New York's Gov. David Paterson has proposed a tax package that adds $4 billion to the state's already overburdened taxpayers. We suppose they get what they vote for. Paterson's aim is to close a budget deficit of $15 billion, and liberals naturally gravitate toward tax hikes rather than spending cuts. Funny how taxpayers don't get to apply the same principles to their own budgets...
Paterson's tax plan calls for 88 new fees and taxes, including a clothing tax, radio tax, cable TV tax, movie theater tax, sporting event tax, taxi tax, bus tax, limo tax, iPod tax, beer tax, cigar tax, massage tax, and even an 18-percent tax hike on soda and other sugary drinks containing less than 70 percent real fruit juice. Fees at state parks and the Department of Motor Vehicles also will be raised. The only tax that didn't see an increase, it seems, was the income tax. "We're going to have to take some extreme measures," Paterson said of the plan. "This is where we are," Paterson added. "Maybe we should have thought about this when we were depending on what we thought was inexhaustive collections of taxes from Wall Street -- and now those taxes have fallen off a cliff." Our nation's Founders fought a war over excessive taxes, declaring "no taxation without representation." Well, taxation with representation ain't so hot, either.
Paterson's tax plan calls for 88 new fees and taxes, including a clothing tax, radio tax, cable TV tax, movie theater tax, sporting event tax, taxi tax, bus tax, limo tax, iPod tax, beer tax, cigar tax, massage tax, and even an 18-percent tax hike on soda and other sugary drinks containing less than 70 percent real fruit juice. Fees at state parks and the Department of Motor Vehicles also will be raised. The only tax that didn't see an increase, it seems, was the income tax. "We're going to have to take some extreme measures," Paterson said of the plan. "This is where we are," Paterson added. "Maybe we should have thought about this when we were depending on what we thought was inexhaustive collections of taxes from Wall Street -- and now those taxes have fallen off a cliff." Our nation's Founders fought a war over excessive taxes, declaring "no taxation without representation." Well, taxation with representation ain't so hot, either.
Reprinted from the Patriot Post (patriotpost.us)
And now they want to send in a Kennedy…that ought to really improve that State’s condition@!!!
Oh yeah, they need another Kennedy in New York just like they need those tax hikes. I feel sorry for New York, especially those in NYC, if they get taxed like this.
Is it just me or does the picture of the gov say it all. He doesn't look to bright.
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