Monday, March 28, 2022

The CDC Normalizes Blood Clots!

 The CDC Normalizes Blood Clots!

Al Ritter

The CDC is now embarked upon a campaign to convince the public that blood clots are a far more normal experience than once thought.

They are main streaming medical side effects of the Covid-19 Vaccine. Throughout the last two years they have claimed that Covid-19 actually causes blood clots, myocarditis, and other associated heart problems including heat attack, even when the patient isn't predisposed to such conditions

All the while they are ignoring the fact that these incidences have increased exponentially AFTER the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccines.

This new campaign will be one of many to come out in the future to try and convince the general public that these incidences are merely coincidental rather than side effects of the vaccine.

What is next on their agenda? Myocarditis in prepubescent boys is my bet.

Read the propaganda from the CDC here:


Robert L said...

Wasn't this just as much a forgone conclusion as Biden blaming Oil Companies for high gas prices? It's all a product of the DNC propaganda wing of government.

Anonymous said...

All responsible need to be held accountable!

Michelle G said...


Anonymous said...

The BS we are being spoon fed is ridiculous

Bud S said...

That's just great :(