Al Ritter
Please instead call it US A-I-D. The liberal media and
Congressional Democrats want you to think that by defunding the US A-I-D
programs you are defunding aid to foreign countries and that is dishonest at
best. The group was originally started by John F Kennedy with the lofty goal of
supplying humanitarian aid to foreign countries in need. That was the
compassionate goal in the beginning.
Since then (let’s call it by its true name) United
States Agency for International Development has blossomed into a clandestine
and covert wing of the CIA, whose main objective is to mold the world into America’s
image. They deceptively show the last 3 letters in red to make you believe that
humanitarian aid is still their main objective, when in reality that isn’t
Humanitarian aid is part of what they do, but it is
only under 20% of their annual budget, the rest as we have now seen by exposing
grants and programs goes to the woke ideological view of the leftists of the
last administration.
Sometimes money is going to both sides in the battle
against terrorism. Why should we be funding Boko Haram , ISIS, and the Taliban?
Why should we be funding a LGBTQ agendas in foreign countries?
Let’s just think for a moment about the lawfare
against Donald Trump. Trump’s impeachment was partially funded by US A-I-D.
Russia-gate was partially funded by US A-I-D.
It’s widely known that our government funds coups in
other countries to force regime changes to people more friendly to our
interests. These coups are funded by the CIA and as we now know US A-I-D. Is it
so far-fetched to think that these same agencies could do the same thing
internally to our own country?
We see how Biden was replaced by someone who never
received one vote in the Democratic primary. Internal coups within our own
country are the true definition of Treason!
The humanitarian aid to other countries could still be
done through the HHS, or the State Department, but this wasteful spending and
corruption that the Democrats in Congress keep defending has to stop!
They decry a person that is not elected to actually
audit these programs, but their hypocrisy is glaringly visible. I’ll guarantee
you that Elon Musk has a much higher security clearance than most of the
department heads he is auditing. And while we are at it, 99.9% of the people
screaming foul aren’t elected to their position either, they are merely bureaucrats
in fear of having their jobs eliminated.
Read more here:
This may be the man behind the Deep State shadow government:
Charity should ALWAYS start at home!
"Agency for International Development" has a creepy nation building tone to it
Why is it America's job to be the golden goose for the world? What countries sent us money or aid after the Maui fires, East Palestine derailment, Helene, LA fires or any other natural disaster? Do the Democrats think that Russia or China even care? Wouldn't it be nicer to keep our money in our own country to actually help OUR citizens? Whose idea was it to give all our tax money to other countries?
We need to feed cloth and house our veterans before any foreign invaders
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