Saturday, August 6, 2022

Ok Time for a Rant!

 Ok Time for a Rant!

Al Ritter

Well today I read an article about a teacher that felt she had to change her lesson plans in Florida that included a female astronaut that was the first woman on the Challenger but died at age 61 from pancreatic cancer. She was afraid that including the fact that astronaut Sally Ride was a lesbian would run her afoul of the new law in Florida.

Now I have a lot of problems with this whole article. Number one why does this teacher feel the need to mention this astronaut’s sexual orientation at all? Would she have mentioned the fact that all the others on that flight were heterosexuals? Why is that an issue at all? Why are these subjects even forced down our throats? There isn’t an ad today that doesn’t include a biracial or homosexual couple even though they are still a very small majority of America

I fear it’s simply because it is a hot button issue that the left has to constantly touch, much in the same way with “racism, “ or gender identity. Why are these things constantly referred to by the left? Simply because they can then claim that the right is uncaring or blind to their specific issues? When the left declares these as subjects their major concern and yet on a whole they are only views from the minority, things get truly out of hand.

Let me site one example, when a conservative is labeled a “racist” it is an indefensible charge. They may see you as that but how exactly can anyone defend themselves from that accusation?

America has run amuck on labeling, labeling for gender, sexuality, or racism. Our labels are always one or the other.

The left on the other hand are views of exclusion when they preach inclusion, disrespect when they preach respect, hate when they profess love, and actual racism when they preach racial equality.

End of Rant, you may now return to your regularly scheduled liberal indoctrination.

Read more here:


Turk 182 said...

Amen brother!

Mike said...

I can't believe that people interject such stupid things into seemingly innocent conversations

republican patriot said...

Why should this ever enter into the conversation either in the news or the classroom?

Suzie Q said...

Because it's the liberal agenda!

Dave R said...

Until I just read your rant, I never knew Sally Rides's sexual orientation, nor did I care.
Good rant.
I checked WIKIPEDIA, it was one mention at the end of a long listing about it.