Thursday, November 3, 2022

Fossil Fuels ARE a Renewable Energy if You Really Think About it

 Fossil Fuels ARE a Renewable Energy if You Really Think About It

Al Ritter

From a young age we were convinced that oil in the ground came from dinosaurs. In fact the old gasoline company Sinclair actually had a picture of a dinosaur on its logo, but how accurate was that in reality.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes Fossil Fuels as this:

Definition of fossil fuel

a fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) formed in the earth from plant or animal remains

Now obviously the surface of the earth wasn’t entirely covered by dead dinosaurs when the meteor that struck the Earth triggering the Ice Age.

Over time the plant based organisms decayed on the surface and were eventually compressed deep beneath the surface.

This extreme compression give us the products we use today including oil, coal, natural gas, and shale oil. This process never stops, it continues to this day. Granted we don’t have dead dinosaurs but we do have an abundance of animal waste products from slaughter houses and an equal of not more plant based waste areas. Unless those remains are burned, which I highly doubt, they will eventually return to the earth to be entered into the compression phase I spoke of earlier.

Now if you consider the constant evolution of this plant and animal material returned to the soil you will eventually understand the process is never ending. So in the true definition of the word they ARE renewable.

The talking heads claim that fossil fuels are not a renewable energy source because it takes millions of years to form. Ok if you follow that logic we are now using what started a million years ago. What about the formation from half a million years ago? Did the process just stop a million years ago? Of course it hasn’t, it might not be fully formed yet but it just might explain how new oil fields are constantly being found.

Are we using oil and it’s byproducts at an unsustainable rate? I don’t think anyone knows the answer to that, but what I do know is this process is constantly ongoing, therefore making it renewable. Let’s face it previously undiscovered oil reserves are being found all the time thereby extending the time until other energy sources and technologies can catch up.

Then I look at the UAE countries and wonder…. Where is their plant based renewable energy for their future? Maybe not all areas will be blessed with continued oil production in the future. If the UAE runs out of oil they may just become another 3 world country with extreme poverty to boot.

Sadly our President thinks that America can be weaned off oil in his term, which is the most ridiculous idea any President has come up with. I suppose eventually we will change our energy habits but certainly not this way. We need to offer oil leases and drilling permits immediately, for no other reason to replenish our strategic oil reserves, and stop giving our oil to other countries!

Other renewable energy sources are fine, but the technology to make them primary sources hasn’t evolved yet and most certainly will not, at least for another decade.

It certainly makes one think doesn’t it?

The benefits of Fossil Fuels:


Ray B said...

I had to laugh years ago when Nancy Pelosi demanded that the Congressional hall was changed over to natural gas to defeat the use of fossil fuels, if her ignorance wasn't so complete, that move would be comical

Brooks B said...

The vast majority of the earth is covered with water, oceans. In these oceans are innumerous plankton, phyto and zoo plankton. Nurtured by waterborne nutrients and the sun, these plants and animals live, die, fall to the bottom of the ocean, layer and become future fossil fuels.

Bill S said...

The tree huggers want you to believe that the transformation of plant matter to oil stopped long ago

Anonymous said...

I never really thought of fossil fuels like this. It really is food for thought

Bud S said...

I wished the President could think

Anonymous said...

Another misconception thrown out to the public from the green machine!

Bobby L said...

Mr Ritter, your conclusions seem obvious to me

republican patriot said...

Thank you Bobby L!