In the eleventh hour on Monday came help from one of the more unlikely players in the government. A known liberal, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg, has seen enough of the violations of the Constitution by the executive branch, and has put the purchase of Chrysler by Fiat, on hold.
Obviously Ginsburg has been troubled by the Administration’s interference in court matters, and she must feel encouraged that other justices feel the same way, so she stayed the sale for one week while the other justices review all the documents she has already seen. Judges seldom like it when someone tells them how to “do their jobs,” and thankfully this must be one of those situations.
The issue in front of the courts was presented by Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock, and his attack that defended secured creditors, and state pensioners. His argument was that secured creditors were getting only 29 cents on the dollar, while junior creditors (UAW) were only getting 50 cents on the dollar. Obama’s obvious bias was spelled out in a previously reported article. Thank goodness someone is trying to reel in the out of control Administration, and the Supreme Court might just be those “cooler heads.” If only Justice Ginsburg were to vote in favor of denying the sale, it would almost be certain that the conservatives would follow suit and hand Obama his first and only defeat of his Presidency.
The actions of the Executive Branch have circumvented the legal system in our country, by instituting biases that wouldn’t have been allowed by the Bankruptcy Court. With any luck the Supreme Court will take this “constitutional law professor” to school and tech him the true meaning of humility!
THIS would be wonderful….happening very soon…I HOPE!!~
Unfortuantely the attempt to stop Obama has failed, the Supreme Court has dropped the stay and allowed the sale. Just one more injustice in our legal system.
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