Friday, January 13, 2023

WTH are ESG Ratings?

 Al Ritter

Ok before we start let’s clarify ESG stands for Environmental and Social Governance, and it was basically formed by a think tank within the UN to set a numerical judgment on companies that have set a standard on their impact on the environment and social “status.”

Reading this reminds one of the novel by Ayn Rand entitled Atlas Shrugged where everything was based on the need or what the government deemed “right.”

First was the State Science Institute (which we can relate to Dr. Anthony Fauci) then worked its way into the National Legislation. The entire novel was based on the over reach of government.

I highly recommend that you read it. It was written in 1957 just mere years after my birth but can explain our present day failures. Also harbingers of things to come.

With that being said let us delve into this ESG. Your company will be judged on certain social and environmental criteria to give you an imaginary score, invented by who knows who (obviously either bureaucrats or technocrats) that will enable your company to do business either in this country or abroad.

It is starting right now in the EU but it WILL affect America and the entire world if left to continue.

As it stands right now this bogus rating has to do with the EU, but it has far reaching implications. It plain words it not only has to do with the individual company, but with EVERYONE that supplies the company If it is a farmer for instance all his suppliers need to comply including seed suppliers, fertilizer suppliers, his third party processing plants, anyone that deals with transportation needs.

Are you seeing where this is headed?

This ESG will rule the world through the WEF.

Any business that deals abroad will have to conform or lose their contracts. This isn’t just farming but productions of products in any form. Cars, food processing, farming are all on the table.

Imagine people having to do the same thing in the future. Is it such a far stretch to think that we as people might be subjected to the same rating system?

Judgment seems to be a common theme among the “liberal social elite.”

Read More about Atlas Shrugged here:

Read More here:



Terri o said...


Bet C said...

I heard one liberal group claim that this wasn't a big deal and compared it to the bond market rating systems such as Standard and Poors and Moody's. But this a totally different ball game. We don't know who is making judgments on the futures of companies in the name of social justice.

Anonymous said...

This is really some sick stuff, social governance? Who has a say in what they perseve?

Randy D said...

Who is on the board of Directors of this BS group?

Robert L said...

This sounds like the illegitimate offspring of the WEF