Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Be Very Careful About Picking Your News Sources

 Al Ritter

I read an article the other day about an American that was found guilty of violating Russia oligarch sanctions. Embedded deep in the article was the revelation that he was a past FBI agent.

The article went on to say he was sentenced to 4 years in jail and fined $40,000. I first thought that what he received was a pretty light sentence and so I scrolled on to the next article.

This article was on a website called Although I had read articles on that site before I really thought little of it until seeing another article on a site I do actually respect that painted a side to this case I hadn’t seen on

The is one of my trusted sources so I delved a little further into the story to find out that this man who was a past FBI agent was actually one of the people who started the Russian Collusion hoax! In fact he worked as the head of the New York FBI counterintelligence office.

How fitting that this man would be spending time in jail for the very same thing that he falsely accused Trump of committing.

However the story doesn’t end there. I thought it strange how none of this was brought to light in the first article so I researched RT.Com. Originally called Russia Today but later shortened to it now seemed obvious that what I was really reading was Russian propaganda!

Search your sources before you just blindly share an article on social media.

The first article from

The trusted video from Epoch Times :




Namvet1967 said...

I think all of us have been guilty for posting something not fully researched, hopefully we have learned from our mistakes and move on to more respectable posts

Jenn C said...

I don't think "news source" means what it used to

Billys grand dad said...

to be honest I don't trust ANY of them!