Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Fauci Now Claims Infectious Diseases Caused by Climate Change

 Al Ritter

Fauci has authored a new article in the New England Journal of Medicine on how climate change affects infectious diseases. We should all be damned to believe that Covid-19 was manufactured in the Wuhan Lab funded by Fauci himself.

Never letting a good crisis go to waste “Science” (formerly known as Dr. Fauci) has now anointed himself the honorary tile of climatologist.

He went on to say, “ often aided by climate changes, for unstable infectious agents to emerge, jump species, and in some cases adapt to spread among humans.” I’m sorry but isn’t that what he paid the Wuhan Lab to do? But now Fauci is playing a game of blame shifting and offering yet another laughable explanation of how infectious diseases get started.

If you thought that Covid restrictions were about the disease you would be very wrong. The mandates were about control and now that they have already done the dry run for behavior modification, next on their agenda is Climate Lockdowns.

Lest you doubt me, in May 2021 the International Energy Agency wrote in their article entitled Net Zero about how successful the Covid mandates were in immediate changes in behavior.

They pushed further that one could logically imagine, encouraging people to stop eating meats, giving up personal transportation or accepting smaller cars, closing airports, and even stopping all deliveries.

The Guardian in 2021 also called for Global Lockdowns every two years to accomplish the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Has anyone even addressed the quality of life from such insane demands?

The crazies are at the doorstep people, driven by the likes of Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates. All unelected billionaires bound and determined to run your life if you let them. We need to stop handing our autonomy over to outside concerns.

Read more about Fauci’s article here:

Read more about the Net Zero paper here:

My article on lockdowns from just last week:


Ron B said...

This clown never quits does he? Want to bet he never goes away, even after his retirement, because he never gets tired of hearing himself talk

Terri o said...

He is insane and needs to be locked up!

Peggy T said...

This guy is an un-indicted co-conspirator, they all need to be investigated and jailed. There is no innocence here, they all knew what they were doing, and even lied under oath!

Joanie K said...