Thursday, January 12, 2023

North American Union?

 Al Ritter

The Three Amigos

Some months ago I was curious about how many countries had open borders, and I was surprised by what the search uncovered. There are 40 some nations that have a very open border policies. Some of the poorer nations simply don’t have the budget to support border security. Other nations ban together in a group to allow citizens of one country to freely move between the borders of another.

Such is the case in Europe, because the countries are small, similar to the 50 states in the USA, the can travel freely between countries, in the same we can here in the US. Other countries are more stringent in who they allow over their borders.

Up until 2020 the USA was one of those countries. In the George H W Bush era there was a treaty that was the beginning of the erasure of our borders. The Treaty was NAFTA and sought to allow free movement of the trucking of goods between Canada, USA, and Mexico. This North America Free Trade Agreement removed tariffs and restrictions between signatory nations.

When President Trump took office he revamped that agreement and replaced it with the USMCA (US, Mexico, and Canada agreement) which included more restrictions than the NAFTA agreement had.

Sadly the meeting last week between Presidents’ Biden, Obrador, and Trudeau seeks to reopen borders with Mexico and Canada making us one big union.

I’m certain that if the Federal Government actually allowed nation referendum votes on issues dear to the heart of voters such an idea would surely fail. Sovereignty has always been a subject that Americans want for their country.

I suppose the leaders of all 3 countries would wish to form something similar to the EU here in North America, which would certainly dilute rights of people in all 3 countries.

Read More here about open border countries:

Video here:

Update here:



Turk 182 said...

Maybe we should start bussing the illegals to Canada!

Lonnie S said...

Trudeau is complicit in this because he knows people from Central America don't want to move where it's cold, he's laughing his ass off!

Patriot in PA said...

Well George H W Bush was all about the NWO a.k.a. WEF in its inception, so not surprising

Robin T said...

Who is Biden to give up our sovereignty?