Tuesday, July 18, 2023

People Forget What the Term “Average” Means

 Al Ritter

The Northeast experienced a drought from early to late spring. In my direct area we were 12” below average in that time period. As we know California and the arid far west has been in a drought for the last few years.

The Main Stream Media has been beating the drum for climate change recently claiming that the highest two day temperature was just recently recorded at 62.9 degrees Fahrenheit. This unofficial record claim is ridiculous as it only exceeded the past record by .08 degrees.

I say ridiculous because this is a claim for the world not just one small area. If you have say record high temperatures across the United States after a recent cold snap in the same areas just months before that could affect the readings worldwide for those two days.

Historically the production of produce is far better under warmer areas than colder areas. Climate Change supporters confuse hotter temperatures with lack of rain which isn’t entirely true.

When I read about this two day “high temp record” I said that’s funny, nobody ever talks about the coldest day average ever but they are quick to report the hottest temp!

If you are old enough you will remember that these same climate alarmists claimed that the world was headed for the ice age just 40 years ago. Once their predictions never came true they switched tactics and now claim that changes either way are because of manmade causes.

Now California is catching up on their rainfall averages and their reservoirs are now filling finally. However you have to remember that the far west IS an arid desert area and their average rainfall is much less than say Mississippi, Alabama, or Louisiana. California should now understand that even though the rain is coming down at a higher rate than it has in the last 5 years, the possibility that it could exceed the annual average is also there. THUS AVERAGE RAINFALL!

The Northeast is experiencing the same thing right now, we are still 4.5” short of our average rainfall of 12” for the same time period. In Maryland our average rainfall is 44” but just a few short years ago in 2018 it was 114.”

People place too much emphasis on the extreme and not enough on the average.

As I tell all the climate alarmists…”It’s called averages for a reason.”

Read Seth Borenstein’s (America’s largest climate alarmist’s) article here:


Read an article by a more level headed journalist here, deaths from cold vs. heat:


The actual data not the media pushed data






Patriot in PA said...

Californians complain when it doesn't rain and they complain when it does, I don't think they can ever be happy!

Roger S said...

If you want the real story go to https://www.climatedepot.com/

Danny B said...

the whole climate change thing is a farce, there is no solution other than to tax the rich countries and give the money to the poor countries. Wealth distribution is the name of the game!