Friday, November 5, 2021

DeSantis Puts Biden on Notice, “Not In My State!”


DeSantis Puts Biden on Notice, “Not In My State!”

Al Ritter

The Governor of the most economically recovered state once again has to tell Biden, “No More!”

Ahead of an edict that is due to come from OSHA that took 2 months and 500 and some pages to press forward Biden’s EO about businesses employing more than 100 employees to all be vaccinated.

Now to begin with these are regulations and not laws, they have NEVER been passed by Congress, and yet the Dementia-in-Chief is trying once again to force this poison jab on America.

These new regulations even step farther over the boundary of what is constitutionally allowed.

It will force the company you work for to maintain your personal health record! Forget the HIPPA law passed under the Obama/Biden era. Now Biden even seeks to violate something in the past that he was a part of (or for that matter might even remember at this point.)

Gov. Ron DeSantis is the torch carrier for the Constitutional Right, filing suit after suit against the Federal Government, while the left obviously holds the Supreme Court hostage.

Not one case has been accepted to be heard on the overreach by State and Federal draconian mandates due to Covid.

Amy Barrett who was supposedly a conservative and heard the Emergency stay on Indiana University that refused acceptance of students without a vaccination regardless whether or not it was in person classes or online. If you didn’t know she turned down the student’s plea and sided with the University.

The people are finally getting their concerns and worries heard but it has been a long road so far, and we as citizens can’t afford to let them gain any more ground. Once one mandate is accepted another one is proposed. This progression must stop!

I applaud Gov De Santis and only pray he runs for President in 2024.

Watch his press conference here:

More states join in:

DeSantis wins another battle:



Anonymous said...

I wish the governors from other states would take the same course of action!

Bud S said...

I love DeSantis