The “Honest” Race Conversation
Al Ritter
President Obama and Democratic minions constantly talk
about having a conversation in America about “race.” Unfortunately, the last 6
years the position of the Attorney General has been occupied by Eric Holder,
who sees fit to ignore the laws and policies forged into law by our
legislature. Mr. Holder has taken this position to further the political agenda
of his boss Barack Obama. Neither man wants an honest and most certainly a
painful conversation about race relations in our country.

This additional investigation would be funny if it wasn’t
so obvious that it’s being done as retribution of something that the Ferguson Grand
Jury had done that Holder had seen as wrong. Unfortunately retribution is
something the Obama Administration knows all too well. Punishment sits at the
forefront of almost every action the Obama Administration uses.

This isn’t an honest talk about race relations because it
uses a lie for basis for further action in Ferguson. Four Forensic Pathologists
have done individual inspections of Michael Brown’s body and have all come to
the same conclusion, and yet the rioters, politicians, and now an NFL team have
seen fit to portray a “hands up don’t shoot” mindset. This is dishonest to say
the least, ALL evidence supports Ofc, Darren Wilson’s account of how the
shooting went down. A well-known statement about Grand Jury indictments says….”they
could indict a ham sandwich,”…..this statement says it all, that a grand jury
would rather err on the side of safety and try an innocent man rather than let
him go without a trial.
When a Grand Jury doesn’t indict someone it seems pretty
clear that there isn’t a cause for indictment and that person acted lawfully.
The death of any child is sad, but when that child had a past history of
violence, felonies, theft and aggression, is it so surprising that a 300lb man
child was almost certainly going to meet an untimely death?
The race baiters who incited this riot and aided in the destruction
of the town of Ferguson, the politicians and make-believe Attorney General ignore
the law and in some instances actually threw gasoline on those fires should
have been arrested. But alas that doesn’t fit the narrative of fanning the
racial flames in this country. Thankfully we have some real standup men and
woman who serve in a state’s capacity, to call out this racial divide in the
Obama Administration.
How can anyone have an honest discussion about race when
the federal government has already picked a side and is enforcing law the way
they see fit rather than to justly apply the letter of the law?
Stupid people know no color, but it’s not honest to say
that because this boy was black and the officer was white this was a racial
incident. To portray an event even after proving Brown never held up his hands in an attempt to surrender is a lie, America knows it now, but Brown's parents and Obama/Holder are purely in denial! I think most of America admits that if this had been a black officer
and a white boy that tried to take his gun and the white boy had been killed
this story would have been buried on the back page of the local paper and would
have never been mentioned again.

We the People understand this but the
Obama/Holder department of “Just Us” have decided that they won’t let this go…..I
say to them, “Let this dead horse lie” and move on to the next racially charged
incident you are bound to find.
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