Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy New Year

 Al Ritter

I’ve been desperately searching for some positive vibes for the New Year. I’ve been in a funk ever since the midterms and I’m not sure how to change that. 80% of the country thinks we are headed in the wrong direction, and yet they keep voting the same people into office.

Voter fraud is at an all-time high and yet nothing seems to be done about it, Judges refuse to get involved, and if they do they refuse to rule against that fraud, only to legitimize it.

It’s hard to believe that just two short years ago America was growing at unprecedented rate, we had financial security, low gas prices, reasonable food prices, and America hadn’t been involved in a war in 4 years.

But here we are two years later, our President has launched a war on fossil fuels, even involved our military in the largest ecological methane disaster the world has even known by blowing up the Nordstream Pipe Lines.

His spending has forced the country into a recession. The downturn in the markets has tanked everyone’s IRA. We are still spending more for gasoline and food at prices we have never seen before.

We have now spent more on the Ukrainian military than we did on our own this year, and if Biden has his way that expenditure will be TWICE our military budget. He gave away our Strategic Oil Reserve to the EU as a result of him severing their gas pipeline from Russia.

Biden has changed our country from one of secure borders to a country of open borders, allowing millions of illegal aliens per year into our country.

As a result illegal drugs are also flooding our borders while Mayorkas gaslights us claiming our border has never been more secure.

I wished I could offer you some hope for the future, but as of today my logical thinking mind sees the light at the end of the tunnel, but it appears to be a train.


Terri o said...

Very frustrating!

turk 182 said...

Sad but true :(