By JB Williams Friday, July 17, 2009
Defending the Constitution is not always a Peaceful Event
The people who want to destroy the United States have just as much at stake as those who want to save her. They have worked a very long time to push the USA to the brink of collapse. They intend to finish the job, one way or another.
The people who want to destroy the United States have just as much at stake as those who want to save her. They have worked a very long time to push the USA to the brink of collapse. They intend to finish the job, one way or another.
You can’t figure out why no member of congress or the courts will be the first to ignite civil war by challenging this evil cabal?—Think!
If Americans won’t let leftists have their country, the left will burn it and leave it in ruins. There is no peaceful way out of the corner leftists have placed Americans in… Congress, the courts, even the military brass and law enforcement, will do nothing to save this country. The state run media complex is running interference. The American people are on their own here…
Push is Coming to Shove
The seating of Judge Sotomayor on the Supreme Court bench is a significant event. She’s anti-life, anti-gun, anti-white, anti-American and anti- peace, just like the people who chose her. She was appointed by a usurper of the Constitution. Republicans have no power to stop her, even if they want to. What do you think that means for the future of American justice?
Obama’s Department of Homeland Security has already labeled every American willing to fight for the flag and the Constitution, a “right-wing extremist” and a “potential domestic terrorist.” Every local, county, state and federal law enforcement agency, as well as every state run media outlet, has been put on the lookout for these types of “subversives.” Any guesses why?
Still the Supreme Court, congress, the CIA, FBI and the DOD, sit silent. What do they know that you don’t?
They all know that the election of Barack Hussein Obama amounts to a silent coup of the United States of America. But they do nothing… Why?—Come on… think!
Do YOU Fear Obama?
You should, because it’s clear that the most powerful people in this country do.
Half of the people you expect to stop this insanity are quiet co-conspirators in the silent coup. The other half is paralyzed by fear, motivated only by political self-preservation.
Americans keep asking what they can do because they see that none of their leaders are doing anything to stop the demise of their beloved country. It’s the right question, because those leaders are NOT going to stop this thing.
Who will save Freedom?
A brave few… This is how it was in the beginning, how it has always been and how it will be.
Retired Navy Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, who has filed criminal charges of “treason” against Barack Obama, but has found no court or prosecutor ready to uphold the Constitution.
Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, who refused recall and deployment orders, from a fraudulent Commander-in-Chief, only to have the DOD revoke those orders so that Obama would not have to answer his charges in court. Then the DOD forced his private sector employer to fire him from his civilian job in a Martial act of retaliation.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Carroll D. Childers and Lt. Col. David Earl Graeff, who have joined the growing group of military officers demanding proof of Obama’s eligibility to command the US Military.
Longtime liberal New York radio talker Lynn Samuels, who has accused Obama of lying about his birth certificate.
CNN’s Lou Dobbs, the first employee of the state run media complex to recently decide that the mounting evidence against Obama is just too much to ignore any longer.
Former Marine and U.S. District Judge David O. Carter, the first US Judge to accept his oath to uphold the Constitution, stating… “The country needs to know if Mr. Obama is legitimate, if he can legitimately stay in the White House.”
Orly Taitz, Phil Berg and Gary Kreep, all of whom have made defending the Constitution and the American way of life a personal ambition, in the absence of any constitutional leadership.
Carl Swensson has formed Citizen Grand Juries across the country which have brought Grand Jury criminal indictments against Obama.
And state legislature after state legislature is moving to reclaim state sovereignty and rights under the 10th Amendment, restating 2nd Amendment rights along the way, all of it positioning the states to defend their citizens against an increasingly belligerent Fed.
A precious few, but they exist… and the walls are indeed closing in on Obama and his evil cabal. If the American people fail to get behind these brave few who are seeking peaceful redress, all peaceful options will evaporate as if they never existed. We will return to a pre-1776 America overnight.
Obama could have ended all of this months ago by simply being the “transparent” leader he promised to be. The reason Obama has not done so is, he can’t. He does not qualify and cannot provide adequate proof that he does. When the pressure to provide proof reaches a level that can no longer be ignored, he will fail to pass the test. He knows it, and so do his co-conspirators.
This means that sooner or later, he’s going down in history as the greatest political fraud ever perpetrated on the American people and the world. It also means that all of his co-conspirators have a very serious problem as well… Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Emanuel, all of them…
The End Game
The clock is ticking… Which bomb explodes first?
Obama and Co. are rushing to force Americans into a corner where they will not be able to afford to fight back. Patriots are rushing to fight back before Obama removes the ability to fight back.
No matter which clock ticks down first, this thing is going to blow. There are patriots in this country who are prepared to fight and die for the Constitution and Freedom. But there are also many in this country who are equally ready to kill for Obama and his Marxist agenda. Neither side is going to walk away from the coming battle…
Freedom may be lost in America, but it won’t go down without a fight. Likewise, the left may be defeated, but they won’t walk away without a blood bath… They think they have the American people on their knees already. They won’t let up until forced to let up. They have made this very clear… If I post reader comments from this column, you will see what I see daily.
Marxists established control of academia, the press and the courts years before establishing filibuster-proof control of congress and unfettered control of the executive branch. Obama has appointed more unelected Czars in thirty days than the Soviet Union did in thirty years.
There is only ONE End Game...
Obama and Pelosi have removed any possibility for peaceful resolution. The courts are the forum for peaceful resolution and the courts are missing in action on the matter. Congress is the place for peaceful resolution, but the left is not seeking any form of resolution, nor will they even allow the opposition a voice.
When no peaceful option is allowed, what options remains?
The time to stand and be counted is coming. The left will take no prisoners. American patriots are running out of options and out of time to act.
Internal conflict is a foregone conclusion now. The stage has been set, the battle lines drawn, the forces assembled. It just hasn’t reached a level of unbridled violence yet. The only thing that is not certain is what kind of America emerges from the conflict on the backside of the coming violence.
Will the anti-American left outnumber and overpower the American patriots, or will American patriots and freedom prevail?
The answer to this question will soon be written in history. The rest has already been written…
I pray for my country, my fellow patriots, for freedom and liberty and for justice. The time has come again, for all good men to come to the aid of their nation. Freedom has never been free and the bill has come due again…
I pray that enough American patriots remain, ready to do what must be done.
But it’s all just my opinion, and today, I’d love to be wrong!
JB Williams can be reached at:
this article was incredible, this is how i feel to a "t"
I do not fear him. But I do fear for my country. He needs to fear the people or it will be his own undoing. Just ask Robspierre of the French Revolution.
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