Sunday, February 23, 2025

“For too long, taxpayers have subsidized ideological projects overseas and domestic organizations engaged in actions that undermine the national interest.”……..Pres. Trump

Al Ritter

These were the words spoken from Donald Trump this weekend when he discovered that there were 4.6 million active credit cards from federal employees whose purchases amounted to $40 billion in spending in 2024!

I suppose the bigger question is….”Who approved these credit cards and their purchases?”

We may never know that answer, but yet another audit is warranted. Who are all these drunken sailors and why are they in our government payroll?

90 million transactions?

I’d love to get just one of the credit card numbers to see the credit rating. Can you just imagine the rating from the default rate? Or does the government just make the minimum payment?

The above words in the title has to do with how many government employees has credit cards as the government as the payee.

This is a totally insane idea, of ..ok follow with me here a minute the civilian work force is 2.9 million and if you figure military and postal workers are included it would equal 4.27 million!

So can we now conclude that 89.3 % of government employees have a government credit card with the government as the payee?

Is this the definition of insanity or what?

Read more here:




jarhead 2003 said...

Credit cards issued to federal employees? Are you sh*tting me?

Mitzi K said...

I work for local government , but nobody offers me a credit card with basically no limit!

Turk 182 said...

Why exactly are the Democrats supporting this looting of the Treasury?