Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Transition from Empathy to not giving a Sh*t

 Al Ritter

I never thought I’d get to this point in my life, because I’ve always had Empathy and Compassion but my patience is wearing thin.

I’ve always been a man of principle, but I’m starting to see that principle is an “old fashion term,” and kids today say “just lay down and die boomer!”

I always thought that I was born 20 years too late because my morals more often reflect those of my parents rather than those of my age.

The disrespect shown to those with Empathy today I see appalling. As I’ve said in earlier posts those that expect a participation trophy for merely being a part of society are those who are either the present Narcissists or those that are emerging to become one. Sadly it’s predicted to consume up to 30% of Americans in the next 10 years.

My life has been consumed by one of these individuals for the last 5 years as a lot of you already know. I tried to be empathetic to him and offer him help even though I knew his brutal past to others, but I should have known better.

Sadly my general state of mind has changed to that of a cynical colder state .

This is not to say that I treat everyone the same way, but I have a wary sense of acceptance of new acquaintances based on my past experiences.

Tomorrow will be the culmination of 5 years of this person’s abuse to me, and I’ll either emerge victorious or the dark side will prevail.

I’ve made my case and a Judge will have to decide the outcome.

Pray for our side!

Update: Sadly the Dark Side prevailed, my faith in the Judicial was in bad shape before, but now I have NO trust in it.


Jarhead2013 said...

Been facing the same feelings here, but with the Democratic party in general

Sally8toes said...

Prayers coming your way my friend

Vinny N said...

I think the general state of affairs in our world has driven caring people away from compassion and empathy. Sadly it's a cold world we now live in :(

Anonymous said...

Good luck my friend, I'm right there with you. Geomac

republican patriot said...

Thank you, but because I live in the People's Republic of Maryland the Judge didn't think it was prudent to remove someone from living in a garage next door with no change of use or occupancy permit........smh........thinking about living in another state