Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Posers

Al Ritter

I’m sure everyone knows one….the one who claims to be an independent voter. One who tries to make you think they are an unbiased voter that researches all sides before making a judgment.

Sadly later on you discover the exact opposite. This is what happened to me today when a self-proclaimed independent voter sent me an article about Lancaster, PA voting inconsistencies. In the article Trump said he accused the Nuns in Lancaster County about the abuse of the system.

The truth actually lies in voter registration where 2500 people have already been shown to be fraudulent in nature, signatures not matching registrations etc. There is so much to talk about this at this point, let’s dissect it. Even though the WSJ is considered a neutral publication, the same doesn’t hold true for individual writers, and such is that the case of a writer named Scott Calvert.

One only has to take a look at his past articles to see he surely has TDS.

The entire incidence was in the national spotlight because of long line in Lancaster County which is a predominantly Republican stronghold. Democratic poll watchers had told the people that if they wished to have a shorter line to go to another polling place with shorter lines. At this point I’d be more worried about the Amish vote being suppressed as they are turning out in record numbers to vote for Trump.

This amounted to two other voting places, one had closed down two hours early and another had supposedly run out of paper for their printer? So as you can see this had NOTHING to do with Nuns!

Maybe we need to delve into this a little further. Kamala did not attend the Al Davis Dinner which is a dinner for Whitehouse correspondents and political figures. Donald Trump attended but she did not which was seen as a snub to Catholics because they fund the dinner.

Now suddenly a claim surfaces that Trump is blaming Nuns for something underhanded? I only needed to research for 5 mins to see this article by Scott Calvert had no merit whatsoever, and this fraudulent claim has not been supported by any other new agency.

The fact that my “Independent” voter friend has shown me that he’s anything but independent but rather a liberal in drag to hide his true intensions of trying to convert me into his “joy” and feelings society that lies about everything.

The truly sad part of all this is that he probably believes the liberal propaganda that they push down his throat. He has admitted to me in the past that I do far more research than he does about politics and yet he tries to push this BS on me?

Scott Calvert’s article in the WSJ:


Friday, October 25, 2024

Adam and Eve May Be in Deep Schiff!

Al Ritter

The Heritage Foundation has uncovered some interesting stuff about the liar congressman from California. One of the most hated Congressmen and his wife might be facing some serious charges.

Falsely claiming a domicile state, ineligible voting, and mortgage fraud might be included in the list of charges brought against the Schiff Family.

In April of last year a complaint was filed by a concerned citizen that the Schiffs had sold their California house and purchased a house in Potomac Maryland and claimed it as their prime residence. At that same time both husband and wife had voted continually in California until they purchased a small condo back in California.

The Schiffs received favorable mortgage rates on the residence in Maryland because they claimed it as their primary residence hence the claim of mortgage fraud.

Schiff claimed that the Maryland thing was just a mistake and paid any back income tax to the state of Maryland. That certainly doesn’t address the fact that you can’t be a Congressman in California if your primary residence is in Maryland.

In essence he should be disqualified to run for congress this very election period!

Why wasn’t he removed from the ballot earlier this year?

Read the story here:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

We are at a Crossroads America

 Al Ritter

In 15 days and for some even closer to make a decision that will not only affect us for the rest of our lives, but will affect our children and grandchildren. To many this decision is a clear choice but to others that dislike one person and would risk their personal freedoms to keep that person out of office.

We have been lied to and gas lighted constantly by our own government under the guise of mis/disinformation. To them nobody is entitled to an opinion other than the one they hold. It doesn't matter to them that their own view is the very misinformation they claim to be fighting.

One very dangerous person in history whom I won’t name said…”Tell a lie and make it big enough and tell it often enough, and eventually people will believe it.” Yet another dangerous quote from the same person said… “ When an opponent declares I will not come to your side, I calmly say, your child belongs to us already, what are you? You will pass on, your descendants will stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community.”

Propaganda and indoctrination is nothing new our government has been overthrowing governments and starting coups all over the world. If you think that they aren’t doing the very same thing in our own country you are naïve.

The ruling elites (not those duly elected) have been massively altering not only the views in the USA, but all over the world in the last 8 years. Western Nations democratic rule IS in jeopardy, but not by who you think. Think about the last 4 years and who actually imprisoned you in lockdowns, who made you take an experimental drug just to keep your job or to go to a restaurant. Who made you wear a face diaper and stand 6 feet away from everyone based on NO scientific data.

Who encouraged you to vote absentee ballot because of a disease that they funded from gain of function (bio-weapons) research. Who held the patents on not only the disease but also the so called vaccine?

Who installed a puppet regime in Ukraine so the warmongering neocon party could start a proxy war against Russia?

Who opened the USA borders to anyone seeking to enter whose only end goal was dilute the vote of the actual citizens that have lived here their entire life? Who holds the same view as the UN, WHO, and the WEF and seeks to end sovereignty in individual countries?

Who has effectively turned their back on hurricane victims in predominately Republican areas of Appalachia? Who claims that they have 1400 FEMA workers on the ground in NC, but none of the civilian first responders have seen them in recovery searches?

They say that this election is the closest in American History, and to be honest I can’t understand how. We have two candidates that have history in politics, they both have a track record, one for 4 years as President and the other almost 4 years now as Vice President.

The one who served as President had an amazing track record of prosperity and peace and security of our country. The one who served as Vice President has parroted every single policy of the President she served under. She was the deciding vote in the house on 33 bills forcing the agenda of Joe Biden on the American people. She has been asked multiple times how her administration would be different than Biden’s. Sadly each time she was asked she had no real answer.

I truly fear for our country at this crossroad, if our Constitutional Republic dies at this election our situation will almost be the same plight as the people of Gaza who duly elected Hamas as their ruling party.

How’s that for an analogy folks?

Are we better off now than just 4 short years ago?

Watch Video about how Zelensky was installed as our puppet:

Watch video from the ground in North Carolina:


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

DOD just changed the rules instituting “shoot to kill” orders for all military assisting local law enforcement during civil unrest.

 Al Ritter

A recent update to DoD directive 5240.01 on September 27, 2024 has given the military the power to use lethal force when accompanying local and state law enforcement on domestic soil in violent situations.

Now who actually authorized such a controversial change? The directive had gone unchanged since 2016, but now with the election closing in rapidly we have now given the military the ability to kill its own citizens?

Is this a precursor to martial law being enacted, or at least the expectation of such an event?

In actual war zones the military has “rules of engagement.” Which sadly has taken many lives of our brave soldiers because they couldn’t react to a threat in a timely manner. There is no such wording in this new directive.

This is very eerie, not only the timing (so close to the election) but nobody seems to be claiming responsibility for the change.

Watch Video here:

Read article here:

First DoD directive in 2016:

Updated DoD directive 2024:


Monday, October 14, 2024

Can the Biden Administration get any dumber?

 Al Ritter

I truly have to stop asking that question because they are starting to see this as a challenge!

Last week I saw a YouTube video about a Chinook helicopter landing at an Inn in a little remote town of Little Switzerland, NC. They were one of the many towns cut off from the rest of the world after Hurricane Helene in the Appalachian area of North Carolina.

This town stands at an elevation of 3500 feet making deliveries of rations that much more difficult. The Chinook pilots were excellent and were VERY careful about their landing zone.

I must admit I was starting to think that maybe the government was actually doing something in this horrible situation after 10 days of basically doing nothing other than denying applications for the $750 per family.

I watched as the residents helped the military staff unload multiple pallets from the aircraft.

What I wasn’t paying attention to however was what those supplies were. I mean I did see water in bottles and the typical food stuffs, but didn’t look much past that.

What I have found out since is jaw dropping!!!!

Three pallets of battery powered chainsaws were delivered to a town with no electricity! Electric restoration may take months and yet some idiot government bureaucrat decided it would be smart to deliver battery powered chain saws.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Read the articles here:

Friday, October 11, 2024

The leading spreaders of lies is our government!

 Al Ritter

As I said in my last article Deanne Criswell the head of FEMA came on one of the affiliate propaganda “news” outlets and stated that people saying that FEMA was out of money because they were giving it to illegal aliens entering our country was misinformation and dangerous to her FEMA employees.

Furthermore, the cost of life from Helene (according to their claims) stands at 227. Now that number is from all the states combined not just North Carolina. Funeral Homes in NC alone are inundated with bodies and no place to put them. Bodies are being shipped out of Asheville to surrounding areas for storage. NC alone has gone through 500 body bags and has requested more, but so far been denied. I suppose the optics would look bad for the Biden Administration.

Sadly out of shear frustration family members are being forced to bury their loved ones in THEIR BACK YARDS!

Karine Jean-Pierre Whitehouse Press Secretary, has also stated that speaking about the dwindling FEMA money is not because of spending it on illegal immigrants. There is video proof from 2022 where she is saying that money has been used to resettle illegals from FEMA’s purse, she even bragged about it!

They deny, deny, deny, claiming that what people are seeing on the ground in NC in death toll is misinformation or disinformation. The same thing goes for the reallocation of money to illegal settlement.

They are the actual ones involved in spreading mis/disinformation, but it’s not just that it’s outright lies!

Is this what we want for the next 4 years?

Watch video on the proof how the money has been spent:

The Best and Worst of the recovery:

The sad part of burying their dead in NC:

Kamala's photo-op lie:

Search and rescue teams being denied:

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Unmarked Military Blackhawk destroys donation center in NC!

 Al Ritter

The head of FEMA, Deanne Criswell is claiming that reports of the Federal Government (FEMA) specifically, has little to no feet on the ground, is not only misinformation but dangerous!

Regardless of only 1500 National Guard Troops on the ground of this disaster ridden areas of Appalachia the government keeps reiterating that they are on the ground and doing the lion’s share of the work load. Actual local relief workers paint a different picture.

We have already told you stories of how private helicopter operators have been turned away by local law enforcement not only on landing zones but have also had provisions confiscated.

This latest account however is way above and beyond interference of delivering life-saving items to those that need it, this is evil behavior watch as an unmarked Blackhawk Helicopter intentionally prop washes an area set up to distribute food and supplies in Burnsville, NC.

Watch video, fast forward to minute 23:00

Another view:

Glenn Beck on the ground in NC and his take on FEMA:

New claim by FEMA:

Kamala's photo-op lie:

Search and rescue teams being denied:

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Let’s just discount the absurdities from the last four years and zone in on this!

 Al Ritter

Let’s just put aside for now the last four years of failed policies and actual stupidity of the Biden/ Harris administration. Let’s concentrate on the last 9 days.

Biden and Harris both have claimed how FEMA and the federal government have activated multiple resources into action to help Appalachian residents recover from hurricane Helene.

What we are actually seeing is the exact opposite. People on the ground who are actually doing the help are not only claiming that they haven’t seen ANY federal help, but they are claiming that their help is not only being denied, but threatened with arrest if they even attempt to do so.

The private aviation helicopters have been threatened with arrest if they continue to fly even though no “no fly zones” were recorded in the early days of the disaster. Reports are coming in that local, state and federal authorities (FEMA) have confiscated items that were privately donated because of violating some ordinances about who was in charge.

These are neighbors and friends helping people in need for heaven sake.

FEMA is upset because donations circumvent the federally approved vendors! I suppose because they need their cut out of the taxpayer’s pocket.

This is devastation above and beyond Katrina folks, the media and government is claiming that 220 lives have been lost, but 500 body bags have already been filled and the rescue groups are saying they are now in recovery mode rather than rescue. The claim that the stench from dead bodies is overwhelming in these areas. Gen Flynn who has many connections in the area said the toll in lost life is closer to 1000-2000.

Blood is on the hands of the Biden /Harris administration for their inactivity in the first 6 days. One pilot was saying that Biden’s visit placed a no fly zone in the recovery area for almost a day hampering any efforts to help by helicopter for merely a photo op.

This reprehensible action by this administration is no way to treat its citizens, regardless of their political views.

Watch video from Glenn Beck in the areas and what he observed:

Items confiscated from donations:

Pilot explaining his experience:

Gen. Flynn on his opinion on the rescue:

FEMA's disgusting projection on the situation:

More civilian helicopters being denied landing zones:

FEMA head declares that the reports of them being out of money is false and yet Mayorkas says this:

More FEMA confiscation of donations:

Where the FEMA money is actually going:

New claim by FEMA:

Real search and rescue being denied:

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Who picked this guy again?

 Al Ritter

Well as I stated in a previous article the most logical pick for the VP position would have been Gov. Josh Shapiro. Shapiro might have given the Dems the state of Pennsylvania because of his popularity. Swing states are what both parties need at this point but instead the party of diversity and inclusion choose to pick someone else because of their anti-Semitic stance. Pity for them but that was a bad choice they will have to live with.

So who picked Walz for the VP position you ask?

Well as you know the party was panicked after the Biden Coup and they needed the VP position to be filled and quickly. Reportedly the vetting of the next Democratic VP was handed to none other than disgraced past Attorney General Eric Holder! You remember this guy right, the lead man in the Fast and furious gun running scandal.

It turns out now Holder has his own law firm and was charged with the vetting process of Tim Walz, a governor with nothing to offer the ticket other than his allegiance to the principles of the Democratic Party.

I suppose it depends on who you talk to about whether Walz was a good choice or not for the ticket.

What is glaringly obvious is that Walz presents himself as a cartoonish character prone to buffoonish statements. “I'm a knucklehead at times.” Spoken during the debate, I’m sure every Democratic strategist was in cringe mode, including Mr. Fast and Furious himself after Walz made that declaration.

Read about Eric Holder’s vetting here:

Read about Holder’s Fast and Furious here: