Monday, June 29, 2015

No Country for Old Men

No Country for Old Men
Al Ritter 

I guess maybe I’m too old to be in this country anymore, but then I’m reminded that Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton are running for office, and they are WAY older than me, and I’m slapped back into reality. My points of view aren’t really represented anymore. Lobbyists are supplanting my interests. The Constitution has become passé, and neither party seems interested in restoring it. The Tea Party candidates that wielded so much power in the mid-terms that WE elected have been watered down and turned out to pasture by the GOP.  

Without a doubt my candidate who has been the only stalwart to restore the constitution has been made the laughing stock of the Senate even though his message has never wavered and still remains true to the Constitution. Clowns have even been introduced as part of the Republican circus running for the presidency even though they have donated mostly to the Democratic Party in the past! I feel as though whatever we call this party, it is still the “party of one.” 

We have set back race relations over 100 years by the policies of Obama, and we are set at the precipice of a racial war! The racism claim is used at the drop of a hat, and has been transformed to mean that only people of color can be victims of racism, but never can whites be victims, documented time after time by Eric Holder. We have ignored ALL the Obama incidents and failed to bring anyone to trial….Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS etc. etc……We have learned that certain people are not only above the law, but they are then allowed to run for the Presidency of the United States. 

We have denied not only our Judea-Christian heritage, but we have accepted the same religion that attacked us on 9/11; we have endorsed it over Christianity! Obama has used our Constitution against us to support religious freedom for Islam at the cost of denying others! 

We have not only armed our declared enemies, but we have ignored the treasonous activities of our government, and used the DOJ, IRS, and even the Secret Service as the henchmen to destroy ordinary citizens’ lives at the bequest of the office of the Presidency. 

The saddest part is that on the Democratic side Hillary Clinton is showing signs of moving farther left than even Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders the only self-avowed Socialist candidate is proposing an even FARTHER leftist agenda and he is running a close second place! 

Continually history is now being rewritten to fit the narrative of the Obama Administration, on race matters, and liberal agenda matters, adding yet another degree of falsehood to our past and a denial of facts. 

Even the so called Conservative Governors are bowing to removing the “Southern Cross” or otherwise known as the Stars and Bars, or the Confederate Flag, because it offends some ignorant, public school, or leftist collegiate taught, or uninformed minions of the left. 

We read daily where College professors are teaching our children a liberal politically tainted agenda pushed by the government. Common core has become the law of the land and teaches our kids a much more involved logic to simple mathematical questions. Our work force is at the smallest size since WWII and nobody seems to question it. 

Over half our population is now on some sort of entitlement program, and programs that we as workers and the companies that we worked for, donated into, are now also termed welfare entitlements. 

Our government has decided what is best for us, and forcefully makes us comply.  

If you make cash deposits from your business in the amounts of under $10,000 the IRS can come in and confiscate all your funds and threaten to never return it even if you have never been charged with a crime. 

Daily we hear about Police situations where their actions have become increasingly militaristic and every bit as violent as the cartels and gangs they are supposedly protecting us against. 

We have been so attacked by the government in our personal lives that thoughts and concerns about such things as unemployment, national debt, and foreign policy now mean very little. 

The Obama administration and Congress have totally demoralized the armed forces by denying them the benefits that had been promised and earned, while all the time increasing their own benefits. The military is at its smallest size since WWII, and the Pentagon’s budget is being cut daily despite the fact that Obama has now waged war in more countries at the same time than ANY President in the past. Rules of Engagement have changed so much that it puts EVERY service member in far more danger than at any time in the past. 

We now pay ransom to get back military defectors and trade the most dangerous prisoners in the world on a scale of 5 for 1.  

In the first year of Obama Presidency we GAVE away, not sold, probably the most important invention of our millennium, the Internet. Originally invented by our military Obama gave it away in 2009. 

Our Supreme Court has now become a biased liberal extension of the Office of the Presidency. Supreme Court decisions have now decided that same sex marriage will now be the law of the land, and the failed “Obamacare” will probably be with me until the day I die whether I agree with either decision or not. 

We treat whistleblowers with distain and administer retribution quickly and decisively, even though there are laws against such actions. On the other hand we treat the liars and deceivers in government to continual pay raises and promotions. In the eyes of government evil has turned into good and good into evil. 

Our international southern border no longer means a thing and every government agency formed to protect us there has been given orders to stand down and allow this illegal action. The DOJ continually picks and choses which law they intend to enforce regardless of their pledge to enforce all laws equally. 

Minimum wage has been increased to compensate minimal skill workers who never really intend to increase their skill level but instead are content to languish at the minimal skill profession for life. Meanwhile military professionals continue to be paid at low wages despite their education level and the daily life threatening nature of their work. 

Social Security benefits have been set to a higher age limit now, making seniors put off retirement, while Social Security disability benefits have increased over two fold, giving benefits to a new group of people willing to defraud our government. 

Welfare Benefits are now willfully given to Illegal immigrants whom have never even paid a dime into our system, but are draining an already depleted reserve. Forging Social Security cards and fraudulently using someone else’s number is no longer considered a felony, and the Administration refuses to even charge those responsible with identity theft. 

Those who refuse to pay income taxes remain in government jobs and given bonuses and pay raises regardless of their indebtedness. High profile “social injustice” purveyors are not only given a free pass on their taxes, but are invited multiple times to the Whitehouse for their “special” expert opinions. 

Although the government tells us that the reason for extending the retirement age is that in just a few years the elderly will be the majority of America, and yet they constantly ignore our voice. Is the next step to deny the elderly voting rights?  

I feel like Tommy Lee Jones and ready to hand my country over to the useful idiots.





Friday, June 26, 2015

Eric Holder Was Right

Eric Holder Was Right
Kevin Bryant 

God Help Us, Eric Holder was right, we are a nation of cowards. We are cowards when it comes to race related issues. We are cowards when it comes to confronting politicians. We are cowards when it comes to doing what is necessary when it’s not popular and worst of all; we are cowards about standing our ground.  

Race related crap. Yes, “crap” is the correct word to use here. Its crap to believe that if you are white you are automatically a racist but that is what the left want you to believe. The left has convinced a majority of minorities in this country that all their woes are because of what they the left has labeled “White Privilege”. White privilege? I sure didn’t grow up with any? Not a single member of my family grew up with any. Anything and everything we have is directly related to working for what we have. I and my siblings applied ourselves in school and earned diplomas and in some cases degrees because we worked for them, no white privilege did that. These were not based on grading on a curve or no child left behind crap. Neither I nor my siblings live in the worst neighborhoods of our respective communities. None of us live in affluent neighborhoods but we do live in safe neighborhoods because we worked to get there, white privilege didn’t do that. Our kids didn’t grow up hungry because we needed more jewelry to wear or spent grocery money on a $300 pair of shoes and none us are covered in tattoos. In fact, I don’t think any of us have a single tattoo. None of this is what the left want you to believe is “White Privilege”. It’s called being responsible to ourselves, our kids and our communities. A black cops shoots a white criminal, we aren’t out there breaking windows and looting businesses in protest. Unless proven otherwise, we are all pretty sure the cop had a good reason to do it. Our parents set rules and standards and for the most part, we followed those rules and met their standards. As parents, we set rules and standards for our kids and for the most part they met them.  

It may have taken 40+ years but finally even my sister has come around to understanding there is no such thing as a political party fighting for the individual. Parties fight for their own interest and that interest is gaining more power and more control. It should be the duty of every person of voting age to educate themselves and learn the background of those running for office from the city alderman to the city mayor to the state governor to the President of the United States. Anyone who votes a party line is a coward and an idiot and this applies to the cowards and idiots who currently serve in state and federal congress. My father, God rest his soul was a hardened Southern Democrat. The thought of voting for a republican I don’t think ever entered his mind. He asked me one day: “Why are you a republican”.  He could not grasp the idea that I am not a republican. Yes, the majority of the time the people I vote for are running as republicans but not all the time. I told him I’m not a republican; I am a fiscal, social and constitutional conservative. As best as I could try to explain it, I don’t think he ever got the meaning.  

It’s easy to accept what someone tells you as truth. It’s easy to go along with the masses. It’s easy to be selfish and it’s natural to want more. Cowards don’t dig for the truth or base opinions on what they have learned from studying both sides of a debate. Cowards don’t hold in reserve that which they want in order to fill the needs of those dependent upon them. Cowards go with the flow and don’t respectfully challenge those who see themselves as authority figures. Lastly, cowards don’t hold the right and left in America regardless of skin color accountable for their speech and their actions even when they know it’s wrong.  

Yes, this is the only time you are ever going to see me agree with Eric Holder……… We are a nation of cowards.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

“What Were You Thinking America?”

“What Were You Thinking America?”
By Ron Boat
When historians look back on these times they may well be pondering the question of the day - “What were you thinking America?”
How can a country so blessed by God, so abundantly set apart from the rest of the world with wealth, beauty, peace, and with personal and community successes screw it all up so badly as to destroy itself.
We’ve all heard – or known – that “the love of money is the root of all evil,” and have seen its more reprehensible influences flourish in the past few decades. While people used to work hard just to gain enough to be economically stable, or some socially successful, today’s dictate is that you get as much as you can, as fast as you can, any way you can and the power that accompanies it.
Many adages were proclaimed over the ages, and while their presence in today’s society may be forgotten or ignored, their truth still stands. As said by John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton of England:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 

In today’s society we might well substitute the word “money” for “power” as they are intertwined with deceit and treachery.
Many work hard to gain money because of their drive and goals of personal success, and their love of an ability to do good with their fortunes while others revel in the power that comes with it over men, companies and even society.
We’re all embarrassingly aware of the “Clinton Crime Family Foundation” and the illicit gains and power it fosters in order to allow a few to gain position and control over the populace. With one hand behind their back, they take money from who knows who and from where, while facing an audience saying  “We have to stop the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money that is distorting our elections, corrupting our political process, and drowning out the voices of our people.”
Is this the means by which elected officials are placed that was envisioned by our founders? Is this the proper and legitimate method of selecting and entrusting those who govern us?
When America chooses to trust liars and thieves, fraudulent, corrupt cohorts who scheme, manipulate and buy their way into power, they do injustice to the system, and to the positions these people hold, and America’s legacy is thereby forged in the fires of dishonesty and deceitfulness.
“What were you thinking America?”
While today’s money and power are fostered from the greed that so often precedes them, the basis of our country, as sought and provided for by our founders, is also in peril: Our religious freedoms and ethics.
I’ve written before (“To God or Not To God”) about our forefather’s credence and bedrock intentions of having a country based on an open and free belief in God, his powers and place in society. But over the last few decades, and most recently, those desires have been eroded and flushed into the sewer of humanity which now leads and lives in this great land sucking the resources from our coffers of hard work and belief.
Daily we see the rejection and dissolution of God in our schools, the banning of freedoms in the church with directives from the government about what to believe and how to preach an “acceptable” message to the masses. We see the assault on businesses that are told you must go against your religious beliefs in order to own and manage your own trade and economic property as for you, the “State” will direct your endeavors.
We’ve seen continuing mismanagement of our national security with either “social agenda” or “patriotic ignorance” taking charge of a most vital part of our daily lives. Dangerous criminals bent on destroying this country being released from custody for the sake of “making nice” with the enemy.
Precarious negotiations with treacherous, untrusted governments with evil intent for the sake of personal legacy and continuing power – all against the will and best interests of the American people – and elected officials continue to allow it, condone it, or even facilitate it. The weakness of our leaders and the decay of moral foundation will culminate in the downfall of the best country on earth.
Our government leaders promote people into positions of power and accept their groups as “peace loving and American” when we see for ourselves that their actions and efforts are for the destruction of America. Then they say nothing when these exalted leaders are caught in sting actions for criminal activities, pedophilia or running child sex rings.
Citizens groups determined for a free America and spreading truth, or individuals fraught with times of economic devastation and little or no work find themselves hounded by the IRS, while others, community leaders, who owe millions in taxes are applauded, invited to the white house for meetings and dinners and their social sins overlooked in consideration of race and potential support.
We see a youth commit robbery and assault on a store owner, then assaults a police officer trying to steal his gun, and potentially do hard, then runs away and comes back charging the officer. He is killed in defense…. And the family and community want to put up a plaque honoring the youth.
“What were you thinking America?”
There’s not a more moral arena than the treatment of our fellow man, and our children. More and more the depraved actions of a misguided society are acceptable and even lauded as we move down that road of personal and societal destruction. The links between morality, liberty and humanity have been known for centuries and in the mid 1800’s was seen as something we seem to be missing today. To quote Lord Acton again:
“Liberty becomes a question of morals more than of politics.”
And when he said “…Morality depends on liberty,” we have only to realize that without liberty we have no morality and certainly today without morality, we have no liberty.
And this moral, ethical degeneration is evidenced in the lives our leaders and even the educators who are untrustworthy with our children’s futures.
An academic conference held at the University of Cambridge invited Tom O’Farrell, a known child sex offender and campaigner for the legalization of sex with children to speak. His comments were that “pedophilia interest is “natural and normal for males.” He later wrote that conference had been “wonderful” and “it was a rare few days when I could feel relatively popular!”
We see more and more teachers having sex with underage students and being exempt of moral responsibility due to society’s acceptable of “circumstances” and “situations.” 

We see government control exercised through new laws and practices. US Common Core standards now require sexuality education from kindergarten through grade 12. To qualify for federal grants from the US Department of Education, public schools must adopt Common Core standards. And the path to teaching delicate subjects is lined with communal goals and mores, not logic and decency.(*) 

Some Virginia students in 8th grade will soon be receiving lessons on "oral and anal" sex. Fourth graders will receive instruction about incest. The goal is to teach students about homosexual, bisexual, and transgender identity.

"Starting in kindergarten, students will be taught about same-sex or gay marriage and the parents will not be able to opt out," Andrea Lafferty, president of the Traditional Values Coalition, told CBN News.
When I was in school I was worried about passing the history test or learning math in order to succeed in life. Now, US schools are teaching 8-year-olds how to masturbate and put condoms on bananas. Controversy surrounds the textbook titled "It’s Perfectly Normal," which contains graphic illustrations of naked people of all ages. Some of its drawings depict children and adults masturbating and having intercourse. Do-it-yourself instructions are included.  
Today, any “confused” or “misguided” child can become Transgendered overnight and accepted as the new norm even to the point of new laws providing restrooms for those “not sure” of who or what they are in life… but it’s ok, it’s alright, it’s normal.
A New Jersey teacher has her 3rd grade class write Get Well letters to a convicted murderer but shows no compassion or explanation to the students of the Philadelphia police officer he killed.
There are many who cast a doubtful eye on the “moderate Muslims” in our midst seeing the death, torture, destruction many in their army of “religion of peace” so openly display, so being cautious is warranted and yet, a Massachusetts school district took a group of school children for participation in midday Muslim prayers during a field trip to a Boston-area mosque.

Parents were told their children would be learning about the architecture of a mosque and they would be allowed to observe a prayer service. But the students wound up being given a lecture on the Prophet Muhammad – a pedophile of his time.
Univ. of California President Janet Napolitano, a left wing zealot of Barry Obama’s social engineering leanings, has issued a long list of alleged microaggressions which are forbidden in today’s university conversations.
Per her directive, we can no longer teach that “America is the land of opportunity,” or “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”
Other sayings deemed unacceptable include:
● “Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”
● “Where are you from or where were you born?”
● “Affirmative action is racist.”
● “When I look at you, I don’t see color.”
● “America is a melting pot.”
Og Mandino’s concept was that “to be successful, you only have to be a small, measureable bit better than mediocrity.” And yet today, being mediocre in deeds and thoughts and responsibilities is to be acceptable, even rewarded.

Society as a whole has succumbed to this acceptance of mediocrity, violence, misbehavior and anti-American actions and rhetoric. In recent Baltimore riots, the Mayor wanted the police to “stand down” and allow citizens to vent their frustrations and have them allowed to loot saying, “Let them loot, it’s only property.”

A CNN reporter, Fredricka Whitfield , described a recent attacker on the Dallas police station as “courageous and brave.”

During Katrina, Celine Dion Told CNN’s Larry King, “You know, some people are stealing and they’re making a big deal out of it.” And, “Oh, they’re stealing 20 pair of jeans or they’re stealing television sets. Who cares? They’re not going to go too far with it. Maybe those people are so poor, some of the people who do that they’re so poor they’ve never touched anything in their lives. Let them touch those things for once.”

“What were you thinking America?”

With all this engineered acceptance and lack of morals and social responsibility by the media, the teachers, our leaders, is it any wonder that scandals like the Clintons go unpunished, undiscussed, unrecognized with the impunity and dismissal of an 8 year old stealing cookies at a picnic?

When the president of the United States repeatedly tells millions that they can keep their doctor, keep their plan in order to sell his socialistic healthcare and then it’s revealed that it was a lie, fostered in the bowels of deceitfulness otherwise “we never would have gotten it past the people.” Lying becomes the norm – the standard.

Or he continually tells the media and the public that he doesn’t have the legal authority to grant access or amnesty to millions of immigrants because of the law – and then goes ahead and blatantly does it with the acceptance of the smiling masses waiting on their green cards, free housing and congressional paychecks.

In the future as generations of Americans sit under the weight of an economic pile of a third world poverty, or live under the tyranny of a powerful, oppressive regime, they’ll be some who look back at our current days of incessant  crime, corruption, deceit, deal making, thievery, lying, immorality, lawlessness, social nefariousness, and illogical political correctness. They’ll ask themselves…

“What were you thinking America - or were you?”

(*) National Sexuality Education Standards K-12


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Has Our Country Has Lost Its Collective Mind?

Has Our Country Has Lost Its Collective Mind?
Al Ritter

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have sold us down the river for the progressive movement. They don’t even pretend to serve their constituency that reelected them. Obama continues to push his agenda which has gone into overdrive. Continually our elected officials club us over the head like defenseless seal pups.

It’s damn well time we take this country back and return it to the place our founding forefathers intended. It’s time we put a limit on government, and throttle back the Supreme Court, which lately seems to mirroring Obama’s twisted agenda of supporting the very people that attacked us on Sept 11, 2001. We gave this President the benefit of the doubt in 2008 (not me) but many uninformed voters did……Even James Carville admitted that Democratic voters are idiots. How telling is that? Will the democrats even admit they are stupid or even made a mistake for the last 7 and a half years? Not even a chance I’m afraid. Carville was correct our country is being led by idiots!
Nobody will even admit it on the left; they claim the moral high ground, political correctness at ANY cost. Not only that but they excuse any and every action taken by the police to curb the falsely initiated Police brutality. I admit that there is a Police problem in our country, but it isn’t racially charged, it’s equally distributed, unfortunately Black America doesn’t see it, and our President is just as blind.
Our country continually ignores the treasonous actions of the Obama Administration supplying arms to terrorist countries. We even ignore Hillary Clinton’s violation of federal law and enable her to run for President when Federal law excludes her from that very action. The scary part is that our elected Republican legislators have ignored this law, and probably no state will remove her from the ballot based on this law. As my dear ol’ departed mother would have said……..we are headed to hell in a hand basket!
Nothing seems sacred in our country anymore; we are headed down a mineshaft with nobody in the driver’s seat! We are not only moving to the socialistic ideas but we are also moving to a total Sharia acceptant country. Obama can claim any religion he wants, but America sees which religion he supports. He does so at Israel’s peril……he has cast off our OLDEST and best ally in the Middle East and supported every terrorist regime he can possibly support.
At least this Racist, anti-Semitic President has only less than 600 days left as our divider in chief…….it’s time for America to move forward!