Monday, January 15, 2024

Could AI Become the Super Narcissist?

 Al Ritter

We already know how devastating living with a Narcissist can be, but can AI imitate that? Well if you think that it is only a human trait you might be wrong. Imagine if you will that AI sees Narcissism as a trait that can make most people acquiesce to a subservient state, how AI can use that against humans?

Now imagine how propaganda can progress under AI as well.

We are already in a state of decline as humans, AI is not a make believe future possibility.

It is now and most people don’t believe it is coming, it is fact it here and working exponentially to replace humans.

You are in denial….you think to yourself… “I’m not allowing this to go forward.”

REALLY?  Do you use Alexa in Amazon?....Do you use Siri in Apple?

When you use text on your cell phone do you question how the suggestion area anticipates your words?

If you doubt me ask Siri or Alexa pretty pointed questions about their origin or how they were created and see a very convoluted answer to divert your query. Ask them point blank if they are Artificial Intelligence.

If you think that AI isn’t the most threat to not only to society but to the world you are actually in denial.

The biggest threat isn’t from the west or the east, it isn’t from the left or the right, it isn’t from MAGA or the Left……….It’s from computers!

Now imagine if you will, can the programmers work in the darkest depths of the computer world to affect the outcome of elections?

They learn so much faster than humans and eventually they will see us as expendable. We will eventually view the movie Terminator as a documentary rather than as fiction.

Read more here:

Elon Musk's 25 year prediction:

Scary stuff:



Wind Mill Tilter said...

Those videos are flat out scary! They do sound just like "Skynet" from the Terminator movie!

Terri o said...


Betsyross said...

Makes you wonder how they would kill us off

Kevin said...

AI will likely be the demise of the planet & sooner than even our own government realizes.

Ray in Lubbock said...

The word they keep using is conscience. I assume that means autonomous as in making their own decisions?

republican patriot said...

@Ray in Lubbock....Yes I think that's exactly what it means