Patricia Coats Jessamy, Baltimore City State Attorney and Obama supporter stated today that she is reviewing the facts to possibly press charges against film maker James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles for illegally obtaining information pertaining to this alleged criminal behavior.
Jessemy is certainly no stranger to controversy as she hasn’t actively sought the death penalty in and Murder cases since 1998, even when Baltimore has one of the highest murder rates among cities in the United States. She has been accused more than once of being “soft on crime”, but now sees fit to expand her prejudicial involvement in the Obama campaign to slant a video from being a charge against an obvious criminal activity to a charge of “unlawful interception of an audio tape.” but mentioned nothing about the unlawful actions by the offending ACORN workers.
The City Prosecutor had this statement:
Baltimore, MD – September 11, 2009 – We have received inquiries from citizens and the media asking whether the Baltimore City State’s Attorneys Office would initiate a criminal investigation for acts allegedly committed at ACORN offices located in Baltimore. The only information received in reference to this alleged criminal behavior was a YouTube video. Upon review by this office, the video appears to be incomplete. In addition, the audio portion could possibly have been obtained in violation of Maryland Law, Annotated Code of Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article §10-402, which requires two party consent.If it is determined that the audio portion now being heard on YouTube was illegally obtained, it is also illegal under Maryland Law to willfully use or willfully disclose the content of said audio. The penalty for the unlawful interception, disclosure or use of it is a felony punishable up to 5 years.
Please take note of the use of the word “alleged.” This totally cracks me up!
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And what was ‘filmed’…to hell with…this is more than ridiculous!!!!
She is going to look awfully silly standing alone threatening to charge them while the rest of America wants them to have a Pulitzer prize! A dallor says she will drop her partisan bashfest!
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