Wednesday, August 31, 2022

My Son Hunter, the Movie

 My Son Hunter, the Movie

Al Ritter

I just found out this morning that a new movie depicting the life of not only Hunter Biden, but also the “Big Guy” Joe Biden is about to be released next Wednesday Sept 7th.

This film is directed by actor Robert Davi. Davi, as I’m sure you will recognize his face as one that usually played the heavy in many films has turned to directing. The left has been quick to smear this as a far right tactic to influence the midterm elections.

Personally I think they are merely jealous that they didn’t think of it first.

The movie allegedly chronicles the Life of Joe and Hunter in not so flattering terms as you can imagine.

Davi’s interview on the movie is rather enlightening as during the filming Hunters lawyers tried to raid the set. Although comical, their antics did not bear fruit and production went on.

See the interview here:

See the Trailer here:

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Twice Attempted Murder on a Sitting Congresswoman

 Twice Attempted Murder on a Sitting Congresswoman

Al Ritter

The leftists have lost their collective minds! Last Wednesday Marjorie Taylor Greene was “swatted,” a term used to call in a false 911 call to initiate a Swat Team response. This is a very disturbing way to accomplish a death by cop situation.

The fact it has been used on sitting Congressmen in the past but now on Rep Greene and her family is unconscionable. Here’s where things take an even uglier turn, they did it twice in 24 hours! Early Thursday morning this caller did it yet again.

Shortly after the second call the caller using a text to voice app called back 911 to claim it was them who called and claimed it was because of Greene’s stance on transgender legislation. Then the caller taunted the FBI to find them.

Now the FBI made arrests just one day after the Jan 6th rally and yet here we are 6 days after the first call and no arrests as of yet on this horrible situation.

If Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, or Jackson had been swatted you can bet that the FBI would have already arrested the culprit and charged them with the Patriot Act and been shipped off to GITMO!

Do your job FBI and find these perpetrators!

Watch here the video of the raid here:

Watch video here:

And now Steve Bannon:


Monday, August 29, 2022

Student Loans; How Did We Get to This Point?

 Student Loans; How Did We Get to This Point?

Al Ritter

It was all part of the grander scheme under Barack Obama. Under his direction the government took student loans away from the banks and put them under control of the government. We all know how that usually works out don’t we?

With the bank loans there was collateral or parents had to cosign to get a loan. It was known from all parties that if the loan defaulted there were consequences. Enter Barack Obama to save the day. His intention was always to excuse the student loan situation but he ran out of time. But wait, enter Barack O’Biden four years later. Now the final solution can be made!

So by the stroke of his pen Biden issued an executive order to excuse student debt.

Adults are especially mad at this point. What happens to the parents/students that actually honored their commitment and paid off their loans? Now they are punished for being honorable? Of course the Whitehouse has no intention to make restitution to those families. Instead they are paying off student loans on the wealthiest doctors and lawyers in the country. What about the millions of adults that could never afford to go to college? Is it fair that they will now shoulder the debt to put someone else through college?

The Democrats are making a statement here as they have with so many other expenditures in the last 19 months. Their agenda will be followed, money will be spent at the expense of generations down the road if this is allowed to continue. Our generation will only be paying interest on the debt, and never the actual debt itself.

The liberals want you to think that spending money will decrease inflation and improve the economy, when even a first year economics student knows differently.

The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is merely a speed bump in the road for Democrats. They continually ignore their recommendations and consequentially didn’t even wait for their report before signing the Inflation Reduction Act. REDUCTION in name only because it has nothing to do with inflation reduction.

Watch as Elizabeth Warren laughs at father that asked if he would be reimbursed for his daughter’s loan:

Watch this video:

Rep. Byron Donalds take on the program:

Even VP Harris can't explain where the money is coming from:

Sunday, August 28, 2022



Al Ritter

In yet another semi-coherent statement Joe Biden has now painted half of the voters in America as “Semi-fascist.” That’s right Joe now claims that MAGA voters are semi-fascist. Is that just a watered down fascist Joe? When asked what that meant he relied on his tried and true phrase, “You know what I mean.” Strikingly similar to the phrase to refer to the Declaration of Independence as “You know the thing.”

Joe refers to the Republican Party now as semi-fascist when in actuality he has turned his Democratic Party into the same thing he accuses the Republicans of. Weaponizing Government agencies to force the agenda from the left on America is actually the definition of autocracy which eventually leads to Fascism.

Name calling and placing labels on people doesn’t generally end well for the name caller, and probably won’t end well for Biden and his regime either. My mother always used to say, “When pointing a finger at someone, just remember there are always four fingers pointing back at you.”

The same goes for Antifa, they claim they are anti-fascist, when in fact they are the anarchists that promote a fascist movement.

The government seems to forget that they were hired to be our mouth piece, to represent the people. They seem to refer to themselves as our “leaders” when they should refer to themselves as our representatives. They aren’t rulers, nor should we allow them to act as such.

Semi-fascist isn’t a term to be lightly tossed about Joe, they are in fact fighting words, you dog faced pony soldier!

Watch Video Here:

Thursday, August 25, 2022

What Makes Hitler Comparisons Verboden?

 What Makes Hitler Comparisons Verboden?

Al Ritter

After WWII any mention of Hitler in Germany was veboden (forbidden.) The shame a country felt for the atrocities created by one man was immense. Swastikas were forbidden, and any mention of Hitler or his henchmen were forbidden. To this very day it’s against the law for a tattoo shop to tattoo a swastika on anybody!

The world was horrified at the disregard of human life, the experiments and the torture and death of 6 million Jews was more than humanity could tolerate.

Subsequently the Nuremberg Trials were held to bring these horrible Hitler Henchmen to answer for their crimes against humanity. Most were hung, a few were found not guilty, but many escaped to foreign country that had no extradition treaty with the United States.

What a few Americas don’t know is that in the still of the night many doctors and engineers were silently shipped off to America to start new lives furthering the technology that they started for Germany, but were now bringing here.

Because of the atrocities of the horrible doctors and what they did to the Jews, a code was formed never to be broken in the future. That code is now known as the Nuremberg Code.

Sadly this code was broken in 2020-2022 and probably will continue into 2023.

In much the same way Hitler acted, politicians round the world acted in this same manner during the Covid pandemic, and nobody has held them accountable yet.

View the Nuremberg Code here on the NIH site, sadly they broke almost every one of the ten rules/ international laws:

Watch the Video from a Holocaust survivor here:


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

No More Mr. Nice Guy

 No More Mr. Nice Guy

Al Ritter

For decades the Right has played by the rules, we have patiently waited for the Left to come to their senses. That day is never going to come. The Left has become even more emboldened, much more violent, and operates outside the law on numerous occasions.

Liberal district attorneys set the tone for ever increasing crime by refusing to prosecute specific laws already on the books. The Border Patrol knows better but has been hog tied by the Administration. Older FBI agents are disgusted by the politization of their once loved department. The DOJ has become the Department of Injustice. Nobody believes the CDC or the FDA anymore. Our entire Government is becoming the laughing stock of the world due to corruption and downright incompetence.

The Left continues to present themselves as the compassionate inclusive party when their actions speak very differently.

The Left has politically infiltrated every government entity and now serves as the strong arm of the Whitehouse. As of this moment the FBI and DOJ couldn’t be anymore biased politically.

As we enter the end of 2022 we are now seeing the Left become more radicalized and the threats of violence are increasing. They are now calling for a Civil War.

Everything they espouse violates the Constitution or would modify it to give them more power.

They intend to increase bad ideas, spend more of our money, and increase more of their socialist ideology.

It’s time to start playing by their rules and not ours.

Watch the video here:

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Sad Destruction of Our Country From Outside Interests

 The Sad Destruction of Our Country From Outside Interests

Al Ritter

Civilizations don’t usually last too long, The Byzantine Empire lasted some 1100 years.  The Mayan Civilization lasted 650 years. The Roman Empire lasted 450 yrs. As time evolved and the structure of the governments became more and more complicated the life span of those civilizations became shorter and shorter.

You may think after reading about the length of their existence, that we have a long way to go, but you may be wrong. Case in point U.S.S.R. founded in 1922 and formally dissolved in 1991 due to internal financial distress and internal political upheaval. So you see as internal pressures increase the sustainability of those civilizations decreases rapidly.

Thankfully the founding fathers of our country installed a lot of checks and balances in 1787 to avoid some of the pitfalls that cause a country to fail. Unfortunately when a country of laws is circumvented by private outside forces the downhill spiral has already started.

We have seen the unfettered takeover of social media by unabashed socialists. Most prevalent are the social websites that hide under Article 230 in an attempt to censor anything that isn’t to their liking or ideology. We have seen those same entities attempt to sway elections by throwing money towards what they say is a “Get out the vote” movement. Getting out the vote movement should NEVER include the purchase of mail in voting drop boxes.

Both Democrats and Republicans have been found guilty of fraudulent voting schemes, but one thing we should ALL want is fair elections. It is in fact the one thing that keeps us intact as a nation. Voter fraud is one thing that will turn us into a third world banana republic faster than anything.

Sadly in America the ones with the most money are the ones setting policy. One doesn’t need to look far to see the unelected power brokers are throwing money into the idea of a one party rule. Constant decisions that lead us to a rampant increase in crime serves nobody. In polls, Americans see crime as the number 1 issue. Yet we allow certain people to blatantly fund the candidates that are ready to circumvent our laws.

George Soros is undoubtedly the most powerful and dangerous to our Republic of all of those mentioned. His influence of the World Economic Forum is advancing the open border policies around the world. His Open Society Foundation has been banned in many countries in the world. Personally he’s never been banned from any country, nor does he have outstanding warrants in any country which is actually a surprise to me. He has been fined by France for Insider Trading which he was forced to pay 2.3 million.

Half our country wants to see this man in jail, deported or both for his past transgressions in currency manipulation and socialized political peddling. His past funding of campaigns of district attorneys sympathetic to his agenda is now wide spread fact. That funding has certainly factored in on the rampant increase in crime. These attorneys refuse to prosecute crime in general, frustrating the police and legislative powers in each state. They pick and chose what laws to prosecute and which ones to ignore totally violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution.

This influence peddling has to stop, it not only violates our constitution, but the safety of our citizens.

There has to be a limit that private individuals or their so called Foundations can spend on an election, otherwise elections will no longer just be voted on, but purchased.

Getting back to the demise of a civilization and its longevity, it’s now considered by experts around the world that the life span of a civilization is 250 years, think about that for a minute, that puts the U.S.A at 2026!

Read more here:

Watch video here:


Thursday, August 18, 2022

"Just One More Thing"

 “Just One More Thing”

Al Ritter

Just as the person was walking away Columbo got his best information with one phrase, “Just One More Thing.” Of course it was just a TV show and the writers seemed to have the most fun with that line.

But this idea has to do logical thinking and its end result. You eliminate lots of useless information and replace it with pertinent information.

Such is the case of the raid on Mar-a-Lago. There is plenty of useless information or shall we say purposely misleading information. The original claim was that a “FBI Informant” had made a claim that Trump was holding classified documents in his Mar-a-Lago safe. Even some people in Trump’s inner circle have said they never even knew he had a safe in his Mar-a-Lago home. One of his inner circle said that it had to be someone very close to have reported it, maybe as few as three people.

Another question arises, why didn't the FBI agent that visited Mar-a-Lago in June and recommended that another lock be installed on the door to the room, take those documents then with a subpoena? Why didn't the FBI take all the documents while retrieving the fifteen boxes in January? If these documents are so borderline to Espionage why has it taken 19 months to get them back? Many questions but few answers from the DOJ and FBI.

Ok we have a situation where this so called informant’s information was used solely to obtain a warrant? Does that make sense? Don’t you think that information would have to be corroborated with a second source before the warrant was issued? Otherwise anybody could make a claim about someone else and have a warrant executed?

Now let’s dissect the actual raid. It was done while Trump was in NY, do you think that was by accident? Who knows the President’s travel plans exclusively? Who knows every inch of Mar-a-Lago? Who knew where the safe was?

Now we find out that of the 30 FBI agents in the raid a few are targets of the Durham Investigation. Why were they included in the raid from the Washington Office? Update: Now we find out that the warrant wasn't just limited to the documents but anything that constitutes a crime was fair game, can we say "fishing expedition?" How can ANY warrant include everything it was always about a specific crime being committed that enabled "probable cause"

Merrick Garland is fighting to keep the details of the warrant sealed, but he did leak something about the raid in some very tricky wording. He claimed it wasn’t merely an archival disagreement, but rather a violation of the Espionage Act. Wow, that sure sounds like he’s accusing Trump of Espionage without actually charging him with it.

Now in my best Columbo voice I have to say one more thing about the issuance of the warrant and who the actual informant may be…..”Just One More Thing, Mr. Garland.”

Who has unlimited access to the home in Mar-a-Lago and who has unlimited knowledge of Trump’s travel plans. Maybe the very people charged with his protection? I see a lightbulb came on there. Whose word might the Judge take as gospel to obtain a warrant?

Maybe the Secret Service isn’t so secret anymore, it's not like they don't have their own sorted history of bad behavior. Just my opinion.

Videos here:


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Case of the Stolen Passports

 The Case of the Stolen Passports

Al Ritter

It came to light that Trump’s 3 passports were taken in the Mar-a-Lago raid. It didn’t take the FBI long to refute the claim saying that they weren’t in possession of them. This turned out to be merely wordsmithing on the FBI’s part. Notice they said they weren’t “in possession” of them.

It turns out that they must have been handed off to the DOJ or another branch. In true liberal main stream media fashion, rather than exploring the wording, they immediately jumped on the band wagon calling Trump a liar.

What was the reasoning in the first place to remove his passports, much less one of which was expired? Did the FBI view Trump as a flight risk?

Once accused of being a liar President Trump produced a receipt given to his lawyers proving that yes the FBI had taken his passports which prompted the media to immediately remove their previous posts and Tweets.

Read More Here:

Video here:

Monday, August 15, 2022

Where Did the Adults Go?

 Where Did the Adults Go?

Al Ritter

In the accompanying video of former CIA Director, John Brennan gleefully exclaimed in March 2021, “We now have adults in the Whitehouse.” With all the failed policies and poor decisions created by the Biden Administration, my question to Brennan would be, “Who were the adults and where did they go?”

In much the same way a 13 year old cheats on a school exam, the Administration never thinks through the ramifications of any decision they make. Whether it would be the Keystone XL, Illegal Invaders, Afghanistan, poorly thought out programs, Covid Mandates, these are just a few poor choices made by this Whitehouse without any thought what the end result could be.

There were no adults in the room when higher gas prices were a result. There were no adults in the room to watch millions of Illegal Aliens walk over our border. There were no adults in the room to see the massive inflation that was caused by the American Rescue Plan. There were no adults in the room to see the results that a Covid Vaccine Mandate would cause especially in the Military and subsequent problems with recruitment. There were no adults in the room to see the billions in high tech weapons of war that was handed over to the Taliban.

Bad decisions have consequences but a smart person plays chess rather than checkers they weigh not only the end result, but also how that decision might be viewed by the public in general.  Obviously there is not one person in the Whitehouse that thinks that way. With maturity comes logical thinking. If we equate maturity to adulthood then something amiss in the Whitehouse.

If there is no voice of reason to actually question the President and say, “This might not be a good idea” then I have to ask John Brennan once again…………Who were these adults, and where did they go?

View the Video here:

Saturday, August 13, 2022

This Biden Claim has Conservatives Seeing Red

 This Biden Claim has Conservatives Seeing Red

Al Ritter

Biden’s newest fabricated claim came early last week as he touted the inflationary numbers. He claimed that he was going to start the press conference with one number, “ZERO.”

He then went on to claim that the inflation rate for July was 0 percent, explaining that some things went up in price but others went down cancelling each other out.

Wordsmithing, word salad or just outright lies could describe the product he was trying to sell America.

The actual truth on the subject amounted to, inflation didn’t climb any higher from June to July, but the figure still stands at 8.5%

The Biden Administration must think Americans are stupid, but just the opposite is true, maybe his own party believes this latest blunder, but Conservatives aren’t buying it.

First he blamed Putin for inflation, then Covid, then Gas Station owners, then Republican Congress when it was actually his drunken sailor spending spree on the “American Rescue Plan” then last week on the “Inflation Reduction Act” both of which are deceptively named expenditures which only added to the deficit.

Liars only know one thing and that is to advance to the next lie, and Biden and his Administration are great at that.

Read More Here:

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Maybe Seppuku is what the Democrats are After


Maybe Seppuku is what the Democrats are After

Al Ritter

The ancient Japanese ritual of Seppuku was something the Japanese did to avoid capture and torture. It was suicide by way of a belly cut with a severely sharp knife and disembowelment.

Seems pretty severe right? But Democrats on the House are jumping like rats off a ship to avoid a reelection seeing the coming storm. Even RINOs are either jumping ship or have already been unseated in primaries. Liz Cheney is about ready to be dispatched unwilling to commit Seppuku, but the result is the same.

With an up rise of Democratic fervor in 2020 and a new emboldened base, it surely didn’t take long (a mere 18 months) for even Democrats to see a rapidly sinking ship in the DC harbor.

Biden’s repeated failing disasters have signaled a new order is about to come in the form of Republic rule starting shortly.

Not a minute too soon IMHO. If this ship isn’t turned around soon the Obama legacy of a destroyed America is on the horizon. I don’t think there are many Americans left either Democratic or Republican that can’t see that coming in the next 29 months unless the house or senate or both are retaken in the mid-terms.

This politicization of government entities has to stop, it started with Obama and has continued with Obama’s 3.0 agenda. By whose hand we aren’t certain, but what IS certain is that the agenda has moved farther left.

So the question remains, who will be the next casualties of this upcoming storm that is brewing? Hopefully all the Dems in power will bow out and announce before the midterms they will retire, but my guess is that Pelosi will wait till the bitter end to fall on her sword, and I pray they show pictures unlike what Obama did and refuse to show Osama Bin Laden’s pics.



Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Witch Hunts of the 1600’s Have Nothing on Biden’s DOJ

 The Witch Hunts of the 1600’s Have Nothing on Biden’s DOJ

Al Ritter

I guess you have heard by now about the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida yesterday. Now details are sketchy at best at this point because the FBI, DOJ and the Whitehouse have made no statement as of yet.

Rumors seem to circle around the idea that Trump took classified documents out of the Whitehouse on Jan 6th. However proof exists that those documents were returned to the Whitehouse archives some time later.

The timing of this raid is somewhat suspect at this point coming some 19 months after the so called theft of said documents

If this were a National Security issue wouldn’t this raid have happened weeks from the Jan 6th incident?

Why now you ask. The Democrats are so desperate to keep Trump from seeking the Whitehouse again in 2024 that they will stoop to any depth to keep him from running. Commentators are correct in making an assessment that this only happens in third world countries when dictators use the military to squash and all dissenters.

This abuse of governmental agencies for a political end gain has to stop.

How long has the FBI had Hunter Biden’s laptop but refuses to not only do anything with it but has not handed down any recommendation to the DOJ for prosecution, and yet here they raid Trump’s home? Has Hunter had his home raided?

If this raid produces no credible incriminating evidence, the Republican and Independent base will absolutely burn the Democrats at the stake not only in the mid-terms but also in 2024, this HAS to stop!

Watch Videos Here:

The real story of the raid from Trump's lawyer:

Schiff couldn't answer this question:



Saturday, August 6, 2022

Ok Time for a Rant!

 Ok Time for a Rant!

Al Ritter

Well today I read an article about a teacher that felt she had to change her lesson plans in Florida that included a female astronaut that was the first woman on the Challenger but died at age 61 from pancreatic cancer. She was afraid that including the fact that astronaut Sally Ride was a lesbian would run her afoul of the new law in Florida.

Now I have a lot of problems with this whole article. Number one why does this teacher feel the need to mention this astronaut’s sexual orientation at all? Would she have mentioned the fact that all the others on that flight were heterosexuals? Why is that an issue at all? Why are these subjects even forced down our throats? There isn’t an ad today that doesn’t include a biracial or homosexual couple even though they are still a very small majority of America

I fear it’s simply because it is a hot button issue that the left has to constantly touch, much in the same way with “racism, “ or gender identity. Why are these things constantly referred to by the left? Simply because they can then claim that the right is uncaring or blind to their specific issues? When the left declares these as subjects their major concern and yet on a whole they are only views from the minority, things get truly out of hand.

Let me site one example, when a conservative is labeled a “racist” it is an indefensible charge. They may see you as that but how exactly can anyone defend themselves from that accusation?

America has run amuck on labeling, labeling for gender, sexuality, or racism. Our labels are always one or the other.

The left on the other hand are views of exclusion when they preach inclusion, disrespect when they preach respect, hate when they profess love, and actual racism when they preach racial equality.

End of Rant, you may now return to your regularly scheduled liberal indoctrination.

Read more here:

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Humanity Has Become a Compliant and Now Complacent Society or Has It?

Humanity Has Become a Compliant and Now Complacent Society or Has It?

Al Ritter

I was talking with a couple last night over dinner. Now to preface this conversation the couple are just a little older than me. The both of them are retired and the wife used to be a nurse, and the husband is retired from the building industry.

We got talking about Covid and who has had it and who hasn’t. They both volunteered that they were vaccinated and one was even boosted, and yet like so many Americans they have had Covid also. Sadly they believed the propaganda they had been fed by the CDC, FDA, Fauci, the main stream media, and our government as a whole.

Unfortunately we are just beginning to find out the REAL truth about the mRNA experimentations they now call a vaccine, and the data isn’t pretty. Some of us knew something was seriously wrong from the onset of this “pandemic.” Fact and trials weren’t coming forward with any speed and the mRNA experiment was causing deaths by the thousands on the VAERS site. The government unwilling to budge was still forcing the vaccination mandates with no concern about safety.

The original trials, as we now know, by Pfizer were only done on healthy people age 16-54. As of the Emergency Use Authorization no children, no elderly, and no pregnant women were included in that study, and yet the government still to this day falsely tells us that the “vaccine” is safe and effective.

I am drifting from the title of the article so let me get back to my point. First the trusting public became compliant by getting the vaccine minus any real results for the trials. In fact the 4th stage was never really completed, think about that for a minute. Randomly Controlled Trials have double blind controls. This means that some patients had to be given a placebo. Who was administering this placebo? Pharmacy personnel? Were they keeping records? So Pfizer got away without completing the final stage of the trials.

Then some of the vaccinated public became complacent almost arrogant and aggressive towards the unvaxxed. Then came realization as they became infected at the same rate if not a higher rate than the unvaccinated.

Governments around the world are celebrating their psychological victory over the masses, they accomplished what the set out to do they have succeeded in a mass compliance experiment. Do you doubt me? Next time you are driving your car take notice of the people still driving a car alone with a mask on. This is the true sign of a fearful compliant victim of mass hysteria.

My question to the millions of vaccinated people would be, “if you had known then what you know now, would you have gotten the vaccination?” Many people I have asked that question to have replied “OH HELL NO.”

And the government wonders why we don’t trust them. This mass experiment was merely a trial run for Democrats to remove the Second Amendment, its coming America mark my words and once it happens there won’t be ANY way to fight back against a tyrannical government.

Watch this video, if it wasn’t so sickeningly real it might be funny: