Wednesday, May 15, 2024

More Student Loans Excused, when is enough, enough?

Al Ritter

At the cost of $6.1 Billion 317,000 more students are having their student loans excused. Against Supreme Court ruling the Biden Administration continues to excuse student debt. This time the target is art degrees from colleges and universities.

Biden has now said that the colleges and universities are practicing predatory degrees with no promise of actual jobs in the field they studied.

In actuality isn’t that what most colleges are doing now? It doesn’t matter what the degree is anymore, in most cases the cost of the degree outweighs the final return on investment.

But isn’t that research the responsibility of the student that accepted the terms of the loan? Shouldn’t they be the ones to decide if the degree is worth the money?

But this goes way beyond all that, it shows by example that responsibility is no longer required of the student. Long gone is the time when student loans were given by banks and actual repercussions came when the student didn’t repay a loan, usually in the hands of a cosigner, normally the parents. Obama was the one that took student loans out of the hands of banks and placed the program in the hands of Government with no required collateral. Now Obama the puppet master is executing his continual plan to make higher education free.

Today there is no incentive to repay a student loan, because there is NO collateral, so what do they have to lose? Will the government repossess the degree?

It teaches our kids all the bad lessons in life, but Democrats are getting very good at that game aren’t they? You’ll notice in the below article is doesn’t say which government program Biden is stealing the money from this time either!

Where does it all end? Excusing mortgages and car loans to the underprivileged?

Read more here:

Mike Rowe's take:


Betsyross said...

How about we spend $6 Billion on closing the damn southern border instead?

Nate1969 said...

Joe's just pandering for votes in November, but he's going to fail TRUMP 2024!

Ray in Lubbock said...

So Doctors, Lawyers, and now art students? Where is the justice when people that couldn't afford college now have to pay for the degrees of these people?

Kevin said...

I say "make state run colleges prepay".

Carole C said...

How about forcing the Taxpayers to pay off our Car Loans ??