Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Maybe Seppuku is what the Democrats are After


Maybe Seppuku is what the Democrats are After

Al Ritter

The ancient Japanese ritual of Seppuku was something the Japanese did to avoid capture and torture. It was suicide by way of a belly cut with a severely sharp knife and disembowelment.

Seems pretty severe right? But Democrats on the House are jumping like rats off a ship to avoid a reelection seeing the coming storm. Even RINOs are either jumping ship or have already been unseated in primaries. Liz Cheney is about ready to be dispatched unwilling to commit Seppuku, but the result is the same.

With an up rise of Democratic fervor in 2020 and a new emboldened base, it surely didn’t take long (a mere 18 months) for even Democrats to see a rapidly sinking ship in the DC harbor.

Biden’s repeated failing disasters have signaled a new order is about to come in the form of Republic rule starting shortly.

Not a minute too soon IMHO. If this ship isn’t turned around soon the Obama legacy of a destroyed America is on the horizon. I don’t think there are many Americans left either Democratic or Republican that can’t see that coming in the next 29 months unless the house or senate or both are retaken in the mid-terms.

This politicization of government entities has to stop, it started with Obama and has continued with Obama’s 3.0 agenda. By whose hand we aren’t certain, but what IS certain is that the agenda has moved farther left.

So the question remains, who will be the next casualties of this upcoming storm that is brewing? Hopefully all the Dems in power will bow out and announce before the midterms they will retire, but my guess is that Pelosi will wait till the bitter end to fall on her sword, and I pray they show pictures unlike what Obama did and refuse to show Osama Bin Laden’s pics.




Anonymous said...

I hope that democrats and rinos will fall on the sword!

Anonymous said...

We can only hope that RINOs will be doing the same!

Mark in DE said...

Every time I hear another Democrat that won't seek reelection I laugh out loud!

Georgia Peach said...

Looked like a home invasion to me

Bud S said...

Can’t happen too soon