Thursday, January 19, 2023

Evil in the World Might Be More Prevalent Now Than in the 40’s Part 2

 Al Ritter

We have talked about the most obviously evil people on the planet in the private sector, but now we need to address the evil that operates in plain sight. I am thoroughly convinced that to be President of a country you must have some form of narcissism. Be it small or be it great, it exists in every US President in the last 100 years.

One stands out in my mind as being the one who started this downward spiral in this country


President Barrack Hussein Obama was the one who took the path of division while as the same time claiming to be the great uniter. I saw one defining moment early in his Presidency that would set the tone for the rest of his tenure. The arrest of Professor Henry Louis Gates. Rather than stay out of a strictly local police issue, he chose to micromanage and comment on the arrest before he knew all the facts. He said in the now famous words “the police acted stupidly.” This raised the ire of the collective police force in America as he set the stage for racial division for the next 7 1/2 years. This wouldn’t be the end of the divisiveness but only the beginning. Years ago it used to be the mantra of the Office of the Presidency to put politics aside and be a President of all the people and not just the ones that elected you. Obama was the first President that resoundingly trashed that idea. He continually pushed the idea of racial profiling, racial inequality, and how the black citizen would never be on equal footing as a white citizen. Sadly much of America believed him regardless of the fact that 40% of his vote came from White men. Let that sink in for a moment, Obama was elected by an overwhelming majority of white voters and yet he still sought to disparage them.

In my opinion this President personifies evil and has led the way to the downfall of the society in America.


We can lay blame to many a politician for the Evil that has spread in America. There are many a politician who have overstepped their bounds to push forward an agenda that a majority of the citizens don’t agree with.

The 117th Congress as a whole have created havoc in America. Led by Nancy Pelosi they embarked upon an agenda to upend the Constitution, mostly the First Amendment by using title 230 they denied freedom of speech by proxy through third party Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube. The FDA, CDC, FBI, NIH, NIAID all used their power, not to stop disinformation like they said but to set a propaganda agenda. Weaponization of the alphabet agencies of the Government, first started with Obama, but came firmly entrenched under Biden. With the influx of donor money from Soros, Zuckerberg and Gates, the agenda had now been pushed forward in a sly way. The donors had become the cash cow to now become influencers through campaign donations, not just for Senate or House campaigns but at local levels. Soros was now emboldened to donate to state and city attorney generals that thought like he did to reduce bail for criminals, even in some instances to eliminate bail entirely for even the most deadly crimes. Police reform, police defunding, and installing police review boards of like-minded liberal progressives which in turned sparked the largest crime this country has ever seen in just the last two years.

The 117th Congress under the iron fist of Nancy Pelosi in my opinion personifies Evil in the past two years.


Dr Anthony Fauci; while we are talking about narcissism we HAVE to address this person. No serious scientist would ever claim to be “Science.” That never stopped Fauci who has continually lied to congress on too many levels to count. His back door funding of Gain-of-Function research through EcoHealth Alliance even after a Presidential ban by Barack Obama because it was too dangerous, was hidden from the public eye. History I believe will eventually prove he is the modern day equivalent of Josef Mengele, but I think Fauci’s death count will be much higher. He is the perfect example of how to mix Political Science with actual clinical science. Although he denies it, Fauci was VERY instrumental in the Covid-19 mandates and lockdown restrictions, he was also instrumental in the hospital protocols for treating Covid, one of which is a drug called Remdesivir that has been known to kill the elderly. Liberals want to say Fauci was put into position during the Reagan era, thus placing blame on Reagan for his rise to power. While it is true that he rose to power in that era, he wasn’t installed by any President, he merely worked his way up through the ranks. In the last 10 years his aggressive research has been aided by none other than his wife Christine Grady. Christine is the head of the Bioethics Department at the NIH. She is the one who should have been the first line of defense to rein in Fauci on Gain-of-Function research. She never did and Fauci continued to give grants to continue this deadly research that continues against almost everyone’s wishes to this day in the Wuhan Labs and even in minimally guarded facilities in the United States!

Dr Fauci’s arrogance is astounding and his never ending appearances on liberal leaning cable networks merely proves that he never gets tired of hearing himself talk.

In my opinion this man is the face of Evil, not just in the Covid situation but his massive blunders in the treatment of AIDS, hopefully some day he will be held to task in a Nuremberg type trial where he will have to answer for his sins.

Read more about Obama and Henry Louis Gates:

117th Congress missteps:

More on Fauci:

Fauci and the pandemic:


Roger S said...

I agree with you on the Obama thing, I think he started it too! He and his wife are both evil!

The Auditor! said...

Damned right it is, the bastards developed a way to globalise Genocide whilst those they wished to murder were terrified into compliance believing that their government wanted to protect them:

1940 : Its just a shower - for you and your fellow citizens safety

2022 : It’s just a ‘vaccine‘ - for you and your fellow citizens safety

The shots will kill you so slowly, you won’t even realise they have created another Holocaust, a global Holocaust, before it is much, much too late!

Becky S said...

I hope you intend to do a Part 3, because there are many more that have gone unmentioned