Sunday, October 6, 2024

Let’s just discount the absurdities from the last four years and zone in on this!

 Al Ritter

Let’s just put aside for now the last four years of failed policies and actual stupidity of the Biden/ Harris administration. Let’s concentrate on the last 9 days.

Biden and Harris both have claimed how FEMA and the federal government have activated multiple resources into action to help Appalachian residents recover from hurricane Helene.

What we are actually seeing is the exact opposite. People on the ground who are actually doing the help are not only claiming that they haven’t seen ANY federal help, but they are claiming that their help is not only being denied, but threatened with arrest if they even attempt to do so.

The private aviation helicopters have been threatened with arrest if they continue to fly even though no “no fly zones” were recorded in the early days of the disaster. Reports are coming in that local, state and federal authorities (FEMA) have confiscated items that were privately donated because of violating some ordinances about who was in charge.

These are neighbors and friends helping people in need for heaven sake.

FEMA is upset because donations circumvent the federally approved vendors! I suppose because they need their cut out of the taxpayer’s pocket.

This is devastation above and beyond Katrina folks, the media and government is claiming that 220 lives have been lost, but 500 body bags have already been filled and the rescue groups are saying they are now in recovery mode rather than rescue. The claim that the stench from dead bodies is overwhelming in these areas. Gen Flynn who has many connections in the area said the toll in lost life is closer to 1000-2000.

Blood is on the hands of the Biden /Harris administration for their inactivity in the first 6 days. One pilot was saying that Biden’s visit placed a no fly zone in the recovery area for almost a day hampering any efforts to help by helicopter for merely a photo op.

This reprehensible action by this administration is no way to treat its citizens, regardless of their political views.

Watch video from Glenn Beck in the areas and what he observed:

Items confiscated from donations:

Pilot explaining his experience:

Gen. Flynn on his opinion on the rescue:

FEMA's disgusting projection on the situation:

More civilian helicopters being denied landing zones:

FEMA head declares that the reports of them being out of money is false and yet Mayorkas says this:

More FEMA confiscation of donations:

Where the FEMA money is actually going:

New claim by FEMA:

Real search and rescue being denied:


Betsyross said...

The more I read about this, the more pissed-off I get. Why would Biden/Harris be ignoring this? It might even sway Democrats not to vote for them. There is NO excuse for this!

Terri o said...

I would believe Gen Flynn's assessment more than anything the media or the Biden Administration says

Anonymous said...

Absolutely correct on this assessment, this administration is the most Anti American in history