Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Great Emancipator or a Wholesale Violator?

 Al Ritter

It is said that history is written by the winner, and in this case it is certainly true. If I told you that a President had actually jailed newspaper editors that printed articles that weren’t flattering to his administration. What if I told you that same President had jailed a Supreme Court Justice that didn’t agree with him? What would happen if a President suspended Habeas Corpus in America?

I think you may already know where I’m going with this by the title of the article but we actually must visit the violations of the American Constitution. In an attempt to keep Maryland from succeeding from the Union, President Lincoln did all the afore mentioned violations including jailing elected officials and interfering with elections within the State.

Because Maryland is so close to Washington DC Lincoln couldn’t risk losing a state so close to the capitol, so his tactics were suspect to say the least. Maryland was actually split down the middle as far as Union supporters and Southern sympathizers.

Did Lincoln actually run for President as an abolitionist? One can look at campaign quotes to judge for themselves. Today without a doubt his views would not be considered racist, but even back then they may have been, as were a lot of his contemporaries.

Was the Civil War fought over slavery? Absolutely NOT! The war was fought over taxes as evidenced here, contrary to the history rewriters of the 20th century. Imagine a 40% tax in this day in age!

Was Lincoln the Great Emancipator that he was professed to be? Well not exactly. The Emancipation Proclamation was a Presidential Proclamation that was later voted on and ratified by Congress and became law. If you read the summary of the text you will find that he only declared freedom of the slaves in the Southern States involved in succession, and offered them a job in the Union Army as a consolation, I'm sure the huge death count of troops on both sides played a part in his decision. The way the proclamation was worded read that if any state came back to the union that freedom would be null and void. Once you read the actual Proclamation rather than just take someone’s word for it you will see the inconsistencies.

Of course Lincoln never lived to see his Proclamation ratified. But it certainly proves that history is written by the victor.

Was Lincoln a saint or a villain? Only you can decide after finally having the other side of him exposed. You must admit though you now get to see the dark side you never saw before.

Please feel free to examine the documentation that I have collected over the years on this subject:







Dane386 said...

I wonder when BLM will tear down the Lincoln Memorial?

Turk 182 said...

I feel kind of strange reading this article. About 30 years ago my family and I visited Gettysburg. We took the grand tour and ended up in the old museum that was across the street from the cemetery. They we the ones that had the diorama of the battlefield. We listened to the presentation about the causation of the Civil War and the explanation was exactly what you just stated in the article. About 3 years ago I revisited the museum, but it had moved to a location outside of town. The old museum was gone but the diorama had moved to the new building built on Federal Land. We paid our money and went through the new exhibit. The diorama was now on a second floor and once you toured that you went downstairs to another exhibit. In that exhibit I was shocked to see that the narrative had now been changed entirely to the causation was slavery. Even though the building was on Federal land the running of the museum had been handed over to a private contractor. I was quite upset at the rewritten history exhibit, and I doubt I will ever return, so sad.

Gunny2012 said...

Why is this narrative of slavery constantly being forced down our throats? The Baby Boomers know the real story. Sadly the millennials and Gen Z'rs will never know the real truth

Kevin said...

Way back when I was in 5th Grade I had a teacher, Carl Hoffman, who loved history and was happiest (my opinion) when he was teaching history. I say this because back in the 70's this type of history (real history) was being taught in classrooms and I remember him standing in front of the class and teaching the very things you wrote about. When Jimmy Carter created the Dept of Education it was the beginning of the end of TRUE U.S. History.

Ray in Lubbock said...

The narrative has certainly changed over the years, and in my opinion Lincoln's legacy was changed due to martyrdom in much the same way JFK's was.