Wednesday, March 16, 2022

I Can Almost Excuse the Republican Support For Putin, But No!

 I Can Almost Excuse the Republican Support For Putin, But No!

Al Ritter

I get it I really do but no! The war that Putin waged against Ukraine wasn’t based on corruption, far be it from Putin to wage a war on corruption! His country is run by Oligarchs which have now basically turned on him, one has actually offered a million dollar bounty on his head dead or alive. They are feeling the pinch on their life savings.

Putin’s war was based in saving his so called Russian homeland supporters in the south eastern part of the Ukraine based on Nazism, and wanting to liberate them from Ukraine and making them autonomous from the country.

Things turned decidedly south when he attacked the entire country and destroying civilian areas, schools, hospitals, nuclear installations, and areas of nonmilitary bases. I can't in my right conscience support an attack on innocent citizens and I would hope that if the situation were reversed that the rest of the world wouldn't turn their back on us!

This has no other intent other than intimidation towards the general population, and then he attacks the declared evacuation route to fleeing Ukrainians into the closest countries to their west.

This aren’t the moves of a compassionate invader, these are the actions of a vindictive invader. These are the actions of a failed ruler of Russia for 20 years that want to reinstall the past rule of the U.S.S.R. and recapture all of their satellite counties of long past regimes.

I see the Republican’s idea for support based on corruption for the Biden/ Pelosi/ Kerry, but it doesn’t excuse the humanitarian abuse of the people of Ukraine. If you wish to address that after the Russian aggression of the Ukraine, fine let’s do that but for right now let’s support them to support their own country and people!




George G said...

Putin is every bit as brutal as his heroes Stalin and Lenin. I don't see how anyone could excuse his behavior just because they think the Ukrainian government is corrupt. Just think it's the children of Kerry, Pelosi, and Biden who were involved in that corruption but innocent people in the Ukraine shouldn't be dying because of that.

Turk 182 said...

George G, it has to do just as much with Republicans wanting to torture the Democrats over the kerry, pelosi, biden thing, this vindictive behavior has gone to extreme to the point now that all that matters is partisan politics. The Republicans just want someone punished for the corruption that the kids form the elitist class were involved in, while they ignore the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, the whole thing is disgusting from both sides of the aisle!

Anonymous said...

I am appalled at propaganda that some of my fellow Conservatives are believing and the antisemitism they are displaying in this war. They are believing Putin over the Ukrainian President just because he's Jewish? It sickens me and makes me ashamed to even be part of Conservative movement. Propaganda is everywhere in the countries fighting and here in America too. But lets view this as a humanitarian crisis as much as a war.

republican patriot said...

I have seen the same thing in the last few days, and it sickens me too!