Race Baiters are at It Again!
Al Ritter
Even though there is nobody in this country alive that
has either been a slave owner nor a slave for over two generations, that isn’t
stopping the Democrats from beating the drum for reparations yet again.
Champion race baiter Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is
proposing a Reparations Act co-sponsored by yet another race baiter Sen. Cory
Booker (D-NJ). Together with House Democrats they wish to shove yet another
bill down the throat of America by Reconciliation Vote.
I suppose we should be used to this flagrant violation of our basic idea of government that came into being by the infamous Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV). How ironic would it be if Reparations were actually paid in this Country due to a Reconciliation Vote instituted by a KKK Grand Wizard of the 1940’s? This was a Senator that voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
To use a Reconciliation Vote (requires a mere 51% of
the vote) to pass a bill in this instance seems crazy to me. They of course
have the vote in the House to pass this bill, but the Senate may be another
If I understand the Reconciliation vote correctly, the
ruling party is entitled to one a year and there are so rules about
expenditures that are attached, but in 2021 the Democrats removed the rule that
all expenditures have to go through a full vote in the House and Senate.
So scarily this could possibly happen on a 51/49 vote
especially with as many RINOs that still exist in the Senate and House.
You surely remember the last time a bill passed on a
Reconciliation Vote, yes it was last year and it was Biden’s $1.9 trillion
American Rescue Plan which was decided by Kamala Harris’s vote. This pork laden
bill included relief for Covid Victims which was later reallocated to Illegal
Immigrant relief.
Shall I remind you of another Reconciliation Vote……Obamacare!
In my opinion this shouldn’t even be allowed in
America because it represents Democracy over a Republic! And by the way, we are
a Republic!
Read more about the bill here:
Read more about how a Reconciliation Vote works: