumps the southern fence is welcome.


• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for "free" health care is not.


• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free. 


• If you cheat in an election nothing happens to you, but if you point out the mathematical errors of that election you are a conspiracy theorist & disdained.


• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.


• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan for us.


• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.


• Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of their rights.


• You are Condemned for using National Statistics to explain that Over 50% of ALL Crimes are committed by the 12% of the US population that is Black.


• And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"?!


  Nothing makes sense anymore — no values, no morals, and no civility. People are dying of a Chinese virus, but it's racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China.  We are clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong but killing unborn babies is okay  !


   Wake up America, the great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, it's taking on water, and is sinking fast. We Americans are drowning.  Speak up while you still have breath and a voice for soon you will have neither if you don't!


Gerrymandering, It’s How the Democrats Stay in Power


Gerrymandering, It’s How the Democrats Stay in Power

Al Ritter

A few years ago the state of Maryland was so gerrymandered by Democrats, it was uncertain if the Republican would ever have a voice in the state again. Even then Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley admitted it was an effective tool to assure Democratic rule for a long time into the future.

Under Republican Governor Larry Hogan a bi-partisan commission was formed to redistrict the state of Maryland in a more fair way. The commission worked towards that goal all to no avail.

The Maryland General Assembly voted to work in the exact opposite direction and gerrymander even farther in the beneficial direction of the democrats.

The redistricting has gotten so bad now that Kweisi Mfume past President of the NAACP is now the Congressman in District 7, a mainly rural farmland in Maryland. What exactly does a historically militant Black politician have in common with a white farming community?

Gov Larry Hogan infuriated, vetoed the bill only to have the Assembly come back and over-ride his veto.

The bi-partisan commission had a common sense approach but the liberals had quite a different idea.

See the Bi-partisan commission map here:


See the gerrymandered districting final approval here:


Thursday, December 9, 2021

DeSantis Reactivates the Florida State Guard


DeSantis Reactivates the Florida State Guard

Al Ritter

Gov. Ron DeSantis has decided along with the State Legislature to reactivate the Florida State Guard that has been dormant since the 1940’s. The legislature has authorized $3 million so far to reactive them.

The Governor’s concern has been triggered by the Biden vaccine mandate that requires all National Guard members to be vaccinated. Now Oklahoma is battling the same issue but in a different way. When the National Guard stays in their home state they are paid by that respective state. It’s only when the National Guard is deployed by the Federal Government outside their home state, they are paid by the feds.

This is where the legal matter lies, when funded by the state they go by state rules, when funded by the feds they go by federal rules. So jurisdiction plays a large part in this action.

In my opinion Oklahoma is fighting a losing battle on their front because they only have a legal standing until the Feds activate the Oklahoma National Guard outside their home state, then the vaccine mandate from the Biden Administration can be enforced.

DeSantis however is working a little differently. By reactivating a Florida State Guard, the feds have no legal standing to force any vaccine mandates on that guard. They also won’t have any legal jurisdiction on that group, only the Governor will. What is not clear however is how will this guard receive training? Will they be trained as a military outfit or as private police force?

The liberal media is having a field day with this news, they fail to report that 23 other states also have state guards including ultra-liberal California. They also aren’t reporting that it will be called the Florida State Guard but rather the “Florida Militia.”

Nothing like fueling the divisive fires of descent.

Watch the video here:


Read more here:



Read about Oklahoma’s struggle here:


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

When Did Pharmacies Stop Being Pharmacies?


When Did Pharmacies Stop Being Pharmacies?

Al Ritter

I don’t often write a rant about a particular business but today was the topper for me and the end of a business relationship with a pharmacy I have dealt with for about 2 years.

This particular pharmacy had received a prescription for me at 2:15 PM. I arrived shortly after to retrieve said prescription at 2:30 PM to be told that it was just received and it would take a while to fill it. I went to another doctor’s appointment and returned about an hour later to pick up my prescription.

Now to preface this situation, I had run ins with two particular counter people at this pharmacy in the past and looked at every trip there as a torture that I had to bear. The last two times they refused to offer the pricing that they had agreed upon with GoodRX.com. Both times the prescription dosages and amount of pills had been the same, and yet they had charged more each time.

I tried to offer the GoodRX codes twice before billing this time only to be ignored.

When I returned the second time at 3:30 PM I was shocked by the scene before me. At least 30 people sprawling around the pharmacy area taking every available seat (which was only 2.) What could this madness be? The answer was soon apparent Covid vaccine shots.

Obviously they don’t even adhere to their own policy of giving Covid Vaccines by appointment only as this would have alleviated the whole situation, but instead were just taking walk ins while under staffed.

Once again I asked if my prescription was ready, only to be told “It’s in the stage of the pills being counted” which I knew was a lie because my prescription comes in a boxed blister pack and merely required a label and out the door I’d go. I was given a number and told it would be another 15 mins. After 45 mins the number hadn’t even moved, so I inquired again. Same response, but this time I was told that I needed to be patient as the Pharmacy was short-handed and administering shots as fast as they could even though customers were receiving shots that arrived long after my prescription had arrived.

One such Covid vaccine recipient was a child under the age of 10 that they tried 3 separate times to administer the shot to but screamed her head off at each attempt, even prompting the mother to retrieve the family dog from the car to try to calm her. The tech attempted the vaccination 3 times and failed on every attempt, yet everyone was expected to endure this constant murderous screaming at every attempt. The parents, knowing that their autistic child would act this way, should have chosen another venue to administer the vaccine, but I merely viewed it as child abuse that I was forced to watch which turned my stomach.

Meanwhile people waiting for prescriptions are being pushed to the back of the bus so to speak.

This pharmacy had become a Covid Vaccine triage center that placed no priority on actually dispensing prescriptions.

2 hours and 45 mins. later my prescription was complete and as I presented my coupon for Good RX.com the cashier said in a rather surly tone, “Well now it’s going to take another 20 mins to rebill that!” Disgusted I pretty much had enough and started to leave when the Pharmacist came from behind the counter to try to tell me that they couldn’t honor the GoodRX price but this price was the best she could do. Her final offer was 60% higher. I paid the price and left rather disgusted with the whole experience. This will be the last time I ever use this pharmacy.

It’s really pathetic when the name on the front of the area says “Pharmacy” and yet that priority is ignored and turned into a state sponsored Covid Vax triage center instead!

To those interested this Giant Pharmacy is at 2145 York Rd. Timonium, MD 21093


Watch video of Pharmacies giving wrong doses and wrong injections:
