Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Twice Attempted Murder on a Sitting Congresswoman

 Twice Attempted Murder on a Sitting Congresswoman

Al Ritter

The leftists have lost their collective minds! Last Wednesday Marjorie Taylor Greene was “swatted,” a term used to call in a false 911 call to initiate a Swat Team response. This is a very disturbing way to accomplish a death by cop situation.

The fact it has been used on sitting Congressmen in the past but now on Rep Greene and her family is unconscionable. Here’s where things take an even uglier turn, they did it twice in 24 hours! Early Thursday morning this caller did it yet again.

Shortly after the second call the caller using a text to voice app called back 911 to claim it was them who called and claimed it was because of Greene’s stance on transgender legislation. Then the caller taunted the FBI to find them.

Now the FBI made arrests just one day after the Jan 6th rally and yet here we are 6 days after the first call and no arrests as of yet on this horrible situation.

If Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, or Jackson had been swatted you can bet that the FBI would have already arrested the culprit and charged them with the Patriot Act and been shipped off to GITMO!

Do your job FBI and find these perpetrators!

Watch here the video of the raid here:


Watch video here:


And now Steve Bannon:




Anonymous said...

FBI too busy trying to frame Trump!

Turk 182 said...

Conservatives are in clear and present danger from the murderous left! We all have targets on our backs.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you called what it really is Al attempted murder by cop, not a "prank" like MSM is calling it!

Linda R said...

These people are sick

Herb T said...

And of course no ones being charged because they work for the democratic party.