Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Ex-President of Greenpeace Explains How the Left Hijacked His Group


Ex-President of Greenpeace Explains How the Left Hijacked His Group

Al Ritter

It didn’t happen overnight, it happened a little at a time. Once Greenpeace helped stop nuclear testing, once they helped to stop the killing of Whales on an international basis, the left saw them as a useful tool. Patrick Moore is the co-founder and Ex-President of Greenpeace.

The left, as he states was far better at politics than he was, his mission was for humanity, but theirs was about power.

The leftist movement headed by Al Gore, at that time was in full swing but they needed a vehicle to move forward, a rubber stamp if you will, and they saw Greenpeace as that vehicle.

The left already had an arsenal of scientists on a political driven payroll, and they played it to the max. Slowly one by one the theories were debunked, the biggest being the “hockey stick” graph.

Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” failed miserably as more and more disinformation came to light. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has proven to be nothing more than a leftist political strong arm of the UN.

The left has been quiet on “Climate Change” of late. Older People recall when it was called Global Warming…and before that a return to the ice age. They renamed it “Climate Change” because they want to be able to claim ANY change in Climate as being man made. Nothing like covering all your bases is there?

In Gore’s time you never heard the term Climate Change without hearing the term Carbon Tax closely follow. Their intent was never to stop what they termed as mass climate change but to merely tax it. The Paris Agreement was nothing more than an International Welfare slush fund to funnel money to poorer nations. To show that it had nothing to do with climate change, they would funnel this money to China and India, the worlds’ biggest polluters but never require them to change those polluting habits.

Today the left has learned from the past, they have adapted their terms of engagement, you don’t hear about carbon taxes anymore, but you can be certain it’s in the 5000 pages of a bill somewhere that they are trying to ram down our throats!

In Nancy Pelosi’s famously idiotic statement……”You have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.”

Watch the interview, but be forewarned the interviewer is WOKE:

Read my article that started my blog about Al Gore:



Anonymous said...

Wake up people!What a sham!

Bud S said...

Great election in Va maybe Nancy is on her way out