Saturday, December 31, 2022

Anyone Know This Guy?

 Al Ritter

My girlfriend and I were talking last night about Rachael Levine the assistant to the Secretary for Health and Human Services. We both were perplexed why the assistant is always talked about but never the Secretary himself. Well his name is Xavier Becerra, and he is actually the Secretary to Health and Human Services.

The assistant to the Secretary however is the poster child for moral depravity in the Biden Regime in much the same way the Biden administration’s “Non-binary” nuclear waste official Sam Brinton was paraded around before he was discharged for stealing suitcases at airports.

These people with serious mental issues are celebrated under Biden but only because of their issues, not for their actual abilities.

Meanwhile Xavier stands in the background while “Rachael” takes the limelight.


Terri o said...

The Biden administration is a clown show!

Bob S said...

LOL...I had no idea who he was!

Anonymous said...

It's one big Shit-show. As for depravity? Look no further than the presdents son.

Aaron M said...

Xavier Becerra, and I had no idea until now. Thanks

GM said...

I can’t help but wonder what Mr Becerra has been up to while working in the shadows.