Monday, May 22, 2023

Cost vs. Risk

 Al Ritter

As I read the daily reports of how many people in this administration are lying to us I have to wonder, number one why are they lying and number two, in what way does this benefit them?

The FBI director Wray has now been shown to have lied to us about FISA applications as evidenced in the Durham Report. AG Garland continually lies to us about the politicization of the court system. DHS Director Mayorkas lies right to our face about the invasion on the southern border. Fauci lied to us about gain of function experiments in China funded by NIAID.

There are no shortage of lies from this administrational led by Joe Biden. Biden himself lies daily about inconsequential tidbits about his life, from his family history to his supposed accomplishments.

But through all this I have to wonder…. “Who exactly benefits from the lies?”

Who benefits from the move to make us energy dependent once again?

Who benefits from a weakened military?

Who benefits from a depleted Strategic Oil Reserve?

Who benefits from defunding the police?

Who benefits from opening our southern border?

Who benefits from denying prosecution of our deadliest criminals?

Who benefits from corrupt election rigging?

Who benefits from mandated vaccinations?

I could go on endlessly but I think you get the picture. The answers are quite simple, the ones who benefit are NOT the majority of Americans, and they are always a select few. The result is that they benefit at the cost of someone else. Usually they make their money due to someone’s misfortune.

We the People share no benefit from the way society has moved. We already know that 70% of the voters are not pleased with the way the country is being run and yet, they continually vote for the party that has pushed us into the abyss.

The big battle right now is the debt ceiling. While the Republicans want to rein in spending while the Whitehouse is refusing to even negotiate. As of right now 70% of our budget goes to entitlements.

Entitlements are not what our forefathers ever envisioned and yet here we are

Wray's lies:

Fauci's lies:


Turk 182 said...

If there is money to be made, just follow the trail

Gloria109 said...

There isn't much that doesn't upset me in this day and age

Kevin said...

A lot more often that not, I wish we could all follow the political course laid out by Richard Pryor in the 80's movie Brewster's Millions - NONE OF THE ABOVE.