Sunday, January 1, 2023

“It’s Deja vu All Over Again”

 Al Ritter

In the immortal words of Yogi Berra, We are right back to where we started. Through new memos recently revealed by Elon Musk we find out that there is actually a person that works at the NIH that is in charge of Bioethics, and that official’s job is to make sure that every project they do is on the up and up ethically.

That person is Christine Grady, but what most people don’t know is that she is Dr. Anthony Fauci’s wife! She was in charge of NIH’s runaway policy on Gain-of-Function research and failed to stop it in her position of Ethics monitoring. Kind of like the Fox watching the hen house isn’t it?

Now it’s old news at this point that Fauci funded the Gain-of-Function research at the Wuhan Lab through backdoor funding through Eco Health Alliance, and subsequently lied to Congress under testimony to Sen Rand Paul.

It now appears through a Daily Caller article that Fauci and his wife Christine Grady together violated Barack Obama’s ban on Gain-of-Function research years ago. It was falsely reported that President Trump had lifted that ban during his Presidency, that ban was never lifted!

Now it appears that this bioweapon research continues to this day both in Wuhan and also other countries including right here in the US on our soil!

My question is how can this happen and continue? How can Barack Obama’s initial defunding of this dangerous research be restarted under the direction of two people that are merely bureaucrats? Neither Fauci nor his wife are elected officials, how did they gain so much power?

My next question is how do we stop them? Hopefully they both get hauled up in front of the New Congressional Committees, they need to be tried for their crimes against humanity.

Read more about Christine Grady Here:

Read More from the Daily Caller article here:

Watch Video here:

Elon Musk’s discovery:



Anonymous said...

Conflict of interest! Ya think!!!

Jenn C said...

LOL..What a handsome couple!

Grady'sdad said...

All in the Family

Turk 182 said...

Dems don't have any clue what the definition of conflict of interest even means