Friday, December 13, 2024

Does an Empty Suit Possess a Moral Compass?

 Al Ritter

This is an interesting question for sure. I would contend that if that empty suit originates from Narcissism the answer would clearly be no.

Let me set this story into motion.

David Garrow is a fairly famous biographer and historian, he has studied some very interesting people including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When he starts his investigations and research, he has no idea where this will lead him, nor does he harbor any preconceived ideas on the outcome.

Unlike most journalists, Gallow doesn’t let his liberal bias dictate the analysis of his biographies.

He studies the person, corroborates facts from multiple sources then forms them into a concise biography and lets the reader make their own conclusion on the merits of that person he writes about.

In David Gallow’s book Rising Star he does a biography on Barrack Hussein Obama. Details were sketchy at best on his early life but Gallow did have one place to start, the autobiography supposedly written by Obama entitled Dreams from my Father.

Gallow questions if the book was actually written by a ghost writer, which has also been questioned by others, because the writing style doesn’t seem to match Obama’s. Be that as it may, after extensive research of the people, places and incidents mentioned in the book, Gallow has come to the conclusion that Dreams from my Father is merely a work of fiction rather than fact.

Gallow in an interview by David Samuels explains at length Obama’s previous girlfriends throughout college, his friends and even to his organizational days after college.

His conclusion was blindingly brutal, that this book was nothing more than projection from a Narcissist to create a false image of himself before his ascension into the political scene.

Obama was merely planting seeds of a false narrative to begin his career that led him to the Whitehouse.

Read a rather lengthy interview in The Tablet here:

David Gallows book:                                                                                       -


Betsyross said...

This guy has NEVER had a moral compass! And doesn't to this day!

texmo said...


Glen51 said...

No. And this idiot's suit never had any morals.

Landser said...

B.H. BATH HOUSE......berrie

Anonymous said...

I could say sooooooooo many things about Barry the divider, but i'd probably be visited by the men in black