Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Sad Destruction of Our Country From Outside Interests

 The Sad Destruction of Our Country From Outside Interests

Al Ritter

Civilizations don’t usually last too long, The Byzantine Empire lasted some 1100 years.  The Mayan Civilization lasted 650 years. The Roman Empire lasted 450 yrs. As time evolved and the structure of the governments became more and more complicated the life span of those civilizations became shorter and shorter.

You may think after reading about the length of their existence, that we have a long way to go, but you may be wrong. Case in point U.S.S.R. founded in 1922 and formally dissolved in 1991 due to internal financial distress and internal political upheaval. So you see as internal pressures increase the sustainability of those civilizations decreases rapidly.

Thankfully the founding fathers of our country installed a lot of checks and balances in 1787 to avoid some of the pitfalls that cause a country to fail. Unfortunately when a country of laws is circumvented by private outside forces the downhill spiral has already started.

We have seen the unfettered takeover of social media by unabashed socialists. Most prevalent are the social websites that hide under Article 230 in an attempt to censor anything that isn’t to their liking or ideology. We have seen those same entities attempt to sway elections by throwing money towards what they say is a “Get out the vote” movement. Getting out the vote movement should NEVER include the purchase of mail in voting drop boxes.

Both Democrats and Republicans have been found guilty of fraudulent voting schemes, but one thing we should ALL want is fair elections. It is in fact the one thing that keeps us intact as a nation. Voter fraud is one thing that will turn us into a third world banana republic faster than anything.

Sadly in America the ones with the most money are the ones setting policy. One doesn’t need to look far to see the unelected power brokers are throwing money into the idea of a one party rule. Constant decisions that lead us to a rampant increase in crime serves nobody. In polls, Americans see crime as the number 1 issue. Yet we allow certain people to blatantly fund the candidates that are ready to circumvent our laws.

George Soros is undoubtedly the most powerful and dangerous to our Republic of all of those mentioned. His influence of the World Economic Forum is advancing the open border policies around the world. His Open Society Foundation has been banned in many countries in the world. Personally he’s never been banned from any country, nor does he have outstanding warrants in any country which is actually a surprise to me. He has been fined by France for Insider Trading which he was forced to pay 2.3 million.

Half our country wants to see this man in jail, deported or both for his past transgressions in currency manipulation and socialized political peddling. His past funding of campaigns of district attorneys sympathetic to his agenda is now wide spread fact. That funding has certainly factored in on the rampant increase in crime. These attorneys refuse to prosecute crime in general, frustrating the police and legislative powers in each state. They pick and chose what laws to prosecute and which ones to ignore totally violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution.

This influence peddling has to stop, it not only violates our constitution, but the safety of our citizens.

There has to be a limit that private individuals or their so called Foundations can spend on an election, otherwise elections will no longer just be voted on, but purchased.

Getting back to the demise of a civilization and its longevity, it’s now considered by experts around the world that the life span of a civilization is 250 years, think about that for a minute, that puts the U.S.A at 2026!

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Anonymous said...

Soros and Gates need to be in jail

Petty said...

As long as we are talking about unelected influencers let's jail Zuckerberg and Fauci too!

republican patriot said...

Petty, Fauci just announced his retirement in December, no if we can just get him prosecuted!

Bud S said...

So sad but true

Anonymous said...

This man has been banned from 9 countries and ours should be #10

Anonymous said...

What’s really sad is the fact that we as a country (leaders) can stop him if they wanted to. It’s obvious they don’t because they’ve sold their souls. 🤬😢

Anonymous said...

This arrogant prick needs to be deported to Hungary!