Thursday, December 16, 2021

Segregation Returns to America Under Biden’s Watch


Segregation Returns to America Under Biden’s Watch

Al Ritter

Draconian and unscientific mandates have caused widespread panic during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has happened to the point of companies that error on the side of caution and as a result they create equally stupid decisions.

Imagine if you will, a company so paranoid that they seek to segregate vaccinated and unvaccinated employees from each other regardless of actual science. It’s true that masks don’t actually work….never have. It’s true that the Covid virus can be transmitted by either vaccinated or unvaccinated employees. It’s true that social distancing is merely a theory and there has never been any randomly controlled trials done on the subject.

And yet here is a large corporation that has chosen to isolate and stigmatize a group of employees based solely on their vaccination status. This corporation is Bank of America. They are a corporation that has been known for bad decisions in the past, but this one takes the cake!

It’s not just Bank of America that’s making segregation policies based on Covid-19. One company has chosen to charge employees more for their health insurance if they aren’t vaccinated, or to submit to useless weekly testing for Covid.

Colleges refuse to admit students if they aren’t vaccinated regardless if their education is done in person or remotely.

It’s not just America, the whole world has gone crazy over Covid, and there isn’t one day in our lives now that isn’t affected by one Covid mandate or another. There has not been one shred of scientific evidence to back up these asinine mandates, and yet they not only go on but they get worse daily by the hand of government bureaucrats.

For a President who talked non-stop about Republicans wanting a return to the Jim Crow Laws, he sure is creating his own segregation by edict.

It will NEVER end until we as a people say that enough is enough

Listen to the video about Bank of America:

Segregation in Colorado:

1 comment:

Bud S said...

I hope we are getting closer and closer to that day when we say enough is enough