Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Putin’s Mobilization of Reservists; what is next?

 Putin’s Mobilization of Reservists; what is next?

Al Ritter

We see desperation in Putin’s moves of late. He first did what he called a “mobilization” which is basically what we know as calling up his reservists, and also past military personnel up to the age of 65! The first wave has already reported to their recruitment offices and tens of thousands have been turned away because of not being able to fulfill the military physical requirements.

This comes on the tide of hundreds of thousands of military age Russians fleeing the country to avoid this conflict. The people of Russia already know this invasion of the Ukraine is unjust and are voting with their feet.

Putin has suffered far more lost in the way of lives than Ukraine has, and Russia’s youth are seeing Putin using them basically for cannon fodder. So the youth is escaping in record numbers. They have seen how Putin used the military of Belarus in the same way and they want no part of it.

Now the US and Russia are very different but now they are experiencing the same dilemma. Russia is losing military personnel to death from war. United States is losing military personnel due to Biden’s draconian Covid-19 vaccine mandates. People are seeing the way that Biden has treated the personnel and as a result recruitment is down 45%.

Both countries are suffering recruitment issues with no end in sight but for different reasons.

There can be only one solution for both countries, but you aren’t going to want to hear it.

I’m not sure how Russia will finally deal with the issue, but the US has only one option, and that is to reinstate the draft. Imagine if you will the entitled Gen Z and Y’s otherwise known as the Millennials and Snowflake generations forced into the military, serving at the Senile-in-Chief’s beckoned call.

Both the US and Russia have expended stupid amounts of money on the Ukraine war.  Both have used most of their conventional military armaments. America has given most of its strategic oil reserves to the EU.

I have said this before and I’ll say it again, there is no good outcome from this war, but both countries have sacrificed their military might for different reasons, and neither country can come out ahead.

Each of the 3 countries have suffered military loses that have weakened them substantially in world power……….while China watches from the wings.




Pamela M said...

You must be reading my mind!

Turk 182 said...

Recruitment will be a huge problem under this President and the military will suffer

Robert L said...

If Putin couldn't get the job done with trained troops how can he expect to prevail with green ones?

Eric A said...

I'm worried about America, to hell with Russia!

Abby in Pittsburgh said...

You may be right Al, I heard rumblings about the selective service again this week, I suppose like you said with waning recruitment it may be necessary