This is without a doubt the most eloquent description of how I feel.......what is your opinion?
By JB Williams Friday, July 17, 2009
Since the most powerful people in America fear the wrath of Obamanation, maybe you should too! They are indeed a dangerous bunch, after all…
Every member of the Supreme Court, every member of congress, every member of the Joint Chiefs, most members of the DOD, CIA, FBI, Secret Service and state run media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Fox and print news, knows that Barack Hussein Obama does NOT meet Article II – Section I constitutional requirements for the office he holds. By his own biography, there is NO way he can pass the test. The hard evidence is so far beyond overwhelming, it is ridiculous.
But not ONE member of America’s most powerful people will dare confront Obama and his anti-American cabal on the subject. The Constitution does NOT stand. Do you think there is no reason for this?
The Basic Facts
Barack Hussein Obama is foreign born, period (Kenya)
Regardless of his birth place, his parents had foreign loyalties (strike 2)
He has foreign loyalties, demonstrated in every policy decision (strike 3)
He’s not Christian, but Muslim
He’s not “black,” but Arab
There is NO U.S. birth certificate, other than the forged COLB
NO Hawaiian hospital will confirm his birth place (he has named two)
His policies are designed to destroy the Constitutional Republic, not to uphold or defend (strike 4)
He won’t go away without a blood bath
These are the basic facts as they exist today. This is the basis for where we are headed…
There are Only three groups in America…
Those who do not know these facts, don’t want to know these facts and will do or say anything to avoid these facts. They are the 28% of Americans polled who “strongly approve” of Obama’s policies and like Obama, they hate personal freedom, individual ambition and achievement, capitalism and self-governance.
Those who know these facts all too well, and understand that Obamanation will either destroy America from the Oval Office, or burn it to the ground if anyone tries to stop them. They are the 36% who “strongly disapprove” of Obama & Co., currently running out of peaceful options to stop him.
Those who limit their information to that of the state run media and can’t quite put all of the pieces together yet, but sense that something is very wrong.
Not one single leftist defense of Obama from his mindless minions will stand an ounce of honest research or scrutiny. But that does not stop them from regurgitating their talking points ad nauseum. For them, it’s not about facts, but the agenda, no matter the facts. The Congressional Budget Office just removed any doubt about the disastrous fate of nationalized health care. But the left isn’t listening… the facts don’t matter. They will go forward regardless because they don’t need a single Republican vote!
Choose your Battles
This is why all Obama supporters label all Obama opponents “racists.” In their limited imagination, they can’t fathom someone actually opposing his Marxist anti-American pro-Terrorist belief system and policies. In their minds, only “racists” would oppose a blatant Marxist rushing to destroy the most powerful nation on earth.
Don’t waste a minute trying to have a fact-based logical discussion with them. They do NOT care what the facts are and they have no foundation upon which to discern simple right and wrong. Though they use the term “fascist” all day long in an attempt to silence their opposition, they have no idea what the word actually means and they don’t care.
But rest easy, as they only account for some 25-28% of American voters and less than 20% of society. Too many, I agree, but fight the battles worth winning. Don’t waste your energy arguing with idiots who only seek access to your earnings. Their agenda trumps their understanding and respect for the truth…
Peaceful Options Evaporate
I want to be VERY clear. I do NOT desire or promote any form of violence or any armed insurrection of the sort recently used to depose an illegal dictator in Honduras. Despite the reality that America is facing an historic Constitutional Crisis with an illegal dictator of its own, violent methods for saving a nation and a way of life, are “last resort” measures only.
However, in my opinion, we are fast approaching the point of “no peaceful resolution” when only extreme measures will remain. As American patriots who still know and still care about the Constitution lose all peaceful options for redress and are forced deeper into a socio-economic corner, the human desire to be free which fuels the urge to resort to violence, will grow.
Violence will grow in both camps, in the absence of any other viable alternatives. Since Obama refuses to respect the Constitution or the law, and congress and the courts opt to turn their collective heads, only extreme options will soon remain. This administration is running roughshod over the people and the states and sooner or later, the backlash is coming.
Racially Motivated Violence
At every opportunity, the left is pushing the race card. The left MUST HAVE a divided nation at war with itself. It is the foundation of their power.
When people oppose Obama, it isn’t because he’s completely unqualified for office, or because his policies are aligned with Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky instead of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. It’s because “he’s black,” even though he isn’t “black.”
Yet it was Obama supporters who overlooked everything else to “make history” and elect a candidate strictly on the basis of his alleged race. No more blatant act of racism has ever taken place in America.
We already see a dramatic increase in random acts of racially motivated violence cropping up in cities across the country. ACORN and Black Panther types sense that this is their moment in history to put the “white man” in his proper place, under their jackboot. These folks DO NOT represent the black community. Only an extreme left violent portion of that community. In Obama’s words, “America is no longer a Christian nation, or even a sovereign nation.” In the words of his black nationalist brethren, “this is a black nation now!”
But with record gun and ammunition sales across the political spectrum, it’s not hard to see where other Americans are headed either.
As the economy is driven even further towards utter collapse by an endless flood of Marxist policies oozing daily from the filibuster-proof congress, it’s only a matter of days, weeks or maybe months at the outside, before people take to the streets in more than TEA Parties.
With the Free Economy goes Freedom
Freedom gave every American the chance to determine their own station in life and for the vast majority of Americans it has been a very comfortable station indeed.
But international leftists have spent decades training those who would not use their freedom well, to vote themselves access to the earnings of others. Today, they feel entitled to that which they did not earn and their leftist leaders feel entitled to confiscate private industry and wealth, in the name of the “greater common good,” which is otherwise known as their personal political power.
They have no idea what’s coming… As the free market economy becomes an Obama Czar controlled economy, and Obama strives to buy favor with his supporters by economically attacking his opponents, the economy will continue its slide into depression. Free-market investors don’t invest in Marxism.
Day traders are riding the government manipulation of the market on their way out, taking “day profits” where they can. But real investors will find a way to escape Marxism, with their resources intact… and they are already fleeing for foreign markets moving towards capitalism. Watch what happens to the new Government Motors. Americans will NOT buy their cars… Then what?
One of two events will ignite the new battle for freedom in America.
Either Obama succeeds in fraudulently holding on to his power long enough to bankrupt the nation, or the people rise up and bankrupt the Fed before Obama can bankrupt every American.
Either way, the streets will burn!
Americans still hoping to avoid a confrontation with international leftists are hoping in vain. Whether Obama supporters tire of their false messiah’s lies and begin to take by force, that which Obama promised but could not deliver,—or true patriots rise up and put a stop to his rape and plundering of a great nation, leaving his supporters in worse condition than before his election, the near future looks the same.
Broad based economic strife, racial violence, government plunder or street gang plunder… no matter which way we go from here, the streets of America are going to burn. This has been a long time coming. There’s almost no chance of escaping it at this late hour.
International leftists did not spend billions and decades setting up the “silent coup” of the United States to simply walk away when busted. They went “all-in” in the last election. They were playing for keeps. They will not let go of their death grip on the United States without a blood bath…
Of course, this is all just my opinion.
The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 69 This post is a suggested read at, http://aresay.blogspot.com/
very well said....I'll be looking forward to the second part
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