Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Race Baiters are at It Again!


The Race Baiters are at It Again!

Al Ritter

Even though there is nobody in this country alive that has either been a slave owner nor a slave for over two generations, that isn’t stopping the Democrats from beating the drum for reparations yet again.

Champion race baiter Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is proposing a Reparations Act co-sponsored by yet another race baiter Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ). Together with House Democrats they wish to shove yet another bill down the throat of America by Reconciliation Vote.

I suppose we should be used to this flagrant violation of our basic idea of government that came into being by the infamous Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV). How ironic would it be if Reparations were actually paid in this Country due to a Reconciliation Vote instituted by a KKK Grand Wizard of the 1940’s? This was a Senator that voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

To use a Reconciliation Vote (requires a mere 51% of the vote) to pass a bill in this instance seems crazy to me. They of course have the vote in the House to pass this bill, but the Senate may be another story.

If I understand the Reconciliation vote correctly, the ruling party is entitled to one a year and there are so rules about expenditures that are attached, but in 2021 the Democrats removed the rule that all expenditures have to go through a full vote in the House and Senate.

So scarily this could possibly happen on a 51/49 vote especially with as many RINOs that still exist in the Senate and House.

You surely remember the last time a bill passed on a Reconciliation Vote, yes it was last year and it was Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan which was decided by Kamala Harris’s vote. This pork laden bill included relief for Covid Victims which was later reallocated to Illegal Immigrant relief.

Shall I remind you of another Reconciliation Vote……Obamacare!

In my opinion this shouldn’t even be allowed in America because it represents Democracy over a Republic! And by the way, we are a Republic!

Read more about the bill here:

Read more about how a Reconciliation Vote works:

1 comment:

Mel said...

The old Grand Wizard will be not only rolling but spinning in his grave!