Monday, April 3, 2023

I Have a Special Request for My Loyal Readers

 Al Ritter

It has been two weeks since Google started to shadow ban my articles. They show no signs of relenting. This makes no sense whatsoever because the first article they banned me from was an article originally posted on the Microsoft news outlet about the _krainian Army was firing ammo faster than it can be produced. The next article they banned was about cens*rship… ironic.

Sorry about all the cloak and dagger spellings but it’s hard to figure out their algorithms.

It wasn’t long before Fakebook did the same exact thing, and removed any and all of my articles reposted to their site. I’m not talking about cutting my readership by a little we are talking shutting me down by 99%.

As you can imagine it’s a little difficult now to work on writing an article that won’t be seen by way of censorship by third party actors working at the behest of the Biden Whitehouse.

I’d like to ask my readers to share my articles to their friends and repost them on as many social sites as possible. If I have no way to get my work out there, there isn’t much sense in even writing the articles. I know that their main goal is to keep me from writing, but I don’t want it to happen this way.

Please help me to be heard.


Kevin said...

Slowly the truth is coming out. The repeated comments and slogans from the left is fading out. They have lost their own message because it's always evolving and not everyone is getting the new message. I assumption is the right is being even more silenced because they have a message and the the message from the left is imploding.

Nelda F said...

You needs to use a different platform. The posting guidelines for Blogspot clearly indicate their restrictions. Unfortunately this is today's environment. I would recommend substack or create your own blogger website and drive traffic to it.

republican patriot said...

Nelda, once you are on the from Google search engine radar there isn't much you can promote from any site, because they are the largest search engine in America. Lucky for me this article hasn't been censored so far but that doesn't mean that future articles won't be. The next article will certainly be the litmus test!

Shelley M said...

Will do as you ask!

Turk 182 said...

Done my friend!

George M said...

I'll do my part AL, Just don't give up the fight!

Dave R said...

I will do, I will repost.