Thursday, December 22, 2022

Omnibus Bill is a Reckless Spending Mistake


Al Ritter

In the immortal words of the last Speaker of the House. “You have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.” It was merely one year ago Nancy Pelosi uttered those words in Congress when she presented a 10,000 page Reconciliation Act that had a price tag of $3.5 trillion.

The Congress has had since September 2021 to formulate a new budget and present it for a vote in the chamber. After an extension because it wasn’t completed the new Omnibus bill was finally printed out Tuesday morning at 2 AM. This gives Congress a mere three days to read a 4,155 page bill before an expected vote on FRIDAY!

Mitch McConnell has lauded the bill as a win for the American people because it gives $45 billion to the military and also gives another $45 billion to Ukraine on top of the $65 billion we have already given them. Let that sink in a minute, OUR military gets $45 billion and so does Ukraine. McConnell has already said this is the main concern of a unified Republican party to give Ukraine more money to beat Russia. We have now spent about twice as much on Ukraine's military as we have on ours.

Never mind that not one dollar goes to protecting our borders, but fear not, Uncle Joe comes to the rescue and gives Middle Eastern countries $410 million to protect THEIR borders!

The bill also includes more money for Covid just like the last Covid bill which less than 1% actually was spent on Covid relief.

If you thought Gender equality is necessary well then celebrate because not only are we working on that here but we will be funding gender equality in Pakistan.

You can’t make this stuff up people, if this passes the end is near, and we will plunge into the abyss.

Watch the Video on this insanity:


Anonymous said...

This is so ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

The list of progressive ‘woke’ policies compiled by researchers and analysts at the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget and reported on at the Daily Signal includes the following six items:

$1.2 million for LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers
$477,000 for the Equity Institute in Rhode Island
$1 million for Zora’s House a “coworking and community space” for “women and gender-expansive people of color” in Ohio
$3 million for the American LGBTQ+ Museum in New York City
$3.6 million for a Michelle Obama Trail in Georgia
$750,000 for the TransLatin@ Coalition for Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) immigrant women in Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

Sen. Bill Hagerty of Tennessee pointed out that in the bill, both Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement are barred from using a combined $1.9 billion for immigration enforcement in a Tuesday tweet.

On Page 753 of the 4,155-page “omnibus” spending bill is a short but damning provision—DHS gets $1.9 billion dollars for “border management”, BUT they are explicitly prohibited from using it for border security.🧵

Turk 182 said...

The Dems are spending money that they are borrowing to give away, this NUTZ!

Cary Ann said...

Well thanks to 21 RINOS, guess the monstrosity passed!

Anonymous said...

This makes me sick to my stomach, those traitorist bastard RINOS!

Vicki Z said...

Agree! There are not enough Working/Taxpayers to cover the money being printed for distribution from our current Government ����