Saturday, July 15, 2023

Neo Nazis Alive and Well in Maryland

 Al Ritter

There aren’t many times I am sickened by the actions of hateful bigots, but this week was one of them.

I found this flier on the ground in a sandwich bag with about a handful of corn to give it some weight. I assume because the coward that threw it wanted to do so at speed as to not get caught littering my property with his hate filled trash.

Sadly our country allows such trash to be distributed under the guise of “freedom of speech.” Even if that speech is hate speech it is allowed in our country. I love how on the first offensive page it quotes two bible scriptures in the left and right lower hand corners.

One common thread these Neo Nazis all subscribe to is that they are “white” “Christians.”

Nothing can be farther from the truth, when racial bigotry is involved. You can’t be a Neo Nazi and a good Christian.

Then at the bottom of the first page is has a disclaimer at the very bottom…

“These flyers were distributed randomly without malicious intent.”

I suppose I don’t know what malicious intent actually means then!

The reverse side spews even more hatred and even has the gall to recommend Thomas Sewell, obviously a jab at the Black Commentator, economist, and fellow at the Hoover Institute whose real name is Thomas Sowell and would be mortified to be connected in any way to this.

I am subjected to this hate speech daily on the and usually just block the people involved. I am seeing this more and more every day in my daily readings.

Even the Biden administration has overlooked the racism from the Ukraine and the Nazi group known as the Azov battalion. Just as offensive, the mainstream media portrays them as a “far-right group.”

This vein attempt to label Neo-Nazi’s as far right groups couldn’t be farther from the truth especially in America. Although MSM, and Joe Biden wants to label them ass Trump followers they lack any proof on the matter.

As disgusting as this type of flier is, it is legal in America, but it doesn’t mean we have to accept it!



Nancy D said...

I would never have thought that Maryland was a haven for Nazis....smh

Terri O said...

This is so disgusting

Ray in Lubbock said...

I'd be furious if something like that had been tossed into my yard!

Edward08936 said...

I've noticed the same claims from these Nazis as being white Christians. True Christians don't carry the hate around like they do. I think the MSM is trying to portray this group as far right groups so they can tie the lies to Trump voters.

Turk 182 said...

It amazes me that 70 years after Hitler's death, people still cling to his eugenics ideology, it truly makes me wonder about the end game of man

Rob Boh said...

Along with Illinois Nazis, I hate Maryland ones too.