Monday, November 1, 2021

The Transformation Into a Banana Republic is Almost Complete


The Transformation Into a Banana Republic is Almost Complete

Al Ritter

In the same way Obama destroyed America, Joe Biden is picking up where he left off.

It’s hard to pick just one failure that Biden has participated in, but this one is monumental on so many fronts. National Security is one of most sacred responsibilities of a President and yet Biden has let us down on multiple fronts such as demanding vaccines for the military who are now departing in record numbers leaving us vulnerable on the world stage.

Near the end of the Trump Era 4 million people due to the tyrannical Covid mandates left the work force never to return. They thought it best to just retire early rather than to give into Unconstitutional mandates by power hungry Governors.

It is reported that an additional 7 million will leave or be forced out of the workforce (mostly first responders,) who had been trusted with caring for Covid patients but have now been tossed to the curb like dirty laundry.

But I digress, this new level of insanity is strictly on the hands of Joe Biden. Joe wants to give not only amnesty to everyone in this country illegally spanning back to 1974, but now wants to pay them because “Trump broke up their family.”

You constantly hear about how Social Security, a system we were all forced to pay into because it’s going broke. Not one mention about how the Congress robbed that system so many times to force their welfare state agenda.

So the elderly are worried about if the SS system will go under in their lifetime, while the Biden Administration wants to give $450,000 to every illegal alien since 1974 and even pay some family members up to $1 Million dollars in “reparations?”

How long have we heard about African-Americans demand that and never been heard, but now Biden wants to step right over them and award reparations to felons!

The policies at the border are appalling with not end in sight only a daily increase in a national security problem. We may as well just shutdown DHS, Border Patrol, and ICE because they have now been left toothless in a fight against a foreign invasion. This isn’t legal immigration this is AN INVASION!

These are “migrant workers” these are people from over 150 countries invading America through its southern border.

Rodney Scott who was the Chief of the US Border Patrol under Donald Trump and Joe Biden saw the futility in this fight and retired in August.

Chief Scott said the following:

“There is no Adult Dialog coming from this Administration on the subject of Border Protection”

He went on to say that, as reported earlier this year that contractors have materials to finish the wall but are being paid up to $5 Million a day NOT TO BUILD IT! The administration offers no reason, just which they aren’t building it. There will be no negotiation on the matter either.

HHS offers no help either, the Administration is actively transporting illegals into interior America with no Covid Vaccines and in some cases no testing at all! But Joe demands everyone gets the vaccine as far as anyone connected to the federal government and all first responders.

If we let this craziness to continue Biden will totally destroy this country in just 3 more years. Even Democrats are now questioning the direction he is leading us.

Video here:

Video from Rodney Scott:


Anonymous said...

This is a very scary path that we are on!

Robert L said...

Banana Republic as in denied medications that work to prevent and treat Covid-19, instead it's forced protocols in hospitals that are killing people in alarming numbers. It's criminal!

Bud S said...

I don’t think it’s going to take 3 years