Monday, May 23, 2022

Data Tracking; As Unreliable as the Media Wants You to Think?

 Data Tracking; As Unreliable as the Media Wants You to Think?

Al Ritter

The hypocrisy of the left, including their lapdogs, the Main Stream Media is almost laughable in this latest installment of “good for me but not for thee.”

The leftists want you discredit Dinesh D’Sousa’s 2000 Mules anyway they can. They ask so many questions and make accusations without any real facts. They question the accuracy of the cell phone data, saying it isn’t accurate at all. They stated that it’s only accurate to a one block area which is total nonsense. In reality it’s accurate to mere feet! The leftists thought it was just fine for the government to use it to track the Jan 6th protest crowd.

They never questioned its accuracy when the CDC invaded our privacy to see if people were “following the rules” as far as Covid-19 mandates were concerned. I personally have problems with the smart phone’s invasion of privacy. Even more troubling is the fact that third party data collectors can sell that information to basically anyone. This is what happened when True the Vote acquired these cell phone pings to catch the ballot harvesters working for NGO’s. They used the very same info that the CDC got, playing the same underhanded game.

Now all of a sudden the leftists are crying foul. They don’t like the same tactics they used by the CDC to be used to weed out voting fraud.

I really don’t approve of collecting this kind of data without a warrant, but until either the feds or individual states find a way to reel in this blatant abuse of tracking one’s whereabouts I’m sure we will see more of this in the future.

Merely turning off the location device on your phone doesn’t work to stop this tracking. For instance if you have tracking turned off on your phone an use the Facebook app, it turns it back on for that specific app. Facebook then sells that info through a third party. Many other apps use the same technology and sell that data too.

Read more here on how dangerous this technology is:


Eric the patriot said...

people massively under estimate the power of technology, Musk is correct about AI, add that to this and just imagine how screwed up the surveillance will be in the future. Leave your cell phones at home people!

Anonymous said...

Big brother knows where you are!

Turk 182 said...

I personally see this as unlawful search, and in the very least a horrible invasion of privacy. But on the other hand I find it hilarious that it's being used against the left to detect voter fraud!