Thursday, November 17, 2022

Executive Orders Can’t Be Used this Way

Al Ritter

Joe Biden is slowly learning that he can’t regulate by fiat. It would be embarrassing to me to know that if I were a lawyer and didn’t know the basics of governmental civics. I guess because Joe Biden didn’t really graduate at the top of his law school he must be given a free pass.

Ruling by regulatory fiat, and hiding behind executive order is NOT how this country was designed to run. Executive Order cannot excuse the student debt loan, and I’ll tell you why, (and this has now been backed up by two Judges) so I don’t say this lightly. I think Biden now is realizing this student loan forgiveness is not possible, the government has now removed the application form.

Whenever there is something that involves expenditure of money already allocated to specific causes it must be voted on by Congress because that’s what they do! Elizabeth Warren just tweeted that the President does have the power to excuse the student debt and quickly Elon Musk fact checked her and had to explain to her the same thing I just said. The sad part is that she was a Law Professor, and should know better. Who knows maybe she does but just thinks like Biden that she can just try to ram things through with no explanations.

He’s more food for thought along those same lines. Biden thinks that he can just sign on to the Paris Accords and spend money on it as he sees fit. Obama tried something similar with his signing into the Kyoto Protocol in 2011. He assumed that because he signed a treaty on climate change that everything would just sail through unquestioned but that in fact wasn’t the case. All treaties must be ratified by Congress and that idea was shelved and never brought up for a vote so it failed.

Fast forward to Biden who now thinks he can just push this Paris Accord down our throats without ratification by Congress. This isn’t how things work Joe!

Somebody needs to tell Biden that the Congress makes laws, and not the President. Somebody needs to tell Biden that Congress has to ratify Treaties and Agreements because his signature alone is not sufficient.

Watch as Elizabeth Warren gets fact checked:

The Judge that tossed student loan debt to the curb for the second time:



terrio said...

Congress needs to start holding these spending fools accountable!

republican patriot said...

My liberal brother that lives in FL was bitching the other day about people that keep using insurance money to rebuild their houses multiple times on the beach down there. He said what should I pay higher insurance rates because of stupid people? I said whoa there big guy, how do you feel about student loan forgiveness? He said well that's different.....,oh really? HOW? Hypocrisy served!

judyblueyes said...

I thought all along that executive orders were only for government entities and couldn't affect the average citizen

Bud S said...

You can tell him all you want, he just won't listen