Saturday, December 31, 2022

Anyone Know This Guy?

 Al Ritter

My girlfriend and I were talking last night about Rachael Levine the assistant to the Secretary for Health and Human Services. We both were perplexed why the assistant is always talked about but never the Secretary himself. Well his name is Xavier Becerra, and he is actually the Secretary to Health and Human Services.

The assistant to the Secretary however is the poster child for moral depravity in the Biden Regime in much the same way the Biden administration’s “Non-binary” nuclear waste official Sam Brinton was paraded around before he was discharged for stealing suitcases at airports.

These people with serious mental issues are celebrated under Biden but only because of their issues, not for their actual abilities.

Meanwhile Xavier stands in the background while “Rachael” takes the limelight.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy New Year

 Al Ritter

I’ve been desperately searching for some positive vibes for the New Year. I’ve been in a funk ever since the midterms and I’m not sure how to change that. 80% of the country thinks we are headed in the wrong direction, and yet they keep voting the same people into office.

Voter fraud is at an all-time high and yet nothing seems to be done about it, Judges refuse to get involved, and if they do they refuse to rule against that fraud, only to legitimize it.

It’s hard to believe that just two short years ago America was growing at unprecedented rate, we had financial security, low gas prices, reasonable food prices, and America hadn’t been involved in a war in 4 years.

But here we are two years later, our President has launched a war on fossil fuels, even involved our military in the largest ecological methane disaster the world has even known by blowing up the Nordstream Pipe Lines.

His spending has forced the country into a recession. The downturn in the markets has tanked everyone’s IRA. We are still spending more for gasoline and food at prices we have never seen before.

We have now spent more on the Ukrainian military than we did on our own this year, and if Biden has his way that expenditure will be TWICE our military budget. He gave away our Strategic Oil Reserve to the EU as a result of him severing their gas pipeline from Russia.

Biden has changed our country from one of secure borders to a country of open borders, allowing millions of illegal aliens per year into our country.

As a result illegal drugs are also flooding our borders while Mayorkas gaslights us claiming our border has never been more secure.

I wished I could offer you some hope for the future, but as of today my logical thinking mind sees the light at the end of the tunnel, but it appears to be a train.

Monday, December 26, 2022

New Pandemic Already Planned, Now the Question is, Which Came First the Vaccine or the Virus?

 Al Ritter 

I’m sure we have all heard, at this point, about the planning meeting Bill Gates held just months before the Covid-19 pandemic entitled “Event 201.” This meeting foresaw the pandemic as a corona virus and its possible effects on the world, and what the actions should be to combat it.

Event 201 was sponsored by Johns Hopkins, the World Economic Forum, the WHO and the Gates Foundation in October 2019. Remember these sponsors, you will be hearing about them again. I’m sure during the Covid Pandemic most logical thinkers were seeing red flags popping up constantly, but two of the most glaring flags were…… How did they formulate a vaccine so quickly when most vaccines had previously taken 1 to two decades to produce? And number two, how could the efficacy rate be 95% when most vaccines are only 35% efficacy?

I have been asking since 2020 “Which came first, the Vaccine or the Virus?” Think about that for a minute and you will end up with more questions than answers. Was the vaccine manufactured first then the virus molded into the picture at a later date? Or was the virus first made then the vaccine was carefully formulated ahead of time?

It does seem strange that just months before the pandemic this exercise foresaw EVERYTHING! This is why many people called it a “Plandemic” because everything was carefully planned.

The next big question is, why didn’t the vaccine work as first reported? Maybe the formation of the vaccine was done haphazardly, or maybe mass casualties were planned from its initial implementation?

Ok put all this on the back burner and listen to what the new Forum suggests. Sponsored by all the same people that predicted the Covid-19 Pandemic forum called Event 201 comes a new forum entitled “Catastrophic Contagion” held in Belgium in Oct 2022, almost 4 years to the day of the first forum.

In this prepared simulation they are claiming this time it will not be a corona virus but instead an Enterovirus, usually starting in the gastrointestinal tract and spreading to other parts of the body including the central nervous system. Polio and Hepatitis A are enteroviruses.

They have even named this new virus calling it “SEERS” Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025.

So there you have it SEERS in 2025 originating in Brazil and killing billions of people, and those that survive will have neurological problems and even paralysis.

Now my question to you is, has the virus and the vaccine already been formulated? Is the virus just waiting to be released and who has patented it and stands to make the money from Royalties?

Watch the video here from Event 201:

Watch video on Catastrophic Contagion:

Read about the enterovirus here:

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Omnibus Bill is a Reckless Spending Mistake


Al Ritter

In the immortal words of the last Speaker of the House. “You have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.” It was merely one year ago Nancy Pelosi uttered those words in Congress when she presented a 10,000 page Reconciliation Act that had a price tag of $3.5 trillion.

The Congress has had since September 2021 to formulate a new budget and present it for a vote in the chamber. After an extension because it wasn’t completed the new Omnibus bill was finally printed out Tuesday morning at 2 AM. This gives Congress a mere three days to read a 4,155 page bill before an expected vote on FRIDAY!

Mitch McConnell has lauded the bill as a win for the American people because it gives $45 billion to the military and also gives another $45 billion to Ukraine on top of the $65 billion we have already given them. Let that sink in a minute, OUR military gets $45 billion and so does Ukraine. McConnell has already said this is the main concern of a unified Republican party to give Ukraine more money to beat Russia. We have now spent about twice as much on Ukraine's military as we have on ours.

Never mind that not one dollar goes to protecting our borders, but fear not, Uncle Joe comes to the rescue and gives Middle Eastern countries $410 million to protect THEIR borders!

The bill also includes more money for Covid just like the last Covid bill which less than 1% actually was spent on Covid relief.

If you thought Gender equality is necessary well then celebrate because not only are we working on that here but we will be funding gender equality in Pakistan.

You can’t make this stuff up people, if this passes the end is near, and we will plunge into the abyss.

Watch the Video on this insanity:

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

My Hopes and Predictions in 2024

Al Ritter

Every time I think about 2024 a cold chill runs up my spine. My candidate hasn’t won in a Presidential election in about 20 years, so you can take my prediction for what it’s worth.

As far as I’m concerned it will boil down to three people. Biden, Trump and DeSantis, who they pick for running mates will largely be inconsequential except in one instance. The way I look at Trump is simple, I never liked the guy, but I have to admit he did make some changes in Washington, and also in the world for the better. He does however, have one major flaw, he can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.

Trump also has something else working against him and that is his age. We have already seen what can happen to a 79 year old as far as cognitive ability goes. Look back to Ronald Reagan and how quickly he was diagnosed with dementia after he retired. I have said many times, there is a minimum age of 35 to be a President, so equally there should be a maximum age.

In my opinion, I don’t want an 80 year old in the office of the President making decisions on my behalf. I feel the same way about those in Congress. With that being said, I think it’s time for new blood. Trump was good for the time he was President, but unless he picks a younger running mate his chances of being elected are slim. While we are talking running mates, let’s explore whom he might pick. A certain ticket into the Presidency would be a Trump/DeSantis ticket. Both are extreme type “A” personalities and in my opinion would clash. Now Trump could only serve one term and this ticket could propel DeSantis into the role of heir apparent and could possibly cement a Republican Presidency for a total of 12 years.

I don’t see that happening although it could be a good strategy. Sadly Trump has left many good candidates casualties in his scorched earth style. His “win at any cost” personality has gotten him into the position he’s in right now. I realize that he’s trying to drain the swamp, but it’s not necessary to win every fight, but rather the war. I think Trump is damaged goods at this point and doesn’t have much of a chance at getting the Independent vote.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump picked Kari Lake as a running mate regardless if she wins or loses in Arizona.

The possibilities are endless, but in my opinion DeSantis is forceful without being brash. He picks his battles carefully and executes completely. His age is certainly in his favor, and he is definitely the most popular Governor in America right now. I think he would show the world the strong side of the American Presidency once again.

I really can’t see Biden winning re-election. Too many Democrats are seeing his rapid decline, and who knows what two more years will bring. The problem with the Democratic run is who will campaign against him? Elizabeth Warren? Bernie Sanders? It’s all more of the same from both parties.

It’s time for new blood in both parties!

Monday, December 19, 2022

DOJ Stepping Up on Arrests

 Al Ritter

If you think that the DOJ is actually enforcing laws to cut the uptick in violent crime in the nation, you would be wrong. It was announced this week that 72 more people have been arrested in connection with Jan 6th protest.

The arrests now stand at over 960 and ¾ of those arrested represent only minor misdemeanor crimes. Some of these arrests have been made merely from pictures in cell phones of others, as if guilt by association is an adequate reason.

These charges of trespass and disorderly conduct pale in comparison to the things Ray Epps has done on Jan 5th and Jan 6th and yet he has never been arrested. How can a man go from the FBI’s 10 most wanted list to being removed from that list with not so much as a reason given?

Meanwhile over 40 remain in the DC Gulag prison in deplorable conditions still awaiting trial after almost two years still violating federal law and the Constitution.

What exactly is the DOJ trying to prove with these latest arrests? It is quite clear that the rioters in the Northwest weren’t treated with the same viciousness that the Jan 6th protesters were.

Maybe the DOJ is doing one final mass arrest before AG Merrick Garland gets hauled before Congress to begin proceedings to impeach him. The Jan 6th committee is working in much the same way, handing down prosecution recommendations, before they lose power in two weeks.

Read More Here:

One arrestees plight after Jan 6th:

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Forty Acres and a Mule?

 Al Ritter

Although the earliest proposed reparations to slaves was suggested to give slaves 40 acres, the mule part came later. First proposed by Gen Sherman and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton as a way to break up the Southern Plantation owners grip on property ownership, and hand it over to the slaves.

This statement finally was said to be 40 acres and a mule, but never materialized as the Congress thought it would economically destroy the South.

Fast forward to present day in California. The government wants to give every black resident reparations of $233,000. It's not certain how the proof of a family history of slavery can be proven. Now mind you that California never had slavery, so no black family was ever a slave there, nor were any of the whites in California slave owners.

Call it what you want but this is only wealth redistribution by an elitist socialist Governor Newsom. Newsom even formed a study group on Slavery Reparations!

One rather prominent rapper testified at a hearing on the matter that the amount should be raised to $800,000 to more closely reflect the price of homes in the area.

Max Fennel an entrepreneur in the area said he thought the amount should be $350,000, and in addition black owned businesses should receive grants of $250,000 and 10-20 acres of land!

This program would cost Californians one half a trillion dollars. Can you imagine anything so stupid in a state that is already bleeding residents as well as tax income?

Where does this insanity stop?

Read more here:

Read about the Origins of 40 acres and a mule:

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Biden Must Be Running out of People to Give Our Money To

 Al Ritter

It must be nice to have a pocket full of money to just hand out to anyone that asks. Biden doesn’t seem to care that he’s saddling our grandchildren with a debt that can’t be paid off until long after he is dead. Ukraine seems to get money on a weekly basis along with arms that we just don’t have anymore, and oil reserves we don’t even possess anymore either.

This latest round of stupidity baffles even the most logical thinker. We are now giving money to the Taliban? Yes well Biden just sent a pallet full of money to Afghanistan for humanitarian aid all $80 million worth to the very government that is ruled by the Taliban. And why does Afghanistan need “humanitarian aid?” Aren’t they the ones that deny people human rights?

This is so reminiscent of Obama’s cash pallet delivery to another country that hates us, Iran?

Now add this to an announcement this week that Biden is sending $8 billion to Africa to stop burning coal.

When will someone stop this drunken dementia ridden sailor and his spending of not only taxpayer money, but money that he doesn’t even have?

Read More here:


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Fauci Now Claims Infectious Diseases Caused by Climate Change

 Al Ritter

Fauci has authored a new article in the New England Journal of Medicine on how climate change affects infectious diseases. We should all be damned to believe that Covid-19 was manufactured in the Wuhan Lab funded by Fauci himself.

Never letting a good crisis go to waste “Science” (formerly known as Dr. Fauci) has now anointed himself the honorary tile of climatologist.

He went on to say, “ often aided by climate changes, for unstable infectious agents to emerge, jump species, and in some cases adapt to spread among humans.” I’m sorry but isn’t that what he paid the Wuhan Lab to do? But now Fauci is playing a game of blame shifting and offering yet another laughable explanation of how infectious diseases get started.

If you thought that Covid restrictions were about the disease you would be very wrong. The mandates were about control and now that they have already done the dry run for behavior modification, next on their agenda is Climate Lockdowns.

Lest you doubt me, in May 2021 the International Energy Agency wrote in their article entitled Net Zero about how successful the Covid mandates were in immediate changes in behavior.

They pushed further that one could logically imagine, encouraging people to stop eating meats, giving up personal transportation or accepting smaller cars, closing airports, and even stopping all deliveries.

The Guardian in 2021 also called for Global Lockdowns every two years to accomplish the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Has anyone even addressed the quality of life from such insane demands?

The crazies are at the doorstep people, driven by the likes of Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates. All unelected billionaires bound and determined to run your life if you let them. We need to stop handing our autonomy over to outside concerns.

Read more about Fauci’s article here:

Read more about the Net Zero paper here:

My article on lockdowns from just last week:

Monday, December 12, 2022

Hunter is Money Laundering Again and Nobody is Stopping Him!

 Al Ritter

Call it influence peddling, call it money laundering. Now Hunter Biden fancies himself as an artist, yes you heard that right an ARTIST! Recently he showed up a SoHo art gallery with his art in tow. Priced from $65,000 to $200,000 Biden jumped to the front of the line ahead of juried artist with much more experience.

Just like his position in Burisma Gas Company in the Ukraine where he was paid millions he is now doing the same thing with the art world with little to no experience.

It appears the Whitehouse is complicit in this farce as they have told the art gallery that the purchasers' names will be kept secret.

I suppose the “Big Guy” will be getting cuts of all the sales on this too.

This corruption from the Biden Regime is disgusting, and it’s not even being hidden!

Read More Here:

Even more possible corruption with the Gallery itself:





Sunday, December 11, 2022

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Will Be Planning a Defamation Law Suit

 Al Ritter

Just when you don’t think anything can get more bizarre something like this jumps up on the scope. Defamation? First off defamation has to do with a lie. What could possibly be a lie after Hunter’s own book that admits drug use, illegal firearm purchase, compromised national security and underage sex? Then there has to be a loss associated with the accusatorial actions, or loss of reputation. I can’t stop laughing after that last one!

I do believe he covered it all in his own words. He also plans to sue the computer store owner also. What could he possibly sue him for? He left his computer there for repair but never picked it up. I’m sure he signed a legal form that allowed the store owner to assume legal ownership of the computer after a certain period of time after he eventually regained consciousness from a drug stupor.

If Hunter’s lawyers think that a civil law suit will stop a congressional inquiry into not only him but his father’s business dealings they are sadly mistaken.

I couldn’t help but to laugh at this absurd move by a law firm. Obviously they need to make a living too but really? One thing is for sure this will NOT be a pro-bono suit.

Read More here:

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Nuclear Micro-reactors, Maybe an Advancement for the Future?

 Al Ritter

I get lots of press releases from Congressmen, but this one piqued my interest. The Press release was from Rep. Byron Donalds from Florida and he talked about this new technology that I had never heard about until now. Donalds claimed that there is a new nuclear advancement that could be available in less than a year.

He claimed that the standard nuclear towers that exhaust condensation might be a thing of the past. These new micro-reactors could have saved precious time and restored power to Southwestern Florida in days to help with water purification and essential power requirements to help the restoration from Hurricane Ian.

These micro-reactors can be hauled in a tractor trailer to whatever location has a need. Originally designed for off grid areas such as mining or drilling operations where electricity isn’t readily available, but the technology can have multiple uses such as natural disaster areas as Rep. Donalds talked about.

The dangers of nuclear leaks is greatly reduced as these units can be powered by spent nuclear byproducts from conventional nuclear plants thereby making them even safer as a result. The units can supply up to 20 Mega-watts per unit, but can be daisy chained together for larger electrical requirements. The reported operational time is 8 years before refueling.

The wonderful part is that American Companies are already in production on these units and they may be available in as soon as 12 months. Very impressive technology that I never even heard about until this week.

Read more from Rep. Donalds:

Explanation from Dept of Energy:

Westinghouse is building them now:


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

New Lockdowns on the Horizon, But Not From Covid

 Al Ritter

Straight from the annals of the World Economic Forum comes a new idea from the leftists of the world. Called the 15 minute city, the WEF has now formulated the idea to form urban areas into their idea of a utopian city. These cities will ideally have no cars and will have anything you need within a 15 min walk or bike ride from your home.

The whole idea is based on Climate Change Lockdowns. What is a Climate Change Lockdown you ask? Say you want to visit Aunt Clara two towns away. You would apply for a permit from the city planners to make that trip. If you are successful you would now have permission to drive your car through an electronic gate system to do so.

I’m sure you are saying, “Oh that is a crazy conspiracy theory that could never happen.” To the contrary, it IS happening, and it’s no theory, it’s the WEF in action.

From the same group taking farms away from their owners in the Netherlands, the same group that want you to eat bugs rather than meat, the same group that limits the use of fertilizers comes this latest infringement of freedoms.

Full implementation of the plan will be in 2024 in the town of Oxfordshire England. It’s already been voted on and approved. As you can imagine this is already a very liberal town. It’s nice to know that they will only be inflicting their tyranny on their own like-minded people.

A similar situation happened in France not too long ago when during a heat wave citizens were told where they could go and where they couldn’t until the heatwave subsided, and of course falsely blaming the heat wave on climate change.

If you think that it’s only in England you would be incorrect, Paris France, Bogota Columbia, Seoul South Korea, and even Houston Texas is considering its implementation!

This isn’t about Climate Change, this is about control from a one world order. Covid-19 pandemic was their trial run, this latest lockdown is merely the next step.

Watch the video here you may skip to the 46:00 to hear about this subject:

Another Video from someone in England:

Friday, December 2, 2022

John Kirby Has a Graduate Degree in BS

 Al Ritter

I keep seeing this guy on TV interviews at the Whitehouse, and he’s usually lying about something. I decided to look up his Whitehouse credentials and I couldn’t help but to laugh, this is his actual title. National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the Whitehouse. His previous title was Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.

Sounds like they just made up a title to give him something to do. Whenever he opens his mouth lies and stupidity are soon to follow. Last week he was jousting with Fox Whitehouse correspondent Peter Doocy, claiming that Biden had issued 9000 permits for drilling and so far none have been used. He went on to explain that any further questions would have to be directed to Chevron.

In actuality the Biden Regime has issued 9000 lease permits but hardly any drilling permits…BIG difference John Kirby! One can’t be used without the other. Not to mentions that most of the lease permits are in areas where no oil exists.

Fast forward to an interview with Martha McCallum on Fox News about Apple’s decision to throttle back IPhone to IPhone interactions in China during protests thus censoring the protesters. Kirby in yet another big whopper claimed that Apple is a private company and therefor the Government has no influence on their actions. He repeatedly said that Apple is a private company when in fact they are a public company. He also said that the Whitehouse doesn’t tell private companies what to do. He went on multiple times to tell McCallum that she was comparing apples to oranges, which she wasn't.

I almost fell off my chair laughing, especially since Elon Musk just revealed that in previous ownership Twitter was in constant touch with their security team and even directing them on who to ban or censor. Musk has also revealed that the Whitehouse was actually directly involved in election tampering. Details are to soon be revealed.

Just know that Kirby certainly has either a Graduate degree in BS or he is the least informed in the Whitehouse next to Joe Biden.

Kirby’s Title:

Martha McCallum’s interview and Musk announcement:

Doocy vs Kirby video: