Sunday, September 12, 2021

Huge Failure in Afghanistan That Should Never Happen Again!


Huge Failure in Afghanistan That Should Never Happen Again!

Al Ritter

The huge failure of the Biden Administration should be fixed now so that it never happens again! With today’s satellite technology I find it hard to imagine that not one person in our military has thought to install a chip or a bug into every piece of military equipment used in dangerous areas of the world to self-destruct the computers if that piece of equipment falls into enemy hands.

If you can’t destroy the equipment by a drone strike which certainly could have been possible as pictures showed all the Humvees side by side in a row, reminiscent of the days of Pearl Harbor. Didn’t we learn anything from that attack? If we couldn’t blow them up from hellfire missiles then we should have the ability to fry the electronics remotely. Now we have given Russia and China the ability to reverse engineer our top secret technology.

I realize that not all pieces of equipment such as hand held weapons could incorporate such technologies but all mechanized equipment such as trucks, helicopters and advanced weapons such as stinger missiles sure could!

What were we thinking as a nation when we handed all our technology over to a country that couldn’t even defend itself for 24 hours against the Taliban? $80 billion folks! The Taliban is now (thanks to Joe Biden) the 8th heaviest armed force in the world!

Not one rational person can agree with what he did. How does ANY President remove Afghani citizens before removing our own citizens? How does any President leave so much technology with such a weak military? How does any President leave our people behind enemy lines while removing our military first?

Obviously Biden doesn’t think any farther than the end of his own nose…..”No man left behind” means nothing to this president!

Watch video here:


Carl G said...

My thoughts exactly!

Bud S said...

You are 100% correct